Just think of how great Africa would be if it weren't for the interference of colonialism...

Just think of how great Africa would be if it weren't for the interference of colonialism. When will the whites realize that they are just plain evil and have reeked nothing but havoc upon peace loving nations? Then steal their most vital resources and technology?

This movie is an eye opener.

Other urls found in this thread:



damn white people keeping afrika down.

But user, this movie shows that blacks can't accomplish shit by themselves and need a ridiculously powerful alien material to build one semi decent city.

NIggers are so excited to see a movie where Niggers are segregated.......

>we were kangz
>get btfo so bad, you become a slave race

shit tier kangdom

Even though this is obvious troll post, you're not wrong. Nations that were colonized by British and other European nations would have done much better if left alone.

Speak truth


opening night

wow wtf



Do you see? Africans built empires and come from a strong proud heritage that we are busy reclaiming. All white bois have today is memes bout shittin down ur throat!




Can you imagine the smell in that place?

That alien material they don't understand the white man lol.

>and have reeked
>the current state of education
Thanks, Obama

Lol, when you wanna be woke but cant affford to


yes, an overwhelming smell of cocoa butter.

lol it's true, they want segregation again, they've played a few decades competing on equal ground with the white man, and now they want to go back because they cant compete




A movie about nigger played by whites and a movie about whites played by niggers whats new?


Smartest post of the day

you know Ethiopia was never colonized
lets take a look how advanced they are ...oh dear

black youth in shit tier schools are probably gonna grow up thinking Wakanda was a real thing

In stead of baiting, better sign this:

This will fuck Marvel over if it gets more attention



It is a good thing that little black kids can grow up in age where they can see black super heros on the big screen , good for them. I think it does envoke positive behaviour and is a good role model for them to cling to. However , to deny the fact that this is just another shitty super hero movie , and the fact that black panther couldn't be anymore D List super hero , like they took the concept of wolverine (man with claws) and gave him a batman looking costume. Black panther has always sucked ass and people have always thought that about him . Let's be fucking honest lol


My sides


Jungle scenes in Argentina? Why not brazil? Ya'know, where the fucking amazon rainforest is?


not sure... but #robocop would make sure they follow the law

war machine

Oh yeah! Just remember what Africa was like before the Europeans showed up! Magnificent cities with soaring skyscrapers and advanced scientific breakthroughs. Medicine that cured everything available free to the populace and equality for all! And they seldom cooked people or ate them except of special holidays!

It is a real wonder how Europeans armed with only single-shot muskets could have colonized African nations. It must be that the Africans were simply too peaceful to resist! They just kind of rolled over and simulated a dying-cockroach in front of advancing pirates and marauders!


Colonialism started in 19th century. Slave trade a bit earlier. Bringing down bronze era type cultures...
Yeah, the african high cultures. Kathargo, Egypt, and south from there we had, ehm, yeah...


Uneducated monkey

Hope they all move to Africa and search for it or better yet movie to Africa and build it.

Less chance of violent crime and cheaper...

Yes , all black people but this is the first ever all black cast super hero movie . Sends a positive message but the fact that people can't admit that the black panther sucks ass and is a totally faggy rip off of wolverine and batman is a little hard to swallow .

And marvel/ Disney knows that they are just advertising and playing on the whole kangz concept to get black people rilled up and to empty their pockets . Markets , demographics... /caring about culture.

Ah, makes sense.

They should donate the proceeds to help impoverished black kids most of which cant afford to even see the movie.

> first ever
>all black cast

Autistic attention to detail .
I am right

I highly doubt they'd be more advanced, they'd still be living in mud huts, raping virgins, banging bongo drums and hunting antelope.


Ya hes no Green Lantern.

Liberia was never colonized too

Just think how great Africa would be if it was hit by a meteor that's filled with a fictional super metal.


This movie is based on a comic book.
Amazing some people actually believe an illustrated work of friction. Are you a flat earther too?

Must be bait

That and just that weird shit smell that permeates them all.

