>Sup Forums wouldn't racemix with this Korean woman to have beautiful intelligent children because of 'muh aryan mustard rice' garbage based on 19th century """"evidence""""
Sup Forums wouldn't racemix with this Korean woman to have beautiful intelligent children because of 'muh aryan mustard...
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll put my dick in any woman I can get tbqh
> tfw have had 3 aboriginal gf
>implying she didn't get 100k worth of plastic surgery to look like that
>implying korean grills fuck white men
>Whites mixing with asians
Do you want Finland? Because that's how you get Finland. And they are autistic as fuck.
there are few women i refuse to put my dick in.
>pure african black (would consider a mixed qt)
>beaners of all kinds.
>Asians in general
Honourary Master Race.
In the White Utopia, qt3.14 East Asians will be the sex slaves.
name of her?
I wish everywhere could look like Finland.
if everyone was autistic would they still call it autism?
Almost got me there cucknada. Google Korean plastic surgery
in the other hand I am planning to go to glorious Japan to become porn actor
Dude, you're Algerian.
The only time you get a woman is when you are with 10 of your mates all yelling Allahu Akbar.
i don't like gook women. they look like fish
That's harsh mate, I hear the local goat goes mad for Algerian dick.
I would breed with literally anyone at this point
Pretty much this, it is very rare for eastern asian women to look decent naturally.
Japanese included.
The girl in OP's picture is undoubtedly attractive, however most of them look like pugs with Down syndrome
I have a Korean gf. They're fit as fuck but batshit crazy. All Koreans are insane. That being said, I live in America and am really turned off by stomach fat on women so I don't really have much choice
I don't care who you fuck and have kids with, so long as you don't raise them to be self entitled twats.
Niggers, sand niggers, spics and chinks, I don't care and I don't believe anyone here cares to be rather frank.
You're right. I'd race mix with a Jap girl though. Also, I thought Chinks didn't like Kimichi breaths?
I'm starting to think leaves hate other leaves more than we do.
More than likely the Korean woman won't racemix with you.
> tfw have had 3 aboriginal gf
Gas yourself
>those soulless dark brown eyes
No thank you.