What is your opinion on Mexicans in The United States of America , legal and illegal
What would be your plan to better the United States ?
Mexicans in the United States of America
Legal = OK
Illegal = Deport or Kill
Legals are fine, get the illegals out of here. If you want to come here, follow procedure. If my zero education parents can become legal citizens I don't see why anyone else can't.
This. It is not illegal to kill illegals, so all illegal criminals (guilty of more than border hoping) should be put to death, and we give betas their choice of the women
My sister got arrested and deported for overstaying her visa in the U.S. and we're white Canadians.
American law should be enforced equally on all people regardless of their colour or national origin or potential for generational gerrymandering.
Not White so they have to go in accordance with the 1790 Naturalisation Act, which is the only valid immigration legislature.
Yeah, I don't know why this is so fucking difficult for libcucks to understand. They are here ILLEGALLY. AS IN BREAKING THE FUCKING LAW and SHOULD NOT FUCKING BE HERE.
It's not racist (because hispanic isn't a fucking race to being with), it's simply a matter of the rule of law. Jesus Christ, how goddamn stupid are these people!! If someone illegally moves into your house, you call the police and they are removed and charged with criminal trespass. This is the same fucking principal, just on a national level.
Goddamn, the level of cognitive dissonance, rationalization and outright delusion needed to deny the simple basic fact that they are breaking the law by being in this country is simply fucking breathtaking.
Deport them and let them go through the legal and, admittedly, onerous process of getting here legally. Jesus, how goddamn unfair is it to all the people who do it the right way that some people think that just a group of people should just be allowed to stay because MUH FEELS.
Imagine you want to save the refugees ... so you also let in the people they are fleeing from. That's current immigration policy in the West.
There have already been multiple women who fled here from the Cartels, only to discover that Obama thought it was okay for them to be raped and murdered, and let their attackers escape back over the border.
We are not the ones who hate Mexicans, liberals are.
Legal= Parents who want to instill values on their kids by showing them a better path
Illegals= Parents with no regards to the countries laws and hate on whitey cause dey be racis.
>it's not illegal to kill a person in the US
>this is how retarded cumskins are
We need to start replacing you all even faster tbqh
Literally the opposite
The right to life applies to citizens. Killing illegals in a same society would be little more than animal abuse
A sane society wouldn't have people like you buckaroo
I agree, I hate being part Hispanic :'(
>unironic mop
>He thinks that those projections are going to hold true
Race has nothing to do with being mentally healthy or not whyteboi
Fuck, maybe it does.
Whites and Asians are the ones always going crazy.
Who will feed you and sustain for you a society that's above a 15th century standard of living?
I hope they increase tbqh
shouldn't it be scrooge and not donald?
>Them = Donald Duck
>Me = Dancing guy when the wall goes up.
That is true, because Human brains are more complex than negroids
Commercial farms with hispanic workers and machinery, same shit as today
So you admit there is something deficient in the minds of white and asian men?
75% of mexicans I have met I don't like but the remaining 25% are okay
If they are so proud of their "heritage", then why do they consider going back a bad thing?
>getting a pity date
come on compadre no girl is worth your dignity
Any who wave the Mexican flag and claim U.S. soil is Mexican territory deserve to be shot
Legal born Mexican intelectual here with out illegals the economy would come to a screaming halt and that's just the fact of the matter
No, but PCs mess up more than calculators right? This is because they're much more complex. Same thing goes for brains
white people cant be oppressed you racist
When did high school faggots start making big signs to ask girls to prom? Why do they think life is a shitty 80s movie?
Depends what you're running on the computer.
The shit 80s movies idiot
Oi yes goyim, you need us coming into your country or your economy will fail, Mexicans are a hard working people
We all saw those movies when I was in high school too; and none of us did this shit. Fuck off faggot.
Not really, I've never seen a calculator screw up, and I'd be willing to bet you haven't either
Any affiliation with La Raza or a kike, and they should get killed on sight. It's sedition, plain and simple.
They're "natural cristians" and "natural americans"
Hey you, pick up that mop and get back to clean. You dont clean
They get gibs here. Make it unlawful to give gibs to them and enforce that, and I bet you'll get a chimpout.
holy shit that guy looks like he's in his mid 20's wtf lol.
