Wow, really makes you think huh Sup Forums
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I am sick of other scientist believing they are a jack of all trades when it comes to every field of science. It is like Bill Nye who is an engineer who thinks he is able to write papers on evolution.
I think you mean (((Bill Nye))).
a celebrity with a masters in engineering and another celebrity with a doctorate in astrophysics are totally experts on genetics, race, gender, and politics.
stop being a bigot.
Cosplay Billy Dee Williams and his buddy Shill Nye are such cancers.
Can't believe I used to think The "Science" Guy was cool when I was a kid.
what is it with America and ebin meme "intellectuals?"
Neil Tyson is such a presumptuous dumbass.
Kind of like how if you have a gene that causes you to die before puberty, you probably didn't inherit it.
>the replies on that tweet
pic related
Bill actually is not a yid
It's a browser addon that identifies Yahweh's chosen people.
>what is homozygous recessive
Wow (((this is like playing spot the jew in easy mode)))
>you can't have sex unless you want to
Is this nigger literally retarded? Holy shit
People tend to not do things they don't want to do
rape m8
>americans in charge of not being retarded
I identify as a kike
I mean say what you will about the people behind the messages, it's a pretty poor understanding of genetics and genes to say something like that.
You can easily inherit genes that make you infertile, for example, because it's phenotype that matters and not genotype. People possess tons of nonexpressed genes that are inherited just the same as expressed ones. It's how genetic diseases persist in the population after all.