/fug/ Finno-Ugric

kurva anyátok
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i dont want to work
i want to be a finn and drink and do nothing all day long

Well the finns have to thank their masters fennoswedes daily for the givings of opportunity to be at home and drink and be lazy.



This is sisu. It's a quality absent in non-fuggers and the reason they are to be considered lesser men.

can swedes not act gay for a second?


A very beautiful song.

My doggo did a shit in its hair. I had to wash the shit. Was not fun

fug :DDD

Ugric? More like Poogric


found out today that I have to take the medical for conscription in august

There's nothing wrong with being a bit curious. I've yet to encounter a man who would say no to fugging with the Wolverine.

Pohikutse, ea homo xDD

t. Juuli eelkutse vabatahtlik


Põhikutse on oktoobris. Lähed 8 kuu peale. Eelkutse on 11 kuud jaanuaris ja juulis

ma tean, ma lähen teadlikult kaheksaks kuuks, kuigi mul günaasiumiharidus olemas

Põhikutse mehi peetakse enamasti debiilideks eelkutse poolt. Meie ülesandeks on olla teie seersandid ja teid kantseldada. Teie jääte igaveseks reameesteks (heal juhul kapraliks viimasel kuul)

Põhikutses on väga palju osse ja tiblasid. Eelkutse eeliseks ongi see et enamus on vabatahtlikud ja seega suht normid vennad. Ossid ja tiblad vabatahtlikult väkke ei roni. Kuhu pataljoni lähed?


gg, sitaks persetamist. Midagi tarka seal nkn ei tee. Ühest küljest hea lihtne aga teisalt suht aja raiskamine. Ei soovita seda patti kui tahad midagi põnevat teha.

See aasta kõige rohkem põnevust on STVP ja LuKo. Eelmine STVP kutse käis USA black hawkidega lendamas ja swat stiilis koitega akendest sisse ronimas. Väga palju actionit oli

noh vähemalt persetan kodule lähedal

mida LuKo vennad tegid?


then you have been speaking with lotsa gay men

Nah. Everyone gets one person they can imagine themselves banging, even if they're the same sex and not be considered gay because of it. It's an unwritten rule.

Allow me to make a food analogy here. Let's say you're a vegan and eat only plants n' stuff. And just the one time you eat a delicious steak, dripping with a bit of fat, spices, tasting like heaven and all the good things that exist on Earth.
But it was just that single steak you wanted, you hate meat otherwise. As long as you don't make a habit of it, it clearly was just a one time occurrence, therefore you're still a vegan.

you are a faggot. and all vegans are faggots too

Yeah that's pretty fucking gay.

How do I kill this jew mole who keeps fucking up my lawn? I've tried every trap, I've used repellants and I even tried gassing the Jews to get them to die.

cut him half with a scythe

Buy lots of worms and put poison in it.

This is my life.

why are 90% of estonians on Sup Forums less than 20 years old

This is my life.

This is my life.

This is my life.

this is africa.

im not a vegan and i dont get turned on by hairy men (or any for that matter)

Päeve pirkka mäkeilma ränni pänni määgiri kuules mittie hevosaksa kiäli.


Because they've only been allowed to learn English for 20 years?


we studying english now 20 year. we makes progress but still much too learn. our childrens will speek english and become important people in brussel.

that's the spirit Igor!

Tere päevast! Kuidas käsi käib?

I tried to make a hungaric translation from a popular estonian pop song.
a gyengéd kezedben
velem szemben, nézlek
a gyengéd kezedben
a tüzet kínálod, könnyen felgyulladok
a gyengéd kezedben
kérlek, hallgass engem
a gyengéd kezedben
a revolvercső fényelve

becsületszavamra láttam a májvirágokat éledve
becsületszavamra láttam a természetet már ébredve
becsületszavamra láttam a májvirágokat éledve
becsületszavamra láttam a természetet már ébredve

a gyengéd kezedben
és a kesztyűd az asztalon
a gyengéd kezedben
és a képek a falon, az előtted
a gyengéd kezedben
kellene eszmélned
a gyengéd kezedben
a revolvercső fényelve

