My crush helped refugees and got raped

I came and asked for help from Sup Forums a few months ago. I asked for all the data to prove to my crush that she shouldn't go to Germany with her church to help the "syrian" refugees.

Everyone stood against me, though. Her boyfriend, family and friends were 100% and called her an amazing person for helping people with the germans' tax money.

She went there and guess what? One week in and she got pulled by a group of three "syrian" 12 years old bearded men and they started touching and smelling her. She tried to move away but they pulled her by the arm and tried to pull up her clothes.

Luckily someone saw that and helped. Apparently they are used to some misconduct from the refugees and call it "cultural misunderstanding".

She comes back a week after but refuses to accept I was right. In fact she refused to even tell me I was right and did not even talk to me for months. I only heard through her friends about what happened.

Why do people do this, Sup Forums? Why do they refuse the redpill orally only to get it through some other hole? I gave her like 23 reasons to do not go.

She goes. Gets harrassed. Won't even give me the credibility of being right.

Other urls found in this thread:

>my crush
>her boyfriend
Haha, what the fuck, man.

This thread is shit.

OP is 'my wife's son' tier.

I thought refugees leave shitholes, not go to them

They are stupid, they live in bubbles.

You don't say to them "don't go guz danger"

You ORDER them not to fucking go. One of my sisters wanted to go lit help children in Africa during nursing studies, as a brother it's my duty to protect my sister. So is this the duty of my other male relatives.

So NO she was not ALLOWED to go, none of them are allowed alone or on girl trips anywhere in europe atm.

Fucking shit spoiled all vacation plans, big senpai shit planned, all down the drain cuz fucking german commie kike merkel

She went to Germany.

Refugees don't come in big numbers to Brazil.

It is not that easy to miss the way from Germany.

>my crush
>her boyfriend
>implying she didn't go there to accept superior Islamic cocks
LOL you cuck

>Why do they refuse the redpill orally only to get it through some other hole?

Nice metaphor, OP.

The reason is because politics have entered the realm of dogmatic religious belief. It's not rational; liberals have repeated "all races are equal" to themselves day after day, year after year, like a mantra, and it's such "common sense" to them that any evidence to the contrary is viewed as either ridiculous or hateful.

It's like trying to explain to a Christian (or a Muslim) that God isn't real, and the Bible is just a pile of primitive Jewish superstitions and lies. You could sit them down, strap them to a chair, and force science upon them, but they will never truly understand.

The idea of "refugees" has become ideological. People don't view it as a set of facts and figures (high propensity for violence, illiterate, diseased, no skills, incompatible with western civilization). They view it as "REFUGEES WELCOME AND ONLY RACISTS DISAGREE REEEEEEE".

>>She went there and guess what? One week in and she got pulled by a group of three "syrian" 12 years old bearded men and they started touching and smelling her. She tried to move away but they pulled her by the arm and tried to pull up her clothes.
>Luckily someone saw that and helped


"Hey, I heard what happened to you. I am sorry that happened. That really sucks."

Or you could just expect her to come grovel in front of you and wonder why you have no chance with her.

>"all races are equal"

One of the best things about this is how truly racist it is. What people are really saying is that 'everyone is like me', which really means that they don't actually see anyone but themselves. In effect, they are erasing everyone else with their own ethnicity.

It is hard for liberals to understand that Diversity actually does mean diversity and that people really aren't the same.

>I gave her like 23 reasons to do not go.
She probably gave you 33 reasons she'd get gang raped in Brazil

I texted her and all she told me was that she did not feel like talking.

She avoids me whenever she sees me in university.

I said "rape" for bait. But if she was wearing a skirt, it'd have been. She is pretty short so pushing against two men pulling your arms is pretty unlikely. The whole situation sounds pretty scary.


