Is Dr Phil alt-right?
I saw THIS in one of his videos.
Explain, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

What? It's a recognised gesture for OK. It's got nothing to do with politics.

Ugh, I can't believe someone could be so misinformed. Let me guess, the pay gap doesn't exist either?

Personally, I don't know any white nationalists or keep up with whatever they are doing. We had neo nazis back in Illinois, and everyone thought they were just a small group of 'tards.

Except that Dr Phil's gesture doesn't trace out WP. Looks more like OW.

He's doing it wrong.

This he is giving out props to his main source Oprah Winfrey






All these disGUSTING NAZIS


Dp is a boss you nigger

are you trying to bait my bait

It's an almost international gesture for the anus. In Turkey and Greece, it refers to a gentleman who offers his anus to other gentlemen.
That's what the alt-reich means by MAGA.



