I always bitch about being single, then this shit happens

I always bitch about being single, then this shit happens.
What's wrong with me Sup Forums?
There's no reason for me to not like her
Also inb4 underage, im 18, senior in hs

fuck off Paul Buttles

>paul buttles

Nothing wrong with you or her brother, she probably really just wanted to go with friends. Usually if a girl has an ugly or a few less than attractive friends they will choose to go as a group so nobody feels left out if they don’t land a date.

Oh you’re the ugly girl, I got you Paul Buttles.

Oops lol

"if not its totally fine" what a beta bitch. Good choice OP


clearly youre a faggot (going with some friends)

you fucked up by writing a second time and fucked it up times 100 when you took that second time writing to go full beta.

protip: when a girl says "it's totally fine" it's not totally fine
she's probably crying her eyes out
how could you paul

send her a dick pic and tell her you're sorry and want to give her your cummies

he just pulled out this girl's beating heart then pretended to forget to censor his name just to brag about crushing her
this absolute monster walks among us & looks just like the rest
we're looking at an evil far beyond anything humanity is prepared to comprehend, let alone face down

To clarify, I'm the one being asked
I could see how that could be vague
But I feel like hypocrit
Shes a decent person idrk
Nice b8

send her a dick pic Paul. for real.

this guy

for reals though paul why did you say no
do you have anxiety around girls or something?

Ask in person like a man my dude.
Don't be coy but remain casual.
If you realize she's trying to say 'no' by making a long convuluted justification like
'im going with friends bleh bleh'
Just say 'ok cool just say you're not into it instead of that'
Then walk away and go on with your life. Shit is low stake it means pretty much nothing so treat it as such.

>To clarify, I'm the one being asked

paul pls

See attached
Nah not really, I'm just not into her. I havent found anyone since I transfered schools that i could be into and dont want to lead a girl on if I dont have feelings for her
So i bitch about not being able to find anyone but then stuff like this happens and it reminds me that its a choice
Whats the problem? Am i just picky? Idk
Solid advice, doesnt fit my situation but if i ever want to ask a girl ill keep it in mind

Seniors aren't 18 in hs.

send her a dick pic Paul stop being a beta cuck

Go ahead and report, seniors are 17 or 18 depending on when their birthday is
Common knowledge my guy
My goal is not to get her, im being asked

Why the fuck are you asking for our validation then ?
Your neurotic procrastination of what you want doesn't make you any more worthwhile than every other
jack off on this planet

Idk get over yourself or something

You seem like youre going somewhere with that
Im not procrastinating anything (at least i dont think i am) but elaborate on getting over myself

eh, maybe if you got to know her better you'd end up liking her
even if you take her to prom it doesn't mean you have to go marry her, or hell, even take her out again
I dunno though man, the only one who can really know what's going on in your head is you

who cares what your goal is.
show her your dick.
if she likes it, you can get some strange on the side while you wait for a girl. who knows, maybe her vagene and open bob will change your mind. but you'll never know if you don't send her a dick pic. beta.

Im genuinely uninterested in sexual or romantic relations. Shes just a friend, not fwb
Idk whats going on in my head either, i used to be able to fall for people n shit but i cant anymore
Is that part of getting older or something?

>Idk whats going on in my head either, i used to be able to fall for people n shit but i cant anymore
>Is that part of getting older or something?
probably the wrong person to be asking on that front
my brain is all sorts of fucked up

why? is she a hambeast? so you're just orbiting with no end. the absolute state of Paul Buttles in current year.

Thanks anyways lad, good to know im not the only one
What are you on about
Im not orbiting, im living my life and shes a classmate of mine
We did a few projects together
I have no ulterior motive
We call that being friends

You want to not be single
You deny a valid pass at you
You come to Sup Forums for validation
You know you won't get it here (honestly)
It's clear you're conflicted on having denied her
Whether that reason is inflated self worth, being to scared to admit to yourself that you're scared of it or maybe it's just good ole sub conscious self denial
YOU know why.
Stop making us guess like you're Sup Forums's gf who can't make up her damn mind about where to eat lunch.

You have me until the validation bit
Im not here asking for you to validate my single status or life decisions, im perfectly content with that on my own
Im wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation and what they did to get where they want to be

they sent unsolicited dick pics Paul Buttles

You cant seem to grasp the situation but thanks for trying

Chant with me anons.

>His name is Paul Buttles
>His name is Paul Buttles
>His name is Paul Buttles
>His name is Paul Buttles

I dont think anyone cares user

Seeking someone else to say 'hey me too here's what I did' that's the validation. That's what brought you here.

Post pic of her to see if she's cute enuf

i get it its like that movie

Ah, by that definition it makes a bit more sense, thanks for clarifying
Usually people say validation as in "no its ok user u did the right thing" which i wouldnt come to Sup Forums for

Which one?



Why did you even fucking come here then faggot. You just want reassurance not actual advice. Hope a guy takes her to prom while you suck off your friends, faggot.

im not supposed to talk about it

I hope a guy takes her to prom too
Im just not that guy
Not my cup of tea pretty much
I do want real advice, but a pic won't help that. Im not into her and that's settled, some guy on Sup Forums isnt going to make me like her lmao

Tell her you changed your mind, Butters. Why be on here when you can easily fix it?

Black panther?

I didnt, im not into her
I dislike dances in general too

>Guys, I'm not into a girl, so said no when she asked me out.

Uh, ok. /thread?

But i always bitch about being single, at least in my head
Am i just a hypocrite? I feel like shit for it
Here's a more direct question: how can I find a girl I do want to say yes to, or how can I stop wanting to be with someone?

by fucking this land whale until you find the one you want. if you don't do that, when it is so easily attainable, then you are a hypocrite and a literal dumb nigger

Well good luck my dude I've said my part.

No idea. Just keep saying yes to girls like this one and sometimes they grow on you and sometimes they don't. Then say ye to the next one. etc

Thanks, ill consider it
I feel like id end up hurting a lot of people by doing that


Paul for fuck sake. You should have just went with her. I never went to any dances and I was asked. Still a virgin at 23 and I'm like you I didn't want to lead the girls who liked me along but I want a relationship. French kissed girls luckily but I want more.

Lol I'm on the opposite position, someone asked me and I said yes but I don't want to go


Ok OP i read this entire fucking thread and I am forced to conclude youre a faggot.

>be you
>go on Sup Forums
>"hey anons I turned down a girl"
>"but I really want a relationship, idk why I did it"
>Sup Forums replies how to get girl
>op say no I dont want you to tell me how to get the girl or why I am an autist, this was just a useless post


so Paul has a feminine benis? does Paul know there are many websites that archive Sup Forums content and whenever someone Google's Paul's full name Paul Buttles that they will come up and he will forever be known as Paul Buttles the indecisive faggot nigger

should have sent her a dick pic Paul Buttles