>look at my African American over there
What did he mean by this
>look at my African American over there
What did he mean by this
thats his nigga, duh.
Look at that person who is african american
he's a fucking autist. His ship is sinking... theres three stories just coming out about how he fired veterens/actively serving reservists from his "businesses" for absences.
This board is going to mass an hero and it will be glorious
He meant 'Look at that black man there'
if he had said 'Look at that white man there,' or 'look at that man there,' nobody would know who the fuck he's talking about.
Fun fact: Black people are a minority in the US. By saying 'African American,' it made things 10x easier for the crowd to see just who the fuck he's talking about
He acknowledges black people support Trump
i am being PC so all you pussies know that i am not a raciest, and blacks support me to... because the literally do, to the point where they fight KKK members trying to protest my rallies.
Watch the speech and make your own informed decision you dumb fucking Jew Shill.
"There are niggers that are supporting me despite what the media tells you"
>they fight kkk members trying to protest my rallies
holy fuck people literally believe this.
That's AWOL in the military. Who gives a fuck?
>mfw nothing will disrupt the rise of trump
>mfw you and the other bernout cucks at reddit will commit mass suicide after hillary wipes the floor with bernie.
The media doesn't say all black people don't support him. Just the vast majority. Which is true.
He meant "let's surround my campaign with sticks and branches, then pour gasoline on it and burn it to the ground."
These moments are going to happen over and over and over and over.
What the fuck are you talking about? The absences were them being deployed. A fucking leaf.
>says increasingly nervous man for the sixth time this year
Not sure you know how that works...
If those employees present no official orders, then this is a no case.
More Media hysteria...
He singles out and points out Mexicans, women and veterans in the crowd all the time.
Who gives a shit?
more votes for trump
you are going to jail hillary
last 2 digitis determine how many years
>mfw clinton has just started a surge
>mfw trump is imploding and looking moronic in nearly every speech he's ever made, but more so now
>mfw there's literally nothing he can do to improve his numbers with anyone except those within his base, that are already voting for him
cnn has been beating and attacking relentlessly for months. Almost enough for me to drag my ass down to the voter both out of spite.
He really really REALLY wanted to say "look at my nigga over there" but he caught himself at the last moment. Keep in mind that in the context, nigga of course would be used in a sort of brotherly or affectionate connotation. Won't stop the liberal spin wagon though
He was showing off his new property.
Real answer
>any black person at a trump rally wasn't paid to be there
>fired people for not showing up
Cucks are getting really desperate now.
he possesses an african american man and he brought him to the rally
sure stupid
>fired people for being deployed
This will play nicely with veterans, who already don't like him
He smelt a nigger
Also, actively serving. Know zero junior enlisted who view trump as anything more than a joke. The hick southern retarded 11bangbangs who got sub20 on their asvabs are obviously voting for him, but in the medical BDE I'm in, even the conservative people are pissed they have no option in the general.
Don't sugar coat it Sup Forums, he means he owns that nigger and was putting him in his place.
There's nothing wrong with showing off new property. Its the American thing to do.
His slave
you even know wtf the context is?
>My bro
>My friend
>My nigga
>My dude
>Mein kamerad
Oh, but, no. If a white dude says it to a black dude, it surely means his house nigger.
100% lies
Oh no, the fucking cuckservative sheep are crying. Good. Dont vote, just like you always do. Those of us with the strength to destroy this system will continue without you. Thank you for your service, I mean that genuinely, but you don't know shit about what vets thinks.
go watch the rallies it pertains to you no talent bitch.
Lazy fucking nigger.
haha you fucking wish high speed. Deal with it, this will be one of the first elections were military turnout will be low/not vast majority republican.
So many junior enlisted hate conservatives/despise trump using veterans and AD as political props.
>increasingly nervous man
>being a traitor to your country for a $0.15 deposit into your paypal
He still owns at least 1 negro slave?
You're completely full of shit. I'm a contractor and do work for the VA. Literally every veteran I know well enough to ask is supporting Trump.