Her life is kind of going downhill, desu. She was the hottest cake with great personality just a few months before the trip. Now she got tattoo, has some blue stripes in her hair and visibly got some weight. She's also hanging out with the atheist communist crowd a lot more and keeps spouting edgy shit about christianity as if it wasn't the religion of peace which tried to enrich her.

I find the whole situation disgusting and honestly I kind of lost interest in her. This whole situation has just become mad denial.

Fun fact is that she broke up with her boyfriend. Hasn't dated anyone in two months. Probably having a lot of one-night stands.

>my crush
>her boyfriend

>implying this isn't bait.
C'mon pol I thought you were better than that.

Her boyfriend was a barely tranny cuck. Full Carl type. Kept blaming the american lifestyle for every problems we have.

Knowing him a little bit they probably (likely) had an open relationship.

Also, haven't you ever had a crush, Mexico? Or do you just claim and rape them to escape the friendzone?

She's not worth your time.

Focus on someone who isn't shit.

If you want you could just lay it on the line. Tell her you're disappointed in her for not admitting she made a huge mistake. She's putting other women and children at risk by perpetuating the left's lie that refugees are safe.

If she's receptive she might be worth staying friends with. If she calls you a bigot or gets offended then to hell with her. You're better off without her, let her go.

what a fucking retard.. you dodged a bullet dude.

Are there any Brazilian women who haven't been raped?

nice b 8

lol i've seen you before on here talking about your crush. I'm almost certain that I heard you bitching about some girl u liked who cheated on you or lead you on or someshit


i ask the same about yours

>she got raped by dirty aids ridden sandniggers

I thinked about doing this for a while.

But it just sounds silly to approach her out of nowhere.

Since I have no feelings for her anymore, I should do it. At least in her birthday or something.

Yeah. The fact that she'd react this way to everything kind of showed me her real face. I know the situation was a trauma but ignoring me, a close friend, because I was right unlike the entire left which she has swallowed herself into. According to her friends, I remind her somehow of the whole thing. You can't make this shit up.

There are. Sadly no swedish in that group.

I talked about this problem in a previous thread. Sup Forums was very nice and gave me videos, images and 30 pages of documents and evidence that the muslim refugees are a mess. She just ignored us, though. At least I learned a lot.

I kind of fell for the "woman with a heart" meme because of how nice and cool she was. Today I see it was all moral posturing and little thoughtover. She just embraced the meme and went through with it. She is also beautiful, though. Like 9/10. And I'm a shitskin native brazilian half-breed (not one of the the good-looking ones)

Thanks for the bump, Leafless Canada.

At least there is a süd amerika bro who understands the pain.

Well done, Norway.

You can still take them to Switzerland, though. I heard you can traverse the whole country on foot and see the beauty of the place.

You can always take them to libertarian paradises like Liechtenstein, Somalia or San Marino.

>I tried to warn her. To keep her safe.

>being this cucked for a libtard

Life lesson:
Women don't like to admit to being wrong.

Feels bad m8. I'm a kissless virgin but I still feel sorry for you.

I'm a kissless virgin too.

She was the closest thing I ever gotten to a woman, honestly.

I was sad about this but I dodged a bullet with her. It is not like she'd ever have sex with a skinny beta like me, but yeah...

Time to put up or to use this as a reason to break your infatuation.

Tell her if she was your wife you would have forbidden her from going and she would be in a better position for it. Her man failed her, and you don't want her failed again. That is how you feel, no? Play your cards now and be forthright

If she says yes, then congrats shes yours. If she says no, then you have the reason for yourself to leave behind your infatuation with her; she was rejected your counsel and role in her life. amd their isn't a way to help her. You'll sow the seeds anyway for her to come to you later, what you are saying ia right whether she accepts or rejects it at first and your forthright expression of interest and carw will stick with her, and you can accept or reject her then depending on how you feel.

she deserved it

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA bitch deserved it. Move on OP, find someone with move than half a brain cell.

Damn bro you're a double cuck


Why would you take a sandnigger's sloppy seconds? Don't answer her calls and block her. You don't have time to deal with whores.

