Old thread 404'd

Old thread 404'd
As a refresher, The yellows minds were taken over by the blues at the cost of the blues ability to walk. Meanwhile the greens are having babies left and right. The red are still dead and may still be resurrected by a quads roll in their name

Also, the rules:
Each team gets one action per turn.
That action is determined by the first dubs get for that team.
Dubs get a simple action
Trips over rules dubs
Quads or greater gets an advanced action.

And Yes, The Blues and Greens are the same fucking team now.

All yellows cut off their genitals. Every single one.

*Blues and Yellows


Explain, since there were no GETs involved in that roll

the blues set up a social hierarchy with them on top as a ruling class, the greenstrong in the middle as a merchant type class, and yellows on the bottom as a slave laborer class.

Revive red

The blues got the get to take over the minds of yellow.



They already used their turn on tigers


The yellows use all their metal to construct armor for the blues

The Yellows used their last turn to kill the tigers


Red start to spawn from the mysterious portal inside of the temple

The red are back but they can’t remember how to breed and lose any instinct of survival.



Yellow cucks


OP didn't pay attention

fuck this thread

build cybernetic legs (they can walk again)

Yellows break free from the blue's mind control and rebel.

OP paid close attention. OP made compromise based on the gets OP was given. Fucking deal with it


green king turned out to be homophobic. he murdered half of his population (gay guys)

greens do a tribal dance which involves a sickly old man spraying diarrhea on the rest of the tribe.


greens realize they outnumber the blues and wipe them out.


re roll

OP didn't pay attention

FuCiNg DeAhL WeTh EHt




Blue kills themselves like red in a gay ritual

Re rollingu




Fuck you yellows. Waiting on green






The Yellows built armor for the Blues
The Greens tribal leaders sprayed each other with diarrhea. I dont know what difference the diarrhea makes

Blue can't do anything right now. They're possesing yellow

greens discover god who makes them 15feet tall



counter roll
i was green dream

So who is who, cause blue is yellow, green is blue, yellow is green and they're all the same tribe so waht's the point

browns invade

Some of the blues from home go to explore the ruins of the red temple

being covered in diarrhea gives the greens superhuman strength and speed

Boi, the blues are fokkin crippled.

They're also all red at the same time I think

blues can walk again

green gets infested with gweens that look just lIke a normal green but are more clever and hell bent on destroying the green race.

re roll

Naw blue is controlling yellow, green is just kinda chilling as abominations, and blue is controlling yellow as mentioned. Two controllable entities: yellow and green

I guess they dragged themselves over there because they can't walk


Greens have more kids


greens poison yellow's crack cocaine. 40% of yellow population dies from poisoning

Yellow breaks free from the mind control ald commit a massacre among the blue as vengeance

OP here,
To Clarify, The Blues are controlling the Yellows but the blues cannot walk. If the blues start walking again than the yellows will be free.

The Greens are Independant

The Reds are just fucking dead

The greens dedicate their lives to carrying the blues who are not possessing the yellows

yellows learn to break free from blues control and forgive them to make an inter-colour tribe


ThenFreed the yellows and made the blues walk again

are you shiting me

Yellows concoct a potion that gives them their ability to walk back, puts it in drinking water, kill a bunch of nigger blues as revenge

rerolling for poison

Come on supergreens

wow, you are dumb
blues can't walk, and yellows are possessed by blues.


If yellow are posessed to a point that they aren't a tribe, then yellow doesn't exist.

If yellow doesn't exist, why did OP proclaim them as a tribe?

Boy you are really fucking dumb

Yellows cut off their sex organs


Greens create a castle up north

Greens are now super powered

Yeah sorry just curious how do you pixel by pixel?

Roll this

warning! warning! huge revolution in the green society. 50% greens turn againts their king and join the yellows and crippled blues

Reroll let's decorate the map a bit

rolling to start a new civilisation called purpleia filled with purple bois

greens send one of their best soldiers, kanye west, to kill off the crippled blues

The Blues have relinquished their control over the yellows and have begun exploring the Red ruins.

The Greens now have diarrhea fueled super powers.

I use a program called GraphicsGale. I place each pixel by hand.

Greens reproduce some more

Forgot to upload the fucking map

Blues are eaten by hungry turtles, yellow are free once more

Forgot the photo

greens use their vastly superior strength to enslave the other tribes

Greens discover an ancient red amulet that grants invincibility to its wearer

Yes but how i can't find the tool?