Reservists do not receive orders to report for drill.
t. Weekend Warrior
>holy fuck people literally believe this.
You really are sheltered, aren't you?
The only people who dress up as the KKK are liberals desperately trying to keep their boogeyman alive.
I do actually, but thanks. One of the most conservative vets I know got out last year. Always have discussions with him because I'm a moderate. He told me he's not voting. Of course you have the jaded Vietnam vets that will vote red, but they're dying out fast.
I'm actually on funeral honors right now and we're up to 25 since early may. Just for the 50 miles surrounding our post. It's over haha
kys faggot, please. You people are the worst
>My veiws and opinions represent an entire voting demographic
Pro tip bud, any vet that wasn't a coast guard hasn't voted since they left the service
if he was Obama he'd be allowed to say muh nigga over there
>comment on me trying to represent an entire voting demographic
>any non coast guard vet has never voted after ETS
yea, nah, you're a cunt
Hopefully you just happen to live in a cucky unit.
Come on now, you seem like a reasonable guy. Surely you realize that your personal experience with supporters doesn't have much to do with national election numbers? The vets I know are mostly desert storm and related conflicts. My dad is voting Trump because he has emphasized the need to reform the VA and has emphasized improving the treatment of veterans in this country. I'm not saying your active duty friends don't exist, I'm telling you that the vets that have been really fucked by the government aren't voting democrat.
Out of cuirosity, who are you looking to vote for?
He has 387 corporations or entities.
No way he personally fired vets. Lugenpress will say he did though.
My African American (supporter)
I'm sorry but if your dad thinks trump will improve the VA or help veterans he's delusional.
Did he plug his ears about the McCain comment trump made that was anti-POW? Or did he chalk it up as a "out of context/misspoke/new to politics" bullshit this site does?
No politician gives a shit about vets or AD. That's why I support the candidate that attempts to use us as political tools the least.
I side most with some random libertarian candidate, that isn't johnson, forgot his name.
But I'll probably vote clinton because trump is a demagogue and I don't believe he really believes anything he says.
And law enforcement makes up the other 50%
It doesn't matter if he personally didn't walk up to them, or write them a letter telling them they were fired. Surely you understand that.
actually you're wrong
thanks for your worthless conjecture
there goes dat boi
I'd normally call you a faggot but I guess seeing as how you're in the military I understand why you'd vote Clinton.
Every soldier wants a big war in his lifetime, and Clinton is going to bring the US just that.
Its ok to talk shit to the Songbird of Saigon. Trump didn't pick the wisest way to phrase it though.
Trump actually has been pro-vet for decades before getting into politics.
>But I'll probably vote clinton
Ooh I get it, this is just all a tall tale and you're a shill.
It was a joke about how they are not actually military, and no vet with a shred of self worth votes at least since nam
You treat it like a new thing as if trump is some sort of lepper, the fact that some vets are gunna vote for him triggers you somehow as well
you go girl, correct that record
>However, in the latest Military Times election survey, more than one in five troops said they’d rather not vote in November if they have to choose between just those two candidates.
cucked by the real men of the country hahahaha
Btw, 951 servicemen? And most likely senior enlisted and senior officers. They don't ask Joe's or butterbars this shit.
But go on believing a Military times poll lolllll
17 posts in 30 minutes
calm down there little buddy
Sorry swissy, there won't be another major war while I'm in. I'm getting the fuck out in December. The army is fucked. So much waste, and idiotic shit. And republicans want to throw more money at it.
I've posted it once and I'll post it again.
>I'll probably vote clinton
>muh buzzwords
>outing yourself this fucking hard
How much is Hillary paying you?
kek, we need to shill this meme harder
He meant my African American (slave)
Build wall spic. Hows that for correcting the record?
You know spics are the worst part of the military? Worse than dindus
>that's my nigga!
Yeah, why would a super emotional leftist trying to paint the military as cuck central be assumed to be a shill? You know perfectly well the military is vastly pro Trump.
Of course it matters. It's an order less persuasive for your case. Once I began considering that Trump is so far removed from the day to day executive actions of his hundreds of subsidiaries I immediately lost interest in the discussion and mentally dismissed the issue.
