What's up with England? So much terrorisme and tragedies.
Today I read about fire in a big building, maybe 50 dead. Before that, many cases of shooting and terrorisme.
What's up with England? So much terrorisme and tragedies.
Today I read about fire in a big building, maybe 50 dead. Before that, many cases of shooting and terrorisme.
its going to sink as it should have been thousand years ago
karma for their countless crimes
hello nazi sore losers
It's all part of the plan, you'll see.
We're playing 4D chess, letting the world put its guard down.
londoners deserve it so I am not particularly concerned
our karma came swift, we already paid for our crimes
now it is your turn to pay, anglo
U.S./U.K. world domination?
>anglo paying for crimes
Haha never ever, we're the exception to the rule.
not this time, evil anglo
in 10 years, you will be poor and hungry, and you will come to us begging on your knees "please, let us back into EU"
we will smile, and whisper in your ear "no"
damn that's so true, Anglos never get shit for anything they do, even our Jewish rulers often get pogrom'd or something but the Anglo always gets away with it
*cough* normans
>all this subhuman butt hurt
>you will come to us begging on your knees "please, let us back into EU"
Looking at our past record for getting away with shit, I wouldn't be surprised if we somehow turn it all around and it is YOU who comes crawling to us
>Please glorious Anglo, I doubted your ability to weasel out of every situation. Please gib monies, Jamal has taken it all
but it's true, england got so memed by the normans that their language is practically a french dialect at this point
first of all, I don't see how agreement is butthurt. second, are Americans so cucked thsese days that they shill for the redcoats?
I hate redcoats.
But they make a good puppet
>Today I read about fire in a big building
Unless terrorists decided arson caused terror I'm not sure how a fire can be related to terrorism. It's just something shitty that happened.
that... wont happen
y-you will pay this time for sure
I am a 39th generation Norman
Anglos paying for their crimes
Send memes pls. I'm BURNING ARGGGGGGGH!
and yet you still refuse to integrate.
no true brit is that tall, good looking and intelligent.
>implying we'd say no
>implying we won't have every EU citizen and their descendant on our small island in 200 years
>The eternal anglo will go extinct soon
Anglos (I meant the whole brits) are the only one people which didn't mixed with the native population in their colonies. Also they did slavery.
And they will teach us? Anglos are not even true europeans by spirit.
I'm even don't listen a lot of english music now, I prefer another languages include my native one.
Come , country loike mine can screw up, but first world nations like them and yours have so much capitel they are free from consequences. They would keep their living standards even if they went full stalinist islamism.
>*cough* normans
normans are what made anglos actually decent lmao
i dont think its unlikely that czechs will have higher standards of living than Brits in 30 years
Basically, for the main reason they wanted to leave the EU.
The Brits have quite a presence in the middle east killing ISIS, and because of EU freedom of movement and stricter entry into the US, it's comparatively easier to be a sandnigger and get into the UK through the EU and kill people than it is to get into the US and kill people.
Maybe if we are annexed by Germany.
Which I personally woudln’t complain about, resisting germanization and keeping our worthless culture was a mistake.
i dont think the majority of germans or czechs would approve of that annexation
Majority of Czechs would.
Of course Germ,ans wouldn’t, East Germany is enough of an iron ball on the leg.
ok but then we have to rename the country to Holy Roman Empire
>Germcvck is UNIRONICALLY eating the lies the lying press has been telling him about muh glorious EU, muh if you dont bow to EU you will drown in poverty
Du dummer Hurensohn Alder
well, most of our foreign trade is within the eu
so yes, eu breaking apart would hurt us a lot
German delusions, the UK doesn't need the EU
Well, it would hurt quite a bit if they hit our trade with Ireland...
A-are we the ultimate Jews?
the UK is a powerful economy with strong ties to half the world, the vindictive Germans can't do much damage in the long-run unlike in other countries
>no working sprinklers
>no working fire alarms
>coating building with polyethylene
>encouraging residents to not flee the building unless they're adjacent to the onset of the fire
>collusion with city council to keep everything under wraps
Tell me, britbongs: Is a stiff upper lip designed to withstand 3rd degree burns?
This post would make me feel better if it had come from anyone but greece.
Germans pls no bully.
that's the point, the Germs can't knock the UK about like 'other countries'
I don't think they can hurt us nearly as much as they imagine, but they could make life quite difficult in the short run, it depends how committed they are to punishing us at their own expense
this yet somehow it still doesn't seem enough, innit
God is punishing them for declaring war on the 3rd Reich
>trying to sedate us with slags
the perfidiousness is alive and well lads
t. Deutschland hat vor 1990 keinen intetnationalen Handel betrieben
Merkste selber ne
>tfw I'll be going there this autumn
I don't want to die lads
It is turning into 3rd world.
>be tourist in London
>get run over by muslim terrorists
>try to get up and run away, get stabbed by muslim terrorists
>ambulance is held up by rioting chavs
>nearly bleed to death on the way to the hospital because the Queen's 10,000 car motorcade blocked the road
>have to wait in the ER for two weeks because slavs hacked the NHS again and all computer systems are down
>leave hospital, get to hotel
>wake up to the smell of burning plastic
>burn to death because the walls were made of polyethylene
10/10 trip, would recommend
RIP old friend
It's just a short period that will be over when they leave.
And then the UK will prosper.
This. I've always liked Greeks they're good lads.
brit slags would eat you alive m8.
w-what do you think of yanks