Sup Sup Forums

Sup Sup Forums.

Now, I never ask for help, and most of the I could care less. Maybe because I've drank about a liter of vodka, that I seem to care even smidgen.

Saw this tweet just now and thout to myself "Fuck, If I had a son, and this happened to me, I'd be scared as shit."

In b4 personal army, etc. I'm calling on the collective good of Sup Forums to help locate this dude.

Let's save a life, Sup Forums.



These people don't leave their homes, why ask here?

I'll let you know if I find him in Rednekistan, lol.

it's been a week. he's dead.
probably got himself nig-nogged.


And how exactly do you imagine us to find him? We are no wizards.

His last call was to 911. He was last seen in Orange Co. Mother is asking the public to help LAPD who don't give a fuck about anything except making revenue and killing citizens, then visiting their dominatrix to get fucked by a 3 ft horse dildo to cool down from all the roid rage. This nice looking white boy is gonna be a desiccated skeleton before he's found

I thought anyone who lived to 30 whilst being a virgin was automatically granted Wizard status.

I saw him at a halfway house in sanfran a few days ago. Look like he had the shit beaten out of him but was just focused on getting high.

Pics or it didn't happen.

so... what is he wanted for? what did he do?

He's not wanted for anything. He went missing and his mom is begging for help to find him.

Dub dubs chiggityczeched

Why should we care about white people?

>I could care less
that means that you care, stupid faggot


he probably got blacked or beaned


No, kys faggot.

Reason Taken Down: PA request with personal info from a faggot.

>never show your power level
>on Sup Forums of all places

wew lad

How does his mother's naked body look? Let's discuss payment first.

One less white person isn't a bad thing.
And if they haven't found him, they won't. They send out their best search teams for whites and don't give a fuck about a black man. Consider this karma

I don’t have a family to care about me. If I went missing. They wouldn’t give two fucks.

can't argue with that


Sure you can. If these people don't leave their homes, then that means they spend all their time at home, likely on the computer, connected to the internet, where a plethora of information is available at one's fingertips which can be used in such ways like helping to track down a missing human being, especially with the combined power of autism.

Fuck everyone

Bump to help maybe

Thanks Sup Forumsro.

I'm 32 and a virgin, but here's the thing you won't know friendo. None of us have wizard powers because when you hit 30 you're given a choice. Gain your wizard powers then and there, or wait until 60 to gain powers ten times as strong and become an ultra mega undead wizard. So we all made that choice, we're all waiting the long game without powers now for unlimited power later.

Bump, I hope he gets home safe, no mother should suffer the loss of her child.

He looks like a soyboy

Bumped. Gl op.


So what does his mom want him for?

Did he pick up a nigger? Not good thinking.

>One less white person isn't a bad thing.
>And if they haven't found him, they won't. They send out their best search teams for whites and don't give a fuck about a black man. Consider this karma

ossa lama lake 'em, mah brutha

oh shit hahaha i loved so hard, what you're writing is so painfully accurate

Oh well. One less America. He was probably going to get shot next week anyway

>shoe line
What a faggot. Hope he got killed by bunch of niggers.