Political compass thread

political compass thread

Also r8

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The only question I have is if you'd fuck a Jew or not

I can judge a man's character perfectly with just this information alone

Almost me/10

not a fertile jew

So yes, you would fuck a (this) Jew?

Strong right winged bump to save the thread

Rate me you shits

Deus vult/10

Hell yeah

Degeneracy purging acidic rain when?

Seems about right.


OP is a good guy

Right fucking now please, conservatism is non existant where I live

>legit Gandhi

I will leaf liberals in the dust

scum like you should be genocided

Ur a good goy leaf. You can be honorary non shitposter for this thread

Cheers dutchbro



Confused teenager/10

Don't understand how you can put anything else down desu. /pol picks superstition over science.


Rage against the machine

By the way

fuck off libercuck

Just playing ;p

>Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all.

What is the point of this question?

You just don't get it, man.



that shit is nasty



Fearing another coup?

A few years ago i was a lot farther left, look what Sup Forums is doing to me.

Can't wait to vote for Brexit lads.

People's Republic of Britain when?

to the right or kill yourself

>Unironically using Politicalcompass


Nice save m8

what are you an authoritarian bootlicker

It should be asking whether or not you think arts should be aimed at connecting with ones soul

am i good?

How the fuck can you think that left? Do you not see the realities of the world around you?

My answer for reference -->

Not as closed to Hitler as I wanted... What a sad day

there ya go m8

>Do you not see the realities of the world around you?

Yeah, I see imperialist capitalism destabilising the world and encouraging mass immigration to depress wages. Wages in the West have been stagnant for 35 years in real terms thanks to de-industrialisation too, all in the name of profit. The capitalist system has been on its last legs since 2008, with governments desperately trying to keep the system going. Capitalism has run its course, like feudalism before it. It will linger on for a while yet but it's firmly in decline.

Explain this

Medicine and other necessities shouldn't be sold for profit. A handful of rich assholes shouldn't have such sway over the economy considering their all self-interest driven. Giving these entrepreneurs power over the gov. and the public makes them worse then elected officers you all shake in your boots over.

>Medicine and other necessities shouldn't be sold for profit

Why not?

prioritizes the wealthy, unequally distributing healthcare. Assholes like this one fucking people over for money.

How is medicine production sustainable without turning a profit?

Angry man children who can't take a second to think about anything also tend to reject anything that wasn't a renaissance painting as art.

With a shit eating grin like that I bet

>I like capitalism except for when it works
Shkreli did nothing wrong


That only happens when you have state-forced monopolies, like that guy had.

Is that a serious question?

If there is anything on Earth that people buy regardless of the cost it's healthcare. Keeping the margins low and not gouging the elderly and wounded isn't exactly asking companies to starve.

government induced competition. Contribute funding to groups able to produce reliable results then place the distribution of such technology into the government. Fund research so labs don't have to make up bullshit reports to see on your fb newsfeed to get any sort of money, or have to turn to private investors to alter reports to better their corporations

So start up your own pharma company and stop expecting the state to save everyone's asses

So instead of having labs making up bullshit reports to private investors (their money, their problem) you want labs making up bullshit reports to bureaucratic government officials (paid by taxes)

Fucking Authoritarians.

And you expect the government to serve the greater good? We've seen the corruption come out of all orifices the government has. Free market competition eliminates corruption.

I use to be deep purple...


This is the only correct answer.

>Free market competition eliminates corruption.
look up the railroad industries of the late 1800s, those businessmen played shit however they wanted to get what they want. Clearly now we have government regulations, but it doesn't mean the market isn't played. Will bureaucracy be perfect? Of course not, humans suck by nature. But I'd be more willing to put my faith in elected positions with an obnoxious media breathing down their backs then private industries waving their dicks wherever they please paying off any upton sinclair who comes their way.


A lot of authoritarian regimes censor aspects of the arts that they consider "degenerate"



r8 me senpai



Is this...bad?

Shhh no truth allowed


What if elected officials are simply sock puppets for faceless sinclairs?


idk lol im so in between on politics, but trump 2016


You know you can save the image, right?
>using chrome

Was expecting something further right desu.

Some of the questions are too closed though.

I think women shouldn't be allowed to abort a healthy baby, but also believe that babies with down's syndrome should be aborted as soon as the disease is discovered.

So how am I meant to answer that question?

agree or disagree (not strongly)

This was not the result of being overall neutral, it was me having extreme beliefs from all over the spectrum.

forgot pic