Why does Sup Forums dislike tans?
>Only cucks doesn't tan
Why does Sup Forums dislike tans?
Other urls found in this thread:
>wants everyone to be tanned
why could this be?
I'm brown already I can't get more tanned
I like naturally tanned skin, like on qt Asians, but actually purposely tanning your skin is degenerate and good way to get cancer.
You need to be white to get tanned, Paco
Tanned girls are so gross. They look sick.
There is nothing better on earth than a perfectly pale, un-tanned white woman.
Suck my dick faggots
I get pretty tan every summer because I'm half Italian.
Pic related,
Even she is TOO tanned
>had basal cell carcinoma
>try to tan again after a year
>BCC comes again
Fucking bullshit.
because it looks retarded
>At some water park
>Black dude is laying down on the phone couple feet away from me
>Says aye yo nigga I layin out tryin get a tan to the person on the phone
Fucking what?
This. Tans are for shitskins and niggers.
Here's something that's strange, in east Asia most famous tv stars and presenters are either half white or really pale, because having dark skin is associated with labour jobs working outside, where in the west it's seen as healthy
>trying to poison the well
>on Sup Forums
GTFO. If you're not as pale as Moonman then you aren't even white.
>having dark skin is associated with labour jobs working outside
That's how it's always been and is why everybody has looked down on tanned people.
Because Asians are naturally cucks
Tanned whites like Chads are alpha
Here the greasy gypsy look (tanned, gel on hair, muscular, tattoos) is becoming popular, which is degenerate as fuck.
This guy was a blonde Argentine of British descent, he was a famous celebrity here. By the end of his makeover, he looked like some greasy Turk roach.
Compare his look with the natural look of his kids.
How come white bitches have thin lips? They all lose their lush lips as soon as they turn 19.
Pale skin is disgustingly sick.
We got a lot of problems with tanned Germans here, it's a trap.
Untanned girls look like raw chicken, fucking disgusting.
The baddest song in the USA, with the baddest man in the USA! Donald Trump: Bad Street USA! Watch!
>not being a tanlines connosieur
He is an Alpha white tanned man
That's the reason he got laid and has children
Why don't you,cuckold ghost?
More alpha tanned white males:
>George Clooney
>Robert Dowmey
>Marlon Brando
>Leonardo Di Caprio
>mfw I'm black
Eugh, that is nasty.
tanning leads to skin damage and premature skin aging.
>(tanned, gel on hair, muscular, tattoos)
pretty much what was popular in Puerto Rico in the 80s and 90s when my dad was my age.
He actually still wears the gelled back hair, white t shirt and Fonsi like bullshit. At least it fits in where we live, with all the other king of the hill type men with Harleys.
He was also a faggot later in his life. (As in gay)
If I was your father I'd be worried user.
It's ugly, someone is promoting this degenerate shit.
What is degenerate about it?
Its just how old people dress. what you're describing and I'm picturing is just dad fashion.
If you wanna see degenerate, young guys in Puerto Rico now go completely hairless, shave their chest and legs and armpits. super gay.
Tans from working, or being out in the sun doing some sort of activity, are fine. Tans from a fucking spraycan, a tanning bed, or from laying your lazy ass out on the beach are fucking stupid and unattractive.
>Not liking tans
I could handle the ironic Milo worshiping but this makes Sup Forums officially gay.
Pale woman is a sign of low iron
Low iron is a sign of blood loss
Blood loss with no visible injury is a sign of...
A great period and massive fertility!
who /fitzpatrick type 1/ here
Pic related loves brown cock
>exposing self to the UV jew
I'll stay in my comfortable cool dark basement
>willingly make your skin look like shit
I never understood why people did this.