Others will go through the same progression. You lost man. It's a non-issue.
>super emotional leftist
you what?
read the fine print you fucking idiot nearly 70/30 split enlisted/officer
the facts stand
you're wrong
So if trump lets this kind of shit happen in a business, it's fair to assume that kind of bullshit might happen while he's commander in chief.
That's why it doesn't matter. It shows a lack of moral standing, either on his part, or on the part of those he gave his name to.
>i'll be voting for hillary
>lolololol build wall
>if I speak with their memes they'll think I'm one of them
You are not very smart.
You claim that your feelings were so badly hurt by Trump that a single snarky comment outweighs all the good he's done for vets.
You also are trying to argue that, in contravention to the experience of all other vets, all polls, etc., that the military suddenly turn into leftist central like yourself.
I recommend that next time you try to correct the record you show more subtlety.
>read the fine print
>"its probably mainly senior enlisted and senior officers"
>read the fine print; 70/30 split enlisted/officer
Does it say anything about pay grade in that article? Don't you think if it was a legitamate polling technique they'd include that?
You are a monumental autist hahaha
Or course I'm not one of you mouthbreathers. I just hate beaners as much as them.
muh backpedalling
Contractors are the only ones who actually do anything. Federal employees don't do jack shit and practically cannot be fired.
But I guess that's easy to say since you probably dont even have a job.
>inb4 you make 250k a year straight out of college and have an 8 inch dick
You work in a grossly incompetent orginisation so it would be buisness as usual for you if that were the case, but trump has a brand to uphold so I doubt he would risk fucking up as hard as hildog
Yet you vote for the candidate who's sworn to dissolve the border within 100 days instead of the one who brought immigration debates into the political maintream?
>turn your eyes to see a supporter of mine who is an American citizen and possesses high levels of melanin in his skin
>the good he has done for vets
He raised a couple million dollars. He's been a billionaire for decades now right? How much has he used that money to lobby for vets? To improve vet's lives? To aid in psychological treatment?
Fuck you. Throwing a fundraiser when he needed to win votes from a conservative base doesn't mean he's done fuck all for vets.
Clearly you can't read.
Also, "contractors do things"
>dissolve the border within 100 days
>trump brought immigration to the mainstream
Holy fuck I've never seen a trump shill trying as hard as you are.
>He raised a couple million dollars.
He's done this sort of stuff for veterans decades before this, dude. Its not a new thing.
>Throwing a fundraiser when he needed to win votes from a conservative base doesn't mean he's done fuck all for vets.
So you want the candidate who is bitterly jealous of the military instead of the one who's always been a friend to them?
Time to start faking a disability so you can be a welfare queen like the rest.
Protip: Claim PTSD or back pain.
Good job alienating voters even more, old guy
How much have the clintons raised for vets? they've been millionaires for decades now right?
Here let me save you the trouble. They've donated just $70,000
How to get military bux, user?
How about we go back 26 years, shill.
>decades before this
When? Everything I've seen has shown he's been a non-factor for vets before the past few years. He's talked shit on POWs. He's organizations fired reservists when they needed to deploy. Tell me why I, as a 68W, should vote for trump. All I've heard him say is he's going to throw more money at the military to make it "bigger and stronger", when I see first hand, how much the army wastes.
We have an entire divisions worth of people on profile my 1sg said today. A fucking DIVISIONs worth of people who are NONDEPLOYABLE AND SERVE NO PURPOSE.
I want a president who will take money out of the military via kicking those free loading fucks out, and cut down on waste, and require post generals to get their shit in order. Not rhetoric about "hurr make it so big and strong no one will fuck with us!!"
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
Federal employees are fucking worthless because they effectively cannot be fired for being worthless. As long as they show up, the union will protect them.
If it wasn't for contractors from the outside working, the VA (And other government agencies I assume) would be even fucking worse than it already is.
Again, I don't give a fuck about donations. They mean shit to veterans groups. Clearly. Many came out telling trump to fuck right off with his money.