it's 00:00 here so it is legit
it's 00:00 here so it is legit
first for fenriz
if live in leipzig isn't your first record of the month FOAD
Third for NSBM
>October 31
this desu
New DTB/MoD update guys!
Circle of Dawn and Absurd Merchandise, Goatmoon/Vril/Drowning the Light CDs and more!
Quick! Give me something to blast!
time to start off with the most pleb release possible
Where 2 cop good NSBM merch?
lel amerifats, come in morning
you'd have to be old enough to use a credit card
Fuck ye Desu!!
I'm not American
First for Czech Trist is best Trist
Got a few of my own, no problem, friend.
Sup Forums I want to make you a song to celebrate Halloween.
first reply for each category decides what I play:
>bass (if any)
Repostan / dtb / hassweg / are probably the most famous ones.
try the post youre replying to
play the recorder please
Bone Awl has returned
i honestly would but I can't find mine
w t f does that mean
(sorry for pleb question)
Join or die
go to dollar store
Nothing but black metal November
i'd rather die
it can't open
That's a cute album art.
Wish I liked the vocals though :(
Will it be fun?
It's the only fun thing abut NBBMN
keep it comfy
report all tripfags
What are the specific qualities of certain black metal songs that you look for, and hence really enjoy?
Personally I like hypnotic repetition and slightly higher pitched vocals.
Whatever I find enjoyable
Post the last bm band you've seen live
it was really inqusition/uada/volahn but ill use this post to push a local opener that isnt as well known instead
I'm starting the month with Setherial's discography, this album is really good so far.
I can see 17 different IPs ITT, where are you, cunts
>nbbmn starts only when it starts for me personally
neck yourselves
/nbbmn/ is for tourists.
repetition is great
also synth doots
someone educate me on good unblack metal
ive never even made the slightest attempt to listen to any
Leave the hall
start with Ghost Bath
t. shill
What's some good /gym/ BM?
YEEEE WE DOING IT. What's your repertoire looking like? I've got a lot of stuff from the Quebec scene, also pulling in some Icelandic bm.
for me its bulgarian and kosovar bm
>Personally I like hypnotic repetition and slightly higher pitched vocals.
so i'm guessing burzum and arckanum are your favorite bands
>kosovar bm
kosovo not a country
Lads, list some rare gems. I'm having trouble finding new bm to listen to. Also, what are some good 2017 releases?
Time to get kvlt
join plug dj
This band from my city lmao
Ea, Lord of the depths - burzum
Angry Serb detected
relax sweetie
>not being an individual
>following some Euroshit on Sup Forums
>hypnotic repetition and slightly higher pitched vocals.
Tha-norr - Wolfenzeitalter
Schattenheer - S/T
Sabbat - The Dwelling
classics, 10/10
who told you to follow, fuck off and come back tomorrow, we're having our NBBMN starting tonight
By sure to check out Naðra's Allir vegir til glötunar if you like the one in your pic, it has some of the same members and I feel like they pulled off the dissoshit sound a lot better
>Naðra's Allir vegir til glötunar
wtf user, that album is melodic as fuck
>good 2017 releases
GGUW released a new demo (just one long song), very spooky.
Repetition, shitty production, synths but not too much synths
>tfw american
>tfw starting nbbmn early
Don't bully me yuros
didn't the main dude kill himself?
i thought he died
Recs like this.
Kristallnacht being the obvious best
Wall of sound is a big plus for me, a shame most of the bands doing it are boring American style atmoblack. It can be absolutely smothering when done right.
Insane-sounding vocals (shrieking or wailing instead of the normal style) are great too.
They continued, according to someone on RYM
Guess it's a new vocalist, he sounds pretty similar though
>Insane-sounding vocals (shrieking or wailing instead of the normal style) are great too.
sounds like a bullshit publicity stunt to me. oh well at least the music is good
Yeah, think of all the fame an animal-themed suicidal black metal group is going to get from banking on their singer's killing himself
This used to be the hottest shit on /metal/, what happened?
I guess everyone just realized demo 09 is their true masterpiece
are you seriously implying that killing yourself when you play in a suicidal black metal band wont get your band attention within the scene?
from Iceland check out Potentiam - Balsyn, for some reason that album was produced by that Jonsi guy from Sigur Ros before they got big
3 different versions of the same album was a cool gimmick, I could listen to it all the time and not get used to it.
I remember there being one section with backwards vocals that scared the shit out me the first time I heard it.
Post rare fenriz
Wew lad my favourite time of the year! What've you got on your backlogs?
a lot of black metal my lad
wow my dude I never would have guessed!
Post USBM.
post off the wall shit
well it's a lot of stuff, I'm looking forward to Akerbeltz and Xantotol cause they've been on my backlog since last NBBMN basically, and I'll also be listening to a lot of Moonblood and Darkthrone
I think once new Taake comes out I'll just listen to that on repeat for the last week
and after that it's Nothing but Clandestine Blaze December