>Jews on Twitter start putting parentheses around their own names
>They are voluntarily wearing the modern version of the gold star
>Jews on Twitter start putting parentheses around their own names
>They are voluntarily wearing the modern version of the gold star
They neutralised your retarded "JOOOOS" meme.
Good for them.
All this does is prove that there is a jewish conspiracy. What the fuck are they thinking?
What a time to be alive. It's only just started.
lmfao at the scottish good goy
Sup Forums, who's more stupid in the US, liberals or neocons/cuckservatives?
They did the exact opposite though.
>(((gold star)))
fuck of shlomo
Reminder that Jeffrey Goldberg fled the Manhattan publishing shtetl for Israel on the grounds that he did not feel safe (surrounded by highly over-compensated, Ivy League graduate coreligionist colleagues). The other Jews pretty much laughed at Jeffrey for claiming this and Richard Ben Cramer published it in an article.
Oh Sup Forums, I'm so proud of you today.
Neocons are out of touch, liberals are out of their minds.
Cuckservatives, at the very least liberals are consistent in their need to destroy America. The Cuckservative will try to pander and appeal to a 'wider base' instead of simply nutting up and cutting off the demographic genocide of white America.
Thankfully they are cucks so strong politicians like Trump can get them to shut up and fall in line for the most part.
what's the matter moshe
hows the weather in tel aviv?
What's the best thing about living in Switzerland?
Well, the flag is a big plus.
on a related note
Jews are blind to the power of the Internet to expose them.
They can't just own the local newspaper and lock-in the goyim to one set of opinions or Jewish gatekeepers. Anybody at a glance can see Jews across party affiliations, publications, continents all saying the exact same thing.
It's why they've been so slow to censor the Internet.
he he
why are they doing that?
They're really missing the point of this. It's not targeted hate attacks. These guys are so fucking self-important and narcissistic they cannot conceptualize what's actually going on.
nah, its just showing they've got a severe victim complex.
They actually did the exact opposite.
It's like having an island of people starving to death, except for one guy who reveals to everyone else that he has been hiding a large stash of food for himself
Let's set the Sup Forums bantz aside for a sec.
In which way is the Scottish guy Jewish?
All of this sounds a bit too far-fetched?
And what's the purpose of the parenthesis?
I don't get what this thread is about
Parentheses denote Jewish names or Jewish occurrences
>in an article
I wonder if I started pretending to be Jewish if my life wouldn't get significantly easier desu.
But why?
Is this cultural? Is this Jewish pride?
Who decided this is something valuable to do? Who starte this thing?
What if I start using parentheses in my own account?
Can someone fucking explain this autistic parenthesis meme. I spend like an hour a day on Sup Forums for the past half year and I have no fucking idea what it means, and nothing shows up on knowyourmeme.
But what attacks are we talking about?
it's not a meme, and it's not neutralized.
Also, this I asked:
where can i download the chrome extension?
No attacks are happening, memesters are simply putting parentheses around (((Jewish))) names and they're getting all butthurt about it
couple days ago someone made a extension for chrome called "coincidence detector" that highlights names of politicians/journalists of jewish descent ((like this))
Jews never admit anything.
They just mock you for noticing.
It started on TRS apparently
Unfortunately their forum went to an invite only system, I'm kicking myself for not signing up when it was open. It's basically a more constructive Sup Forums, without the "really makes u think..." type posts, from what I gather.
>coincidence detector
Thank you.
Sorry it took me 36 replies to get OP's fucking context.
So now they are putting parentheses themselves to avoid being targeted by the extension?
its because they're in charge now and know it
search coincidence detector, hans
Man, I read your fucking pic.
First of all, white words on black screen should be banned. Now I see stripes everywhere.
Secondly, story is sad to the point of cringe. And not "Death-of-Mufasa" kinda sad. I mean "degenerate"kinda sad.
Thirdly, how could this shitty mishap be ground for divorce?
I guess it's their way of saying hurr I'm not afraid
Lol nice try.
Funny how Sup Forums is uninformed and ducked as always concerning any actual action. The other Chan's are calling this a glorious victory.
Not least of which is that we're asking them to label themslekves and they're doing it.
Also, as for memeing, the -(((- echo -)))- looks like two menorahs.
This article seems to explain it
Guys, is this the mark of the beast?
>that font rendering
You must admit they have done the most rational thing.
They are saying they have nothing to hide.
But I wonder why they do bother in first place. According to what I have read, very few people have such extension.