becsületszavamra láttam a májvirágokat éledve
becsületszavamra láttam a természetet már ébredve
becsületszavamra láttam a májvirágokat éledve
becsületszavamra láttam a természetet már ébredve

a gyengéd kezedben
a szemed ragyogó
a gyengéd kezedben
tudod, állsz a kapuban
a gyengéd kezedben
a holt, üres nézésed
a gyengéd kezedben
a revolvercső fényelve

becsületszavamra láttam a májvirágokat éledve
becsületszavamra láttam a természetet már ébredve
becsületszavamra láttam a májvirágokat éledve
becsületszavamra láttam a természetet már ébredve
becsületszavamra láttam a májvirágokat éledve
becsületszavamra láttam a természetet már ébredve
becsületszavamra láttam a májvirágokat éledve
becsületszavamra láttam a természetet már ébredve

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I swear to God this jew mole infestation in my yard has to be destroyed. I just can't come up with a final solution

I bet other fuggers don't have this rad music.


we have this gläm rock:

Are fug cultures in Russia going to survive?

Pls translate

mongol subhumans

(Very bad translation)

"Oh that kind of stuff :D Changing/change is refreshing :DDD"

(Hard to translate mättö because it's not a formal word and "vaihtelu virkistää" is a proverb.)

Mansi bear dance:

55 post for moving out of Estonia

Thank you!

if i die will i go to heaven or hell, or i go to manala? are things chill in manala? does somebody know?


I'm gonna take the most massive shit ever right now

I think the larger ones like Komi and Udmurts will, not sure about the rest

You'll go to manala/tuonela/saivo. It seems to be a pretty chill place

Hello. I already prolly told this but I've been drunk for a week.

Classic Finn
You'll go to hell for your sinful life

>You'll go to hell for your sinful life
this is what i am afraid of

Early christians didn't believe in the existence of eternal hell and neither did jews.

"The belief in the immortality of the soul came to the Jews from contact with Greek thought and chiefly through the philosophy of Plato, its principal exponent, who was led to it through Orphic and Eleusinian mysteries in which Babylonian and Egyptian views were strangely blended"


Good evening. Do you have hangover sometimes?

I'm skinnyfat and I fuck her.

I have 40 rivotril benzos from my doctor.

>rivotril benzo
How's the hit?

>believing in hell
>being chr*stians

They are just depressant without hangover. Makes you calm and kills ALL hangover.

we have been teached lutheranism from the age of 0

Christianity is a non-fug religion that has been forced on us by Swedes, Germans and Russians.

Why do you do it? Why do you get drunk and eat depressants every day?

Drinking non stop for a week, imagine the hangover.

But why do you do it?

i have imovane, how much i can take it without going to manala?

My doctor gives me benzos. I'm an alcoholic.

5mg per night

2mg rivatril here. Antipsychotics too, but they are useless.

are you schizophrenic?

Nope, just alcoholic. Drinking a month non stop makes you delirious.

>I'm an alcoholic.

Are you Eestis not alcohlic?

>Are you Eestis not alcohlic?
I am I fear

I drink 2 or 3 times in a month, don't consider myself an alcoholic

i drink every day and don't consider myself an alcoholic

I drink all the time. 9 days straight drunk now. Not proud.

At least I have a job.

Have you tried to quit? Do you have support groups or something in Finland that you can join?

One of my co-workers is an estonian woman. She's like a black woman in a white womans body

Yes, I have tried. I was without alcohol 2 weeks. Then I drank so much that I ended up in hospital.

Are you sober when you work or are you drunk all day long?

Everyone is invited to join this new and superior "kurva anyátok" thread.

Drunk non stop. I'm gonna call the ambulance. They will help. Holy shit I'm pathetic.

Sorry I misunderstood your question, I eat garlic and drink vodka in the bathroom.

I'm assuming you use alcohol as some form of coping mechanism. It's not pathetic, a LOT of people have been/are in the same situation

>I eat garlic and drink vodka in the bathroom.
Most finnish thing I have red today. I hope you had a good day today and will have a better one tomorrow

Nah, he's pathetic

get a terrier

Are Finns stereotypically alcoholic in estonia? Estonian stereotypes say you are lazy, dumb and alcoholic, it's funny if you think the same of us.