Must be a 2000's thing
I have actually
Basically, your analogy is shit
All Americans are mixed
Yeah, but it's not. When something has more functions, it is more likely sometHing will go wrong with it
>Mexicans suddenly respect US law when it suits their interests
I can't wait for the Holacaust this November when all of subhuman bean niggers will be rounded up and Mexecuted like the animals you are.
>All Americans are mixed
Not me. DNA test confirmed. And my family has been here since the 1600s.
I don't understand the logic, being an illegal immigrant is cool now?
>If my zero education parents can become legal citizens
How did they immigrate legally? It's essentially impossible for someone with Zero Education to immigrate legally.
that is nice view, better than the shithole that is Mexico right now. Would pay for that
Sure thing Cletus, this will be you in a few months
Whites don't have more functions, you niggers just have a screw loose somewhere.
They are but only because of race mixing.
It was hyperbolic idiot, most Americans are though
Think the country side would be most comfortable to live during a winter, looks comfy. Though the city must be interesting too
But they do, name one thing mentally niggers can even compete with humans on
quarter Mexican here
beaners need to fuck off, stop waving the bean flag that country sucks dick, America is clearly superior in every way.
stop attacking people, stop dealing drugs, stop being la raza burritoniggers
its all just so fucking shameful
After moving from NYC to San Francisco, Mexicans are a HUGE improvement from blacks.
this. I've met and been friends with tons of mexicans who are great people.
You act like there's a distinction, there's not.
Now, you tell me why whites are always chimping out on everyone?
They probably didn't immigrate legally. My dad came here as a teen and worked his ass off and eventually got citizenship. He hates illegals that don't bother to gain citizenship or benefit the US. He raged when I showed him yesterdays riots.
>>whites always chimping out on people
Silly nigger. White people can't chimp out. It is litterally in the name; CHIMPS chimp out.
Some of the hardest-working people I've ever met were Mexicans, at least some of whom were here illegally. No way white, virgin, hyper-spoiled alt-righters could do a tenth of what they do, or be a tenth as moral.
That said, the solution to Mexico's financial problems is not a free ticket to the US for all its citizens. The US needs to work aggressively with Mexico to build up its middle class and its domestic economy, starting with priority numero uno: breaking up the domestic monopolies that are strangling competition (looking at you, Carlos).
>2 greasy white edgefags start the whole school shooting shit
>kill their teachers and fellow classmates like chimps
>even look chimpish
Whites a shit
That's being a hypocrite though. He was an illegal and cheated the system. He's no different from any other illegal. You're an Anchor Baby
Oh look another case of whites being far better at sometHing than niggers. Ever see an angry nigger plan a mass shooting? No because they're impulsive, no foresight, again they're the calculator to the white's computer
>he's proud his people kill others needlessly
>he's proud they're so autistic they spend days planning how to kill the most amount of people
Whites should be gassed tbqh
Nice strawman. I'm proud that whites are able to do whatever they're doing correctly, nefarious or not. I'm not endorsing it, just saying they were more successful than a nigger would be
shitskin detected. Either get with the program or face reality. This isn't your country, your lazy ancestors didn't do shit to make sure you had a future in your own country, do them a favor and fuck off back there so you can do it for your children.
Have you ever read Mexico's immigration laws. Naturalized citizens even have limits on how much land they can own.
Fuck them.
No, I'm going to stay here, fuck, and have kids who will be here even longer than me.
Their whole operation fucked up though, they failed.
None should be eligible for welfare, neither for them or they children
Illegals should be in a database and deported on first felony.
And when you have gang problems or mexican nationalists like in San José, it should be considered an intrusion by foreign agents and met with great force
Tldr: abolish the female vote
You're going back. And I look forward to tossing your ass over the wall myself.
Sure you will. Keep telling yourself that mexishit. You'll hate your life after you're watching the USA progress while you sit in a mudhut with your shitskin children. Keep trying though, the more you worthless chimps resist the more people want to kick you out.
I'm not disagreeing, but let's see a nigger get a higher score
Sure thing breh
I don't have to keep telling myself anything, it's simply the way it will be
I view the nation of Mexico as an unofficial enemy of the United States, and so naturally I view Mexicans in America as a potential fifth column to be regarded as such. And frankly, I do not believe that they are assimilated, and so we should not treat them as equals.
Seriously, it's going to be great to watch you sorry fucks get deported.
Most have failed to assimilate.
Well never know because only whites do these things user
Why would I be deported exactly?