Knowing the full story of green Lantern I realize he wasn't always a black guy and the ring is the key , but I think a black man would be the only option for a full fledge movie and is far superior to the fucking black panther in appeal and reputation . The black panther has and always will suck .

Andy you cheeky bastard

The o of this g I do t undersgand is how can a raceof people be proud of a fictional place? Are whites proud of middle earth? Seriously asking.


>Autistic attention to detail .
Spoken like a true retard.

well the europeans only colonized africa in the 19th century, before that, they only traded slaves and goods for idk shoes and other kinds of technology that it was unknown for the black africans like mirrors? and some spaghetti and iron things and these things that the blacks didn't knew what it was because they're black

They had an all black cast every where they were at had high crime rate statistically speaking.

On a related note. What a waste of a good actor and great character.

how many films about apes does he want to be in

Dem fuckin hobits be livin in the ground nigga, we way far more advance than that in bleck panther fool

fuck you brazil is great

The movie isn't even about this. That highly advanced city is only possible because of some magic rock. That entire "imagine how great Africa would've been" shit was brought up by normie news outlets.

i am sort of but only because middle earth is based around my home town

The Black Pather was released now to stur up the black panther movement its all conditioning and propaganda.

>"sorry johnny, you can't dress as your favorite super hero because of your skin color"
Fuck. That.

>tfw black panther was originally white

Man I really hate this meme. Mostly because people think it would be a utopia or high tech. Africa today would be a lot like it was pre colonial if "western civilization" hadn't interfered. Their cultural perogative and practices are balanced with their environment and resources. A lot of them didn't need to develop any more than that.

Go back to the Kremlin with your political manipulation. American youth autistic enough to spend time on Sup Forums are already fucked up they don't need this retarded shit spamming into their heads.

You're a fucking retard pal, if you want an argument against your point then just look at Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, all of these countries are on par or even doing better than their previous colonial masters, this is because they didn't have a hissy fit for their independence and when they got it they didn't ensure power was delivered into one body and dismantled institutions.

Bullshit. Colonialism ended too quickly.

Nations that weren’t colonized still live in mud huts. Those that were colonized still use the infrastructure left behind, they haven’t improved anything.

The African culture is fucked.

This film is pandering garbage because apparently black people have it worse, have you tried being a white straight male? it's fucking hard these days.

reject white science, its racist, use black science so i can go to a witch doctor and shoot a lightning bolt at you

All you have to do is look at the music industry to prove that the influx of black culture is degenerating our people.

Whoa baby, better tell all those black cosplayers that they can't dress as their favorite anime characters.

that was such a crazy movie. the whole time, I'm thinking "why do NONE of the Africans care about ANYTHING?"
it's like they have no motivation for anything beyond a bowl of food

The bad guy is also a "the white man is keeping us down, let's kill wypipo" BLM guy. OP is lowest effort bait.

How is Africa represented at all by a make-believe ethno-state populated by people who speak with Caribbean accents? it's absurd.

Blacks are excited to see Africa under White Western technological and urbanization standards. Weren't they supposed to be proud of independent development of each people by their own?

>We would have been kangz

Also, white prowess is not to be envied because it's not compatible with self-sustaining. Blacks are cucks if they wish to have cities as white folks. Sad.


If you want an accurate depiction of Africa then read the memoirs of Idi Amin Dada you small minded shitlark.

damn i bet her nappy hair smells like weed and cheetos and i bet her pussy tastes delicious.


Beucase the movie wasn't originally designed to be political. It was all made in marketing.

They've always wanted segregation. It's what Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, the real Black Panthers were all about. They just want it to be Liberia instead of Jim Crow.

This movie is a fantasy. Just like any other comicbook movie. It doesnt have to do anything with political or racial stuff going on in the background. The world will be fine, this movie will be on the same level as Thor 2 (cant remember the title) and wont leave a big mark.

Nah there's clearly a political message to the film, it's just decidedly not the SJW bullshit that's taken over the marketing and critics

crime rates when down during showings of the black panther movie

no, it is not. certainly not when compared with Argentina