Do you really think she belongs in the men's room Sup Forums? Why can't conservatives just admit they're being silly about this trans restroom issue? Genitals aren't gender.
Do you really think she belongs in the men's room Sup Forums...
I don't give a fuck. Its women and girls that are getting flashed, peeped on and assaulted and they are the ones that campaigned for it.
It is an EXTREMELY unimportant issue. Trannies are 0.03% of the population. They were already sorting this shit out on their own.
It is really really irrelevant. It is only a big issue now because the liberals need a new issue to pull conservatives in on so that they can call them bigots.
The only real issue about it is federal overreach. The federal government has no business dictating nationwide bathroom policy.
I'm reasonably sure that the little girls weren't campaigning for shit.
Looks like the manlets finally learned
No but he does belong 6 feet under
They would be if there was better early childhood LGBT education.
They will be first in line to once they are old enough just like their mothers.
this is a manufactured nonissue that not even us trannies care about
I've been using the chicks room without issue for years now, we don't need a law in place for us that will ultimately do more harm then good by allowing freaks and rapists in there willy nilly
fuck off with this shitty b8 faggot
It belongs in the oven.
>Genitals aren't gender.
that's because "gender" is a figment of your imagination. a made-up concept that didn't appear until the 70s, in the (((Social Sciences))) programs at (((State Universities))) aka public/government college
why can't they use the disabled room? let the cripples get raped.
pls stop triggering me with your antisemitic punctuation marks, I'm a holocaust survivor
>Genitals aren't gender.
They generally are, this is because your genitals are the things that either produce or cause the production of sex hormones that define your gender both in the current time and during sexual development.
If you have male or female genitals and you "aren't" male or female, this means ONLY one thing: your body is defective.
My three year old daughter is already confused enough with boys and girls having diffferent genitals, it's gonna fuck with her head if she sees what kinda looks like an woman with stubble pissing standing up.
I don't get the picture
Pretty sure if your BORN with a dick your a dude. If you slice it lengthwise and push it inside it is NOT a pussy.
I think the bathroom you should legally permitted to go into should be based on the gender on your ID.
"Genderqueer/genderfluid" assholes that demand the right to go into both genders bathrooms because their identity is more special than regular peoples, despite the complete lack of evidence their gender identity even exists, can stfu. In my mind, if you are commited enough to actually change the gender on your ID, then you can go in the other genders bathroom but lose the right to use the others.
Unfortunately I don't think that's how this is going to play out.
What's not to get? It's a before and after tranny pic.
I have a daughter and I worry about pervs.
Nobody gives a fuck about trannies.
Trannies can choke to death in a bathroom stall for all I give a fuck
Yes. Look at that mug. That's a guy in a dress. No doubt about that.
Where? They look like different people
That's pretty presumptuous to just assign a gender to xir like that, how do you know xe isn't trans?
That's the point of becoming a tranny. They actively try to become someone different.
So are they 2 different people? Is that what you're telling me?
milo pls go
Are you legitimately retaraded user? It's the same person before and after eating a bunch of feel hormone pills, shaving, and putting on a dress and makeup.
The real question is should the police be forcibly removing trannies from restrooms really.
And the answer is no, not unless they're causing trouble. Sup Forums is just butthurt society is going to do what the liberals say.
Why can't shitposters just stop making bait threads?
Either female word filters to feel now or the DXM is kicking in.
who actually uses this word unironically? you must live in one of the shit parts
>who actually uses this word unironically?
People from New Jersey desu.
who fucking cares who is in which washroom
> should have non-bias washrooms everywhere
> inb4 muh triggers muh privacy
>Do you really think she belongs in the men's room Sup Forums?
He belongs in a mental institution where he can piss wherever he wants.
>Genitals aren't gender
but they are vitally important for a society that has any intention of living beyond the current generation, and to that end, gender roles are important, and only functionally determined by genitals.
"trans" is a mental illness that short circuits an entire society's capacity to reproduce by interfering in the process of courtship an exponential relationship to the number of "trans" genders in the population.
Western nations have enough problems reproducing. It doesn't need to be encouraging or enabling the mentally ill in making the situation any worse.
No, HE belongs in a mental institution.
I don't get it
I no longer care. They made their bed, let them sleep in it.
pretty sure transgender is the new gay for psychiatrists, they're pretending it isn't mental illness anymore just like they did with the gays back in the 70s.
Bathrooms aren't for gender, they're for your sex. I'm usually pretty lenient on lgbt stuff but the one thing everyone has in common with each other in the bathroom is the sexual organ they piss from. If you get that bottom surgery then go right ahead and swap bathrooms you've been going to since you were a kid, life changes shit up I guess, but bathrooms aren't a gender issue.
I don't get what you don't get. It's the same person, before and after transitioning.
He was a QT before butchering himself tbqh. Would bang
>>Goes to bathroom as a man for 19 years
>>Can't into mens room anymore
I still don't understand what you're trying to say, those are clearly two different people
Mental institutions are hard to get into. I'd spend my life in one if I could, but it's so fucking expensive. The psych ward at hospitals are way more pricey
Why are you saying you don't get it when what you actually mean is you don't believe it?
What's with all the weird symbols? Your not editing wikipedia.
I tracked down the source for you by the way.
Isn't infallible proof, but seems to me like it's real.
>The federal government has no business dictating nationwide bathroom policy.
Wrong. Any time any one group of people is discriminated against, then it is in fact the job of federal government to step in and protect the individual right's of all U.S. citizens.
We are all created equal. Remember?
They should just label toilets with a "Functional Y chromosome" or "No functional Y chromosome" sign. That would end all debate right there.
Now show me that failed mess at age 40, assuming he doesn't kill himself before then, and tell me that women won't be screaming to throw him back in the men's room.
they age like women if they stay on hormones, ya cuck
Do I think people who pass should use the bathroom they look like? yes
Do I think people should use whatever bathroom they "identify" as? no