What's your opinion of Muhammad Ali?
What's your opinion of Muhammad Ali?
who fucking cares.
I respect his boxing career and I think he'll always be GOAT. But I don't like his draft dodging antics.
He punch people good
Frazier was better than Clay
I've heard he KO'd someone without even touching them
Draft dodging coward. Nigger muslime. He's in hell with Gandhi and David Bowie.
Why the fuck is the world full of degenerates who listen to what some actors or sportsmen say? He was getting punched in the head and punching other people in the head. Was very good at it. That's it. What kind of a fucking idiot do you have to be to value what he has to say about politics or whatever?
>hated the us
>was a liberal cuck
>dodged the draft
One of the good ones.
You can make all he black jokes you like, but you can't deny that he wasn't based for saying this shit.
Because he thought his shitty race was the best and was against mixing.
That's literally it.
Great boxer, loved watching his fights. I don't kno too much about him but he seems like an okay guy.
>That's literally it.
Irony isn't your strong suit, is it?
Americans tend to think that success, any success, equals intelligence. That's why they made Schwarzenegger a governor for example. But your post is 100% correct.
based, at least at one point
Thing about Americans is they're optimistic. There is such thing as too much optimism though, as it can become delusion.
Tyson was better
he was pretty based actually, Sup Forums approved 100%
kek, seems we all had the same idea.
He had really good grils
holy shit, didn't even lurk the thread, nice
Well since hes dead now, i guess he's a top bloke
I thought he died in the 70's...
He's pretty dead
Trump dodged the draft too. Several times. I don't fault anyone for not wanted to go to Nam. It was about as necessary as going into Iraq, probably less necessary.
Iirc, he has flat feet or heel spurs. One of the two that disqualifies (army mandated) from joining.
G-guys, the m-mandela effect isn't r-real, right g-guys?
Literally thought this guy died some 80 years ago. Shows how much I give a fuck about him or the sport.
Boxing has gone to shit for sure.
Ali is overrated like hell.
Yeah I thought he was already dead as well. WTF
I thought he died too mang
Well I don't like niggers and I don't like muslims...
But he was one of da best ever at punching people with gloves on!!
So I guess he's cool... kek
I have a huge framed photo of him getting punched in the face in my office. Tends to throw off clients when they come in.
I think of this whenever I see some fat sow and her mulatto mistake
This fucker did not have the IQ of 78. It's so painstakingly obvious. Fucking nigger dodged the draft.
His IQ was hilariously low, as is expected of niggers.
>This fucker did not have the IQ of 78
Yes, he did. Borderline retardation. He was a borderline retarded draft dodger.
I would let him fight the other inmates in my concentration camp
> Flat heels
> Active in college sport.
Yeah ok
this is what mohammed ali vs slavshit klitschko would have went down.
Klitschko is 6'5 and Ali is 6'3 and Wladimir doesn't have the chin to hang with Ali. Go watch Wladimir struggle with a mover in his fight against DaVaryyl Williamson lmao
Yeah, but how fair is it really to compare different eras?
I think it's undeniable Wlad would beat Mike Tyson and Ali even in their primes, but a big part of that is just because the sport itself has developed so much and evolved so much.
It's like saying a heavyweight is a better boxer because he would beat a welterweight. It's true, but it doesn't really tell the whole truth.
Comparing a 36-21 featherfisted cruiserweight to Wladimir Klitschko, that's how deluded you are.
>Klitschko is 6'5 and Ali is 6'3 and Wladimir doesn't have the chin to hang with Ali
On the contrary. If you're not only shitposting but are interested in an actual, factual analysis then read this:
>DaVaryyl Williamson
1) If Williamson is so great, where is he now.
2) Wlad won that fight.
First time Australia has said something without shitposting. Well said, Drongo.
>I know nothing about boxing
>Defending Klitschko
>some autistic klitschko fanboy blog is going to prove anything
I didn't defend anyone. But facts are facts and pics don't lie, Australia.
Wladimir is not beating Ali and I'm a big fan of the Klitschkos. That is dog shit too
that site*
Based negro. He knew people hated him just for being black, even though he was a gold medalist for our country. He came home from the Olympics and wasn't allowed to eat at a restaurant. He threw his gold medal into the river and it was never seen again.
Pretty based.
Not the BLM retard nogs are trying to prop him up as.
they are a lot alike, actually. Both were extremely dominate during their short primes. Also, both of their primes only lasted a few years. Ali killed himself fighting as long as he did after his exile.
A current meme from years ago.
Have we time travelled Sup Forums????
Of course Tyson was better. Tyson at least did what real heavyweights are supposed to do: Knocking people out.
Exactly, I never saw Ali fight live and the videos I've seen he was a dance fighter. Could tuck and roll like no one else but the fights were a bit shit honestly.
My dad is pretty bummed about it though.
>Black guy says he's against racial marriage
>everybody laughs
Wew lad
Is this is Australian humor?
Ali was a diddu. He was trolling those other guys so much fraiser pulled a gun on him. He should be king of pol for the day.
That is one less Muhammad in the world, but there are still a hundred million too many.
Kek he was a worthless nigger. We aryans are glad there is one less nigger
He was against interracial marriage, I saw a tv-interview with him. He literally said something like "why would a white man want to make children with a black person and end up with half-brown nappy haired kid" cant remember the exact words he used. I guess in that sense he was somewhat respectable despite being a muslim and nigger.
kissinger extended the war when it could have ended in 68 with the original plan for the paris accord. it was a electorate scam to get nixon into the white house. the irony is lbj knew coz he was tapping their phones too. fuck the 60s political scene, it was just as corrupted as today.
drafts is basically slavery with a twist anyway. we arent fucking legionnaires anymore.
I love him
You guys are stupid if you disregard him.
He came from a time where racism was actually still a thing unlike these retarded BLM Negroes from today.
He was great .. im sad that hes dead but he was miserable for a while so i guess its good for him.
Float like a butterfly .. sting like a bee my nigga
One of the most Red pilled black man Ever.
remember he wanted blacks to move to africa and live separate from whites
so fucking confused.
He was ok.
fair point about racism and segregation of the time.
that being said converting and adopting an islamic name to escape his "slave name" was fucking retarded. Not sure where his african ancestors were from but it was pretty well documented, even at the time, that the sokoto caliphate among others were big slave traders (assuming he was west african descent) so if anything he took on the culture of his original owners. Oh well what you gonna do, too late for all that now.
He was against racemixing so I at least respect him as man defending his own people's future. Too bad he let there weren't more like him or the jews might not have been able to turn them into their chimp slaves.
Some nigger who americucks love worshipping. Every athlete in cuckmerica land is a nigger because americucks love big black cock
I don't really care for boxing.
But one legacy that makes me HATE him...
The "oooga booga iz da best mayne, y'all can touch me, shieet" bullshit that black sports players have adopted from him.
he was great, don't want to hear about him non stop for a week, but i will.
cheating cunt
Okay I have seen news articles and facebook posts upon posts lamenting his death and saying how great he was, that he was a role model for all people etc.
What was so great about him? Redpill me on muhammed ali.
Black dude proud of his culture and a black separatist without hate for white people.
I can respect the guy. You can talk things out with people like that. As in "you take this side, I take this one, we're happy not being together and we trade and exchange when needed".
Floated like a butterfly
Stung like a bee
Shook like a rattlesnake
Now he's still as a tree
Pretty intelligent person but went a bit crazy when he started following Malcolm X and his fellow black muslim loonatics.
>iq of 78
>pretty intelligent