Hey Sup Forums do you know any riddles?

Hey Sup Forums do you know any riddles?


Guess who's the biggest faggot IIT.

do you know russian?|

Some months have 30 days and some have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?


>Guess who's the biggest faggot IIT.

>do you know russian?|

>Some months have 30 days and some have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?
all of them

What has hair and leaks when something bad happens?

What has 3 eyes 10 legs and can run faster than a cheetah

wrong you brainlet
please sudoku yourself

Here's one

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who carried his brain in a bucket
When people would ask why
He would turn to them and cry
"I don't need my brains, so fuck it!"

an eye?

why does OP suck excactly 35 1/2 dicks a day?

Not a burden for its weight and daily carried out,
He who takes it wishes it had never come about.

A shit?

You've just died and you're standing at the doors of afterlife. Both doors look identical, but one leads to Heaven and the other to Hell. Saint Peter is standing before you with two keys in his hands. One of the keys is shiny and gold, and the other key is made of iron and looks rusty and tarnished. Saint Peters says to you "One of these keys unlocks the door to Heaven, while the other unlocks the door to Hell. Whichever key you choose will be your destiny."

Which key do you choose? The shiny gold key, or the rusty tarnished iron key? And why?

This seems like a variation of the Montey Hall problem, no?

Is there perhaps a third door with a goat behind it or something?

Some are quick to take it.
Others must be coaxed.
Those who choose to take it
gain and lose the most.

It has no similarity to the Monty Hall problem apart from the door aspect.

What is red and touching ?


Twice four and twenty blackbirds were sitting in the rain, I shot and killed a seventh how many did remain?

why the goat nigga just why?


Autistic shot in the dark.

Rusty one leads to heaven, as intense heat from hell keeps the metals pure and shiny and the alloy clean from dirt.

Rusty one is clearly been oxidised in water which means its been on a cloud or exposed to humid conditions (cloudland)

Again such an autistic response but eh.

What? you have something against goats?

Aww dam

I hear a lot
And I say a lot
Few ever look for me
And even fewer ever hear me
I hide in plain sight
Whether its day or night
To help is all I want
But most like to bend me
And as if they had a wand
Never again shall anyone find me
They do this to control
Without realizing the high price of a soul
But when I’m least expected
They’d rather be protected
For there shall be no place to hide
What am I?

Ok, so I'd say the rusty key leads to heaven. The reason is probably because of something like

People who want to go to heaven are humble and it's unbecoming for heaven to have something golden and beautiful because of "muh humbleness" Also, because it's ironic that heaven will have a shitty key.

Alternative answer: we are all predetermined to go to either heaven or hell so it doesn't matter which key you choose, it'll lead you to the door that you are meant to go to.

>assumption: No one key can open both doors

Alter boy :^)

That's pretty much it.

The rusty one leads to Heaven. It gets used so little that it has rusted and tarnished. Whereas the gold one gets handled so much that it stays shiny.

I made up the riddle yesterday while laying in bed but I realize it's pretty obvious.




the truth?

Hmmm, so you're implying that most people go to hell, then?


He comes to bedsides, icy bridges,
battlefronts, and crumbling ridges.
When he comes, he comes alone,
taps a shoulder, then is gone.


A cheetah and a half



Dead men eat this all the time
But living men who eat this die slowly

No sorry

but dickdick


My wife.


Blonde locks had I in my early days
Millions did I call brother
But now my star has faded on
And I do battle no more
Who am I?

a baby sucking a razorblade

Bingo, meng

Has a mouth,
but cannot drink.
Has a head,
but cannot think.
Has a tongue,
but not a lung.
Some are held
and some are hung.

no, dickdick



Why shouldn't you tell secrets in a farmer's field?

my asshole

because they will rape your daughter?

I don't have a daughter anymore, also no.




A bell.

Twice 4 is 8
and 20, so 8+20=28.
A seventh is 1/7. 28*1/7=4.


Gimme a hint please?

No, incorrect


What day will you never see again?



g'night lads


rip if true


I used to be the light of your life,
I’d keep you warm while I cried,
Now I’m forgotten and tossed away.

What am I?

That's not a riddle, dumb ass.

Fire or candle

Your own children, you MONSTER!
How could you throw them away like that!?!?

it was a candle

For some, I am used to get around.
I never even touch the ground.
Sometimes I fall and sometimes I float,
If I’m in the air, then take note.

What am I?

Because the corn has ears!! Amirite?

Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I’m double, I’m single,
I’m black, blue, and gray,
I’m read from both ends,
And the same either way.

What am I?






I lack much reason, but often rhyme,
And require logic to pass the time,
To get the words to tell your kin,
Look for clues that lie within,
Though all are different, they act the same,
The answer is practically in the name.
What am I?

I thought that too except for the blue, black and grey thing threw me. What the fuck

ahhh 4 then

>Twice four and twenty blackbirds were sitting in the rain, I shot and killed a seventh how many did remain?
a seventh, they're all dead, the rest flew away


I’m a six-letter word. If I did not exist, you wouldn’t either. With my first letter omitted I’m an alternative. The last three letters are feminine. The first four letters make an insect.
Who am I?



I am king of kings
the biggest planet

What am I?


No other guesses on this one?

Hint: It's an actual person

llol yes

jennifer lopez



Lighter than what
I am made of,
More of me is hidden
Than is seen.
