
In the age of CGI, why do A-list celebrities exist?
There is an extremely consistent pattern in 21st century filmmaking, and that's that hiring an A-list celebrity (or multiple) dooms your movie to small profit margins because you blew half your budget on a single person who isn't even that talented.
Spending far more on production than actors guarantees enormous success.

Avatar did this: It hired Weta Workshops, an expensive studio that already had CGI a decade ahead of everyone else, and gave them such a large CGI budget that for that one film they were about two decades ahead of everyone else. Only a decade after Avatar are other movies starting to catch up to it in quality, and even then it's only other films that Weta Workshops worked on due to their one-decade lead.
By spending an exhorbitant amount of money on just CGI, Avatar had a profit of 1000% (about 2.5 billion USD).

Compare that with Cowboys & Aliens: It had the same premise as Avatar (but with reversed roles), had a similar budget, also had a fussy director, and only came out a couple years after.
The big difference is Cowboys & Aliens made a huge mistake, and that was blowing their budget on Daniel Craig.
Consequently it had a pathetic profit of 7%.

Movies that hire major celebrities can enjoy profits of a few hundred percent, but only if they somehow make it to big cinemas on a relatively tiny budget (a few tens of millions).

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Fat cats are hot.

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Fat goat


moar goats

Fat tats

Yes, moar Dogmom!


Can't give you more Dogmom but I have some Foxdad


Pregnant dog

Pregnant Pokemon


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I can think of no improvements to this image.

She could use a little more muscle, but that's just my preference. Kalahari does fantastic work.













The first person to post after me has to punch themselves in the dick








Got more Unbirth? I already have these two































I really don't understand why that film took off the way it did. I haven't seen it, but judging by the trailer it looks like another copy pasted love through discommunication cliche of a plot.









This nigga







May the power of weight watchers compell you