>Sup Forums will make anti-Semitism mainstream within the decade
wew lads
meme magic is getting out of hand
>we are victims goyim!
>go die for Israel!
They should embrace it more. I don't beleive them.
The kike always wants some news piece about how bad they have it. Incrementally, it WILL redpill more people about evil kikes. People WILL start taking note of kike names when the worst policies and endless "RACIST" is being yelled.
>couple days ago
It's not new at all you fucking newfags. The media just caught on now
You don't realize how wrong you are. This is basically a blatant and public affirmation that Jews run the entire world. Watch, you'll see. Meme magic works in mysterious ways.
>They actually did it
>Its all real
So much for the ((chosen ones))
Soo...everyone in America will become Muslim?
regardless it's very a cool idea for a extension. it'd like to see it expanded
you could be reading an article or whatever, and a policitian's name would be highlighted in red with this little (!) icon next to it displaying stuff like "...took donations from JP Morgan in the year 2006", "tried to pass legislation to ban guns in the year 2008" etc when you roll over it.
you could call it Informed Citizen or something.
Exposing them is the next step in tearing them all apart. So many people think of kikes as "white" when it's absolutely not the case.
every time
Holy shit they are outing themselves, this is great. Hopefully someone with half a brain can put the pieces together.
So? They can put whatever they want in their twitter handles. Why does it bother you? How do you even know it means they are Jewish?
Sadly the kikes shut these kinds of things down all the time. It's where THE GOYIM KNOW, SHUT IT DOWN came from. See Ghetto Tracker.
Funny, with this one, they're going the opposite way, Streisand Effecting the hell out of it. It will hurt them more. They're retards for trying this.
>You must admit they have done the most rational thing.
No they haven't, stop giving kikes too much credit, they're doing our job for us and it is fucking hilarious.
you don't have to be a muzzie to hate jews.
Why isn't little Shapiro doing this?
The real question is McManus only has two (( while Goldberg has ((( - do Jews have different levels / power levels?
How much longer before Hollywood actors start putting parenthesis around their names with another "we're all Jews" humanitarian effort.
Whoopi goldberg
In the video, he practically visually describe our memes.
I read this.
So, according to Google, having an app that identifies people because of their views is tantamount to hate specch.
Theoretically, this is wrong at so many levels.
Suppose I made an app that brackets the names of those who have an income above $ 200,000 per year... by means of publicly available information.
Would such an app be hate speech?
Of course not. Where's the hate in such an app?
I can't wrap my head around how much those parentheses are making their butts so hurt.
Remember to ((())) your name on your CV when you apply for jobs.
Good for them to prove to literally everyone that there's an abnormally large amount of jews in media and politics!
I'm pretty sure you could do the same thing using a demographic map, that's what I did finding an apartment for the summer
No it's a little yellow star for the 20th century.
The Mark of the Beast was a little yellow star for the 1st century. Nero was Hitler because he made sure that proper Romans could tell who would Jew them out of their denarii.
It was like anuddah Shoah.
lol good idea. jewish nepotism is out of control, at least in the USA.
>mfw Sup Forums got the jews to name themselves
They found our meme so funny they had to start using it themselves. That's a victory for us. That is exactly how meme warfare works.
Start shitposting ben garrison comics on twitter to these kikes.
The memes are too dank.
>abusive neo nazi app
Pointing out someone is a jew is abusive? Hate speech?
It's time for the new mene:
8===D~~~ ADL
This is a secret code for "ADL is a bunch of faggots".
This extension has been around for a long time. I first heard about it on TRS a year ago.
Christians thru out history have dispised jews just like muslims
Sounds amazing if the thing is well researched.
Gianroberto Casaleggio, who was mainly a tinfoil hat but also the mastermind behind the M5S party in Italy (the comedian one, FYI) had created a map that allowed you to navigate all the CEOs and Boards of multinational and national companies... to show you how it is all connected.
(requires flash)
I'm not sure what this is but it's pretty hot.
Yeah, nigger dots is the closest thing we've got to ghetto tracker not getting shut down by kikes.
You mean ((BEN GARRISON))?
Well actually, the whole idea of this was to create a decentralized database to """expose jews""". They've simply automated the process.
>intentionally surrendering a meme battle
Are you cucking yourselves?
And like Russians. And soon enough like Americans.
Jews bamboozle a people; the people figure it out and turn against them. The problem is that the people are poisoned forever by the original bamboozlement.