Tf is this on omegle

Tf is this on omegle...

It's a gun.

Also gas mask and cordinates.


roll 82 and it happens?


co-ordinates too.

Well hurr durr, the light dims every now and then. Screen shotted it so I could see what the fucks on the paper?

leads to area 51

big, if true.

Ohhh, I'm still watching it. Exciting

Oh well that's a sharp edge.
Probably nothing interesting then I guess.

Roll 82, haha.

yeah it's in Nevada, don't know exactly where Area 51 is. Thinking about calling Nevada police.

Some place in China.

What's the KF7DE mean? A tail marking on an airplane maybe?

I reckon it's just some edge lord trying to create some mysterious mystery that leads to McDonald's.

The OG internet term for that is an "ARG". And so what if it's an ARG. It's time for Sup Forums to solve one!



Coords lead here:

Light turned on

thats in the ocean off the coast of central america lol

Those new coordinates appear to be sweet fuck all out in the hills north west of LA

Also he showed a picture of a weird looking shape, looked like a dodecahedron? But wasn't quick enough to snap it

Well KF7DE isn't an aircraft tail number, at least not one registered with the FAA

Everyone keeps coming back with different coordinates? So fucking weird man.

Shit actually I was looking at the second coordinate sheet wrong. .

paper with text is SHOOPED

bad shooop is baad

worse shoop is wooorrse

now this is authentic oblivion

Saw a muddy shoe, only update as of yet.

Okay who the fuck is Peter?