>my crush
>her boyfriend

something's not right here anão

Honestly, I don't know if I care enough to run the risk.

But I think she needs more alphaness. Everyone failed her. Even I did because I couldn't convince her even with so much data on hands.

I printed Sup Forums memes and even made custom charts just for her. That's how pathetic I did.

Luckily we never dated. I can't be a cuck because we never dated. I wanted it but she'd not touch me without an ocean between us.

Still held me around for extra self-estimn or for just politeness.


>her boyfriend
top cuck m8.

You still care about some girl that friend zoned you and you still insist on carrying dead weight? Sad!

>It is not like she'd ever have sex with a skinny beta like me, but yeah...

Well, not after she's experienced superior refugee cock. She won't be interested in any of you now. In fact, I bet she's booking a ticket back to get another serving right now.

I have hope for you Brazil-bro. You're already better than I am with women. We'll make it one day.

nice blog faggot

It may sound harsh but I would have loved if they penetrated her and killed her afterwards, that would be a truly magnificent masterpiece of natural selection - quite delightful to hear of, like that Spaniard who got pushed in front of a train in Sweden by a nigger

You also are a cuck

>got raped
>men touched her

pick one, you colossal faggot
are you try to perpetuate SJW rape-culture culture?
Also, "my crush's boyfriend"

Jesus, man.

drop the white night act and accept that she failed

she's not a good person just because you want to fuck her, you fucking idiot.

So because 3 men out of hundreds allegedly touched her innapropriately it means every refugee is bad and should be sent back?

My wife volunteers with her son at a local community centre helping refugees to access government support and she's had nothing but good experiences with literally hundreds of male refugees.

>using crush unironically
Porra anão

About the rape thing: She won't ever admit she was wrong. Brazilian women are way too entitled to do it. Don't expect her to do it ever, even if she gets gangraped by over 200 refugees. She probably went so she could live the good german life, but (maybe subconsciouly) realized that refugees really are shit, and decided to come back to this not-so-cucked country.

Feminism has destroyed Brazilian woman for at least a few generations. It really is a shame. Your crush should have been actually raped in there, so maybe she could realize that pro-refugee shit is actually pro-rape as well (although she would probably still be a feminist, maybe even blame herself for it),

You're lucky. One went to Haiti and got repeatedly raped, one went to Somalia and got raped and murdered. Women do not admit that they were wrong. What you need to do in terms of alphisme and framing is PRESUPPOSE THAT SHE WAS COMPLETELY WRONG AND NOW SEES THIS, while NEVER SAYING SO OUT LOUD, because it's a presupposition.

hue here
pls nuke

No, you are absolutely right, not every refugee rapes and stuff.

BUT they should gtfo out anyways even if they were angels. I don't want these genes in my country. That is what it is all about.

The rapings and terror attacks are just the creme de la creme to prove before history how unbelievable dumb and ignorant we were.

Just do it for your own sake.
If she says no then it gives you a direct and strong emotional reason to not be infatuated with her and you can put her behind you and focus on more fertile chances with other women.

And even if she says no, you will plant the seeds for her to later come to you:
1. You are rightly calling out her relationship/boyfriend and impugning his ability to be the man in their relationship.
2. You are strongly expressing interest and a willingness and desire to be the man (husband) in her life that will properly play the role.

Mist likely she will reject you at first, you will plant the seeds for their breakup and doubt on her part, and she will be open to you later.

Be forthright.


Bro I know you mean well, and you like this girl, but she doesn't give a shit about you.

I'm in a similar situation, and I'm kind of telling myself this too, while I tell you.

She has a boyfriend, she doesn't care about your opinions, she doesn't want to talk to you.

I'm sorry dude, but to be a man means to understand failed leads and when to cut them off.

Do what you need to do, son.


You have to believe you would be a better man for her.

Take this episode as an example to convince yourself that you would be a better option for her (you were right), or that you would be a good option for a another women.

