If you don't own a see you aren't a real country
If you don't own a see you aren't a real country
Your sea is like a lake, and not even one of our Great Lakes.
It says see on the picture.
If you don't have a continent named after you your not a real country your a tiny state that should just off themselves
>Ireland is 84 thousand km squared
>the Hudson Bay is 4 million km squared
You're only 7 million km square, fuck off our bay is nearly as big as you kek
>island nations
A fucking leaf that has a bay bigger than every country in Europe and Africa HAHAHAHA are you guys even trying?
yes they're ours! Also only 4 countries in the world (excluding Canada) are bigger than the Hudson Bay HAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT I CANT STOP LAUGHING AHAHAHAHA
Still not a continent named after your cuck nation
If I were you I'll just accept being Americas retarded liberal hat and leave it at that
Who cares, we're the second biggest country in the world we basically are a continent
If you aren't surrounded by water you aren't a real nation. Its as simple as that.
American pusses get so wet from us that it's almost like we have a sea to our South, where do you think Niagara Falls comes from?
Nah mate, we make this site what it is if it weren't for us there would be no point in coming here.
How does it feel seeing this every time you look across your sea? Think it lowers the retail value?
The fuck do you mean YOUR great lakes?
Yes, it does. I think we need to build a wall.
Look at this map They're OURS stop trying to argue this
ey boi cum clean my bumbum
American reporting in.
If you're not Australian or American youre untermench.
>make this board what it is?
a political version of Sup Forums?
>his country is only double our bays size
Seriously our fucking little pond is almost as big you
That's what you guys do
Who the fuck cares? It's wasteland, like a majority of your country. As you that desperte your sense of self worth is based on geologic shit? You will never have a continent named after you like your better looking and more popular sibling, Australia.
But you can apparently be a real country and not own a dictionary.
Some sea, we build a wall around our sea, to keep all the immigrants out, we made fish pay for it.
They have a beach with sexy women, barbecue and parties for a continental border. You have America and Polar Bears. What good is Hudson bay and who cares?
this, if you cant go from icy waters to tropical beaches without a passport then you're not in the right country.
Australia is the autistic cousin you ask to do stupid shit and then laugh because he actually does it.
All of them are
Ireland isnt a real country
>our Great Lakes
We have the best beaches in the world
Literally every map in existence of Canada shows the Great Lakes belonging to us
CANADA isnt a real country. You have a foreign head of state. Your PM cucks to the Queen of England. Get the fuck out of here speg.
Australia is far from autistic. If you took a poll of Sup Forums I guarantee 95% of this community would vote to remove Canada for its unmitigated autism.
Lol subhuman
They are all canadas
Who cares about women
literally every map in existence of America shows the Great Lakes belonging to us.
>Lake Michigan
>Lake Erie
Here's a map from the government of Canada. The lakes are ours!
Stfu autistic aperg
This here.
This is why Canadians are so fucking despised on Sup Forums. Cancerous shitposting that's unfunny as it can get. I can't fucking wait for you Mapleniggers to get blocked from Sup Forums
Thats cute. Michigan is exclusively ours. We have a majority of the rest.
Literally every map shows canada owns them
Canada owns 34,210 square miles of the Great Lakes. The United States own 60,950 square miles of the Great Lakes.
Who gives a shit what the rest of the world thinks
No they don't
Yes they're all ours fuck off, you guys are acting like the chinaman now
Feels good, m8
Blah blah blah, more irrelevant shitposting from a country I don't care about.
No it's ours they're all ours
No you don't
At least we aren't frozen all the year round and are forced to live in igloos
They can squat on their permafrost and be proud they own all that "land". Loyalist scum.
>itt no on realizes America owns the entire ocean
get the fuck out faggots
BTFO faggot
we own it
Only shitskins don't like the cold
The ocean belongs to us, our motto is literally "from sea to sea" we own them
Google is an American company, the government of Canada shows them all belonging to us so fuck off.
Remember, the enemy wins if you kill them.
That's why you insist you won 1812 right?
How much of your country is controlled by sepratist French speaking scum?
The government of ISIS shows Syria and Iraq belonging to them. The image from google is literally the acknowledged international borders of America.
I don't know who gives a shit about the French we just give them money to stay here because it scares away American immigrants who think they need to speak French to come here
All Canadians are retarded mongoloid Asian shitskins by default
No it's not
top kek
Okay well Google is more believable and influential than the Canadian Government so i guess everything solves itself.
Ayy we can as well
I can get on a flight from Alaska to Hawaii and enjoy the best of both worlds
And all Romanians are shitskin sewer dwellers
It's over faggot. WE own the Great Lakes. Hell we practically own your entire country lol.
It's not called the Washington Gulf, m8
Leave it to Americans to trust their Jewish overlords
No you don't we own you. Hollywood is Canadian, your music industry is Canadian. Your video game industry is Canadian you're basically a less white Canada
Welcome to the club.
>mfw the Great Lakes are bigger than your "sea"
>mfw I'm not a window licker and know the difference between"sea" and "see"
you misunderstood me, mexibro.
your post was quite appropriate.
The great lakes are Canadian.
>Hollywood is Canadian,
>your music industry is canadian
>your video game industry is canadian
Reported to the LGBTQ hate officers for hate speech btw
Don't bite his b8
Tell that to a Michigander. Oh wait, you just did.
>Ireland defends us when Spain tries to steal our fish
>Ireland defends us when America tries to steal our lakes
Based Ireland
It is, all your girls dream of dating a Canadian guy it's all Canadian actors now, we're even putting your cgi companies out of business because they all go to Canada and all the filming happens here now.
Justin Bieber alone probably deflowered a thousand American girls
At least I can build an igloo, what do you guys do in winter build sand castles? Sounds sand Niggerish to me
We have some big ass lakes and unquestioned naval superiority.
They're shared. Canada's our bro even if he's a huge faggot. Every group of friends has their bitch.
How can Canada claim Lake Michigan? None of the water is inside Canada's border.
Canada literally has a quarter of the worlds water, we have a pond bigger than nearly every country in the world. Just fuck off
>ITT: A leaf masterfully shitposts and gets every American to bite his extremely fine b8
It's ours
Michigan is just Canada with more niggers, the only reason the state isn't bankrupt is because of Canadians going to detroit to watch hockey games
thats extremely racist man im gonna have to report you to the mounties for hate speech
Weeaboos rejoice! We have a sea!
Let's pump the brakes bud. Cedar Point is the tits, but Michigan clay is perfect where the borders are currently drawn.
You can have Detroit. Its yours, keep it. With all of its inhabitants.
Location: United States
Nigger nigger nigger chink chink chink
No thanks it's yours
Nice edit