Where were you when christianity died Sup Forums?
Where were you when christianity died Sup Forums?
In my mom's basement
where else?
Pulling the trigger
on Sup Forums
where else?
Killing some unwilling sarracens to free the kingdom of Jerusalem, where else?
>tries to connect devout catholics to christianity
can't even tell the difference, can you, athiestfag?
>not a single white person down the line
Christianity has always been a religion of weakness and impotence.
"Turn the other cheek goy"
"Yes, yes, god loves meek and weak"
What the hell, (pun intended), is going on here?
Did the pope get blacked or something?
Masturbating over the book of John while sitting in a burning church, hailing Satan and drawing upside down crosses as i slit the priests throat :^)
they are refugees
of course they are not going to be white
This. They also keep spouting "muh help the 3rd world shitskins"
Everyone today lacks a historic understanding of the struggles the Catholic Church faces
The church is always and relentlessly attacked by the devil
Christ allows this to test the faithful
Right now we are at a low point before a dramatic and beautiful New Reformation/Renaissance
Traditional Catholics are holding the line against Francis and his minions. But soon this small movement will sweep back the tides and take back the church
Once this happens it will be glorious
Look at our history…constant struggles
This is just one of many and Francis is playing the role of modernist heretic cuck
I was preaching the true Aryan religion aka Mazdayasna
>What where the dark ages,witch burning, conquistas and crusades about?
Dosent the bible say that god destroyed entire empires?
right here looking at the same pictures
Nowhere, because it will never happen. Where were you when logic died OP?
I don't even call myself Catholic anymore after he did that.
If Rodrigo Borgia couldn't destroy the Church from within, that sure as hell won't.
Revelation 19:15-16
15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:
>Just wait.
>Jesus is going to rule with an Iron Scepter.
>The best tolalitarian dictator ever.
We're talking about christianity and when we think it DIED ie in modern times because all the christfags bend over backwords for muh rapefugees muh shitskins muh "down trodden"
on Sup Forums
shitposting on Sup Forums
>all Christfags bend over
I dont,fuck refugees,but yes,we have been taken over by misleading cucks lile the pope
I am white tho, I'm just a little tanned for the climate over here
We, as temporal elements have the privilege of perceiving the reality in "time", therefore we have the opportunity to redeem our sins or to be excused by the natural doubt or historical context.
Lucifer didn't had that privilege and he knew god face to face, he knew how powerful he was, he knew who god actually was and he still betrayed him, that's the main deal with Lucifer, he was totally insane and immerse in his ego that he forgot his place.
He hates the humans because we are inferior and yet we are still given the privilege of perceiving the reality in time, he wants the fall of the human race over all things, he's jealous, he's the saddest begin in the creation.
That's why he doesn't deserves forgiveness, and God is an heterogeneous entity, he acts by the simplest of algorithms, yes yes-no no, he doesn't have prejudices, he doesn't have guilt nor malice, he's simply the most complex yet less intricate thing that exists.
That is why we must be forever in debt with him, he loves us so much that he gave us his mother, he gave us his son, we are the ultimate creation of god, and we must never fear and never back down, we must keep remnant, we must be peaceful in times of peace and ruthless in times of war, we must keep advancing further into the light but keep in mind that there is no greater light than him.
The roman catholic church shall reemerge from the darkness, evade these jewish tricks, purge Islam, destroy marxism and reconquer the world once again
>Where were you when christianity died Sup Forums?
In a 400 people mountain town that wouldn't have had any shitskins if it wasn't for the church that decided to house over 30 refugees.
The urge to go Varg on them grows stronger by the day.