Seize the chance for an ego boost for yourself.

>cuck for a depósito with a boyfriend
>pulled her arm = rape
>i'm crying guise hold me

Why are 14 year old flabby virgin favela fuckbois allowed to post?
So much cringe, this thread isn't even /r9k/ worthy.

Our Supreme Court has currently said that a woman's word is all that is needed to prove a rape, so all Brazilian women can claim they were raped and they would be "right", her rapist being thrown in jail and demonized for all eternity

I'm sure she has m8

Why is subtle cuckposting so fucking funny 10/10

Now, let's not be too judgemental. He might be an uberautist, but if we don't even provide him with some help, he might stay that way forever.

holy christ Brazil

oh lol he was joking, I was so used to comments on german media websites where bleeding heart liberals post shit like this but are dead serious about it

Aren't you cunts suppose to be machismo men?

Just look her on the eyes and tell her she that if she was your girl she would not have gone, and she would be better for it. Play the man, that's your role in the relationship you want to have with her.

Hey assclown, she doesn't need you telling her, "I told you so!"
Her entire worldview was shaken. Have some empathy. Everybody is ignorant about stuff. If you aren't a shit-for-brains, she might come back to you and see you as someone who knows what the fuck he's talking about.

ORRR you can keep pushing her away by being a social infant.

anyone have a compilation on every refugee habbenings so i can red pill someone?

Proof? As far as I know, it takes a lot of evidence to condemn a person for rape in Brazil, and it's far more common in Brazil for men to get raped.

Projecting much, fuckboy? Unlike in Sweden, being incarcerated in Brazil for rape is essentially a death penalty. You're tortured, to later have both your heads chopped off. There's a reason why our rape statistics are among the lowest.

refugee tries to steal wine and gets busted by some guys

>Luckily someone saw that and helped.

You mean interrupted it as she was enjoying the first real cock of her life.

lel good job

You do realize i'm not OP, right?

Oh Germany, you are too easy

b..but..but not as easy as poland!

You are being a pussy too, same goes for how you approach women in your life.

Bom... vivendo e aprendendo.

Vou te explicar uma coisa, OP, presta bastante atenção: Árabes não conhecem a democracia e estão acostumados com uma conduta mais rígida com relação ao social. À partir do momento em que eles vão para um país onde as pessoas desfrutam de relativa liberdade e que não penaliza de forma equivalente aos crimes... bom, acaba virando um playground.

Se os mesmos refugiados viessem para o Brasil, certamente não se comportariam dessa forma. Os brasileiros são bastante entrosados e tentam sempre incluir todos (síndrome de vira-lata, tudo o que é de fora é superior), mas com uma diferença: Se eles pisarem na bola, o CUTELO CANTA.

Enfim, libaneses e sírios no Brasil costumam ser classe média alta e bem abrasileirados, e estou falando dos muçulmanos.

Moro numa comunidade libanesa em SP e posso confirmar. Se aparece algum sheikh de algum lugar com ideias um pouco mais extremas, ele é imediatamente expulso e deportado pelos próprios árabes do Brasil.

São muitas variáveis que fazem um muçulmano civilizado ou agressivo, o que acontece nos países desenvolvidos é basicamente fraqueza do povo local e notável colapso da cultura.

Espero ter esclarecido um pouco, e lamento pela garota. Sou libanês e sei do que falo.

My calling BR women entitled cunts? How is that even "being a pussy"?

I don't beta around with chicks, calling them my "crush" when they have boyfriends and shit. I've always been pretty open with my gfs, never changed opinions to impress women and shit

>my crush's boyfriend
>she refused to even tell me I was right
Holy shit dude this is one of the most beta things I've ever read.

It doesn't matter that you were right. She clearly doesn't respect you, and sees you as an annoying little pest. If she cared what you had to say in the first place, she would have at least acknowledged your concerns... instead of asking her boyfriend to tell you to fuck off and stop annoying her.

from faceberg: stjnoticias/posts/10153471769581852:0


I envy you then. You haven't been on chans long enough to have all your empathy stripped from you.

