What is this weird shit in my armpit?

What is this weird shit in my armpit?

Possibly some form of polyp?

Gay aids

That's definitely it. Thanks, didn't know the word for it (or what is was even)


That is cancer. Get to the doc fast. I am not joking.

Double gay AIDS with a side of genital warts.

Armpit nipple. For when you birth triplets.

tie the base with a string and it falls off leaving no scar.

That's a compound superfluous nipple.


That looks so cancerous

You got the herps, faggit.


How quickly did it pop up OP?

Seriously this guy could be right. It looks abnormal, red and sore. Go to a fucking doctor. How hard is it to see a doctor seriously? Are you Amerifag?

Go to the doctor even though this chart seems to be on your side OP.

This...for real...!

its melanoma , cancer , and not even joking ,
i'd like to make a joke , but you really need to see a dr .. and now


I've been to the doctor once before with this shit, but it took so long for me to get an appointment with the skin doctor so it sorta disappeared. Now it's back. I will go to the doctor again, maybe they'll freeze it off?

Did you spill some jelly on your nipple?

Kinda looks like melanoma actually. Once it metastasizes or invades >1.4mm you're chances of survival are pretty bad, might consider getting it checked by a dermatologist.

literally looks like the bubonic plague.

This is morgellons disease and is very serious.

No it doesn't faggot...

That isn't even a real disease my dude

you have months of radiation and chemotherapy and years of recovery ahead of you

bubo is the swelling of the lymph nodes. It is found in infections such as bubonic plague, gonorrhea, chlamydia in lymphogranuloma venerum, tuberculosis, chancroid or syphilis. It is similar in appearance to a huge blister, and usually appears under the armpit, in the groin or on the neck.

lymphoma circumscriptum

kek. op is stage 4.

Morgellons is serious.

He is The One.