I have been on this life for a while, friend. But giving up on a fellow countryman is not something i'd ever do.

Laugh at her, move the hell on to someone else.

Then how come our rape statistics are so low?
>"Acho que essa decisão está mais preocupada em dar uma resposta às pressões da mídia do quê o alcance da justiça."
Butthurt femfuck aside, she's actually right. The gringo media was bashing Brazil's policy on rape not very long ago, as we don't consider looking at a woman to be an aggravated sexual assault, as it is in the US. They basically just released that to feed the press.

Esse... é o post mais sensato que já li em um chan há mais de um ano.
E além disso veio de outro hue.
Tudo tem sua primeira vez, I guess.

>my crush
>her boyfriend

Its not your property its the boyfriends property stop being the bigger cuck for a woman who sees you less let the weaklings weed offand get a woman that truly loves you

That post is not even a week old, so i'd imagine it hasn't really shaped statistics yet.

>no penetration
Pick one

Brazil is everything but cucked, let alone pussy-whipped, specially with Temer's government in charge. They're just doing that to keep the femfucks under control.

Nice fucking argument sir.

Because the entitled cunt part is just a shit test that you shouldn't cower to. Yes they will aggressively hold and put forward their stupid opinions and positions, your job (if you are their jusnad or want to be) is to meet that aggression in kind and hold to your position when you are right on something important like this (lile your wanna-be wife getting molested/raped by Muslims).

OP is being defeatist and cowering to pathogical female agency, rather than strongly advancing that she defer her agency to his (as her man) on this. Same principle applies more broadly.

>Her boyfriend
You almost had me op

what the fuck man

she doesn't even give you the time of the day

she is free to do what she wants but so are you, there are plenty of girls figuratively and literally in bad days ripping their hair out wishing they had someone out as much effort as you did towards them

go out and find them

We're actually pretty cucked, but you just got used to it. Feminism is a major runing force in this country, with most women being feminists. All the feminist lies are taken as absolute truths in here (wage gap, rape culture, and so on). If you criticize any of those, the good old SJW dox happens to you, and you get fucked.

Can you really not see it? A girl fucks 33 men willingly, but somehow it becomes rape, and it is shilled as pure rape(with the media going as far as creating lies, such as that she was a victim of "Boa Noite Cinderella"(which didn't happen in neither her version nor the guys' version). My only try at talking about this with my friends ended up with a girl just saying "it wasn't her fault!!" over and over, because that's pretty much what the media told her. Also, the refugee support rate is quite big in here, and we've been increasing our numbers for the last few years. If we were richer, we'd probably be sweden-tier.

Assuming this is real I can imagine the dialogue going something like:
>Were you from?
>it immediately conjures images of big asses and tranny cocks
They were probably just anxious to see what's under her skirt.

Yeah, you're right. Also, nice dubs.

You don't even have any rape statistics. That's a sign that things may have gotten out of control

>Why do people do this, Sup Forums?

why do women do this? better question.
I don't know, OP but I know they're VERY frustrating like that.

Holy shit. This isn't/soc/.
Fuck off cuck.

>If we were richer, we'd probably be sweden-tier

Read Brazilian culture is still strong AF. Since you can't argue with feminist otherwise you're fucked you probably think that they dominated everything, but the truth is that Brazil is still like south US - conservative as fuck.

Dilma won not because more than 50% of the population is SJW now, but because people are poor as fuck and need some easy cash. Don't worry about immigrants in Brazil, Brazilians can take care of it (beating the shit out of them, like I know they would).

Além disso os muçulmanos sirio-libaneses do Brasil são bro-tier, eles provavelmente terão um papo com os imigrantes perdidos e ensinarão eles a serem gente uma vez pisando na macacolândia.