This is why guns are bad

This is why guns are bad
>Boy dies from self-inflicted injuries at shooting range

Other urls found in this thread:

basically, yes.

He looks so happy. ^_^

Slightly less happy now. Unless you believe in heaven or some sort of afterlife

Feel bad for his parents tho.

That's true. I'm sure they thought letting him go to the gun range would be ok

Probably did. I feel bad for the people who work there. They say 100% of accidents can be avoided but damn.. I just don’t think so. Poor guy. 16 is young as fuck. Driving, going out with chicks, sneaking booze, and graduating. Makes me thankful for all the little things.

It seems like someone should have made sure he was being safe. And that he knew how to use a gun properly. But even so, sometimes accidents just happen

He didn't have the right supervision

Maybe he did and it was just an honest accident

You don't just shoot yourself by accident, except maybe with an uzi like that girl who shot the instructor

>except maybe with an uzi like that girl who shot the instructor
Should've added that even then you must be a little kid and not a 16yo

So was it suicide? Everyone would rather say it was an accident than intentional

I wonder what happened to that girl?
As an aside, apparently an 8yo shot himself with an uzi by accident. What's with Americans giving uzis to young kids to shoot

PTSD once she grows up and realizes what happened?
Likely a suicide

RIP Kaiden

At least you made it to Sup Forums!

lmao that's not the way ptsd works

Is that Foodboy?

OK regret then

>guns get banned
>boy dies of self-inflicted injuries at knife range
>knifes get banned
>boy dies of self-inflicted injuries at noose range
>nooses get banned
>boy dies of self-inflicted injuries at tide pod range
>tide pods banned
>boy dies of self-inflicted injuries at horseshoe range
>horseshoes banned
>boy dies of self-inflicted injuries at brick range
>mfw bricks banned

One less republitard dumbing the human gene pool

So you support the senseless slaughter of children and teens.

You don't know that he was a republican

>This is why giving guns to random idiots is bad

No. I think it would be amazing to see bricks banned.

Darwinism asshole.

What senseless slaughter? a gun is a tool. Used the wrong way, it can inflict harm on the innocent just like a car, chainsaw, or a combination of chemicals used to make a bomb.

The only thing that makes a gun different from these other tools is its original intent. American guns are made to Hunt, shoot in competitions, and protect/defend. They are not made to go in on killing rampages against the innocent. Rather, to protect and defend the lives of others if it's on the battlefield or in your own home.

I agree that guns have there place. However, guns are everywhere in America and easily mishandled

>guns are everywhere in America and easily mishandled
Yes, lots of guns and lots of paperwork to get them. Fact is that it's easier to buy and illegal gun than a legal gun.

They're mishandled because everyone is legally or illegally jacked up on some sort of drug now days. Drugs are everywhere and have permanent brain damage that leads to things like this.

Also: There, their. They're different. Please use the cautiously. Seeing as you can't handle words, I hope you never handle a firearm.

Well, it's still sad

What type of gun was it?

>So you support the senseless slaughter of children and teens
Only a troll could possibly be this silly, right?

>dies from gunshot
that sucks
>self inflicted
>under retarded California gun laws

He does have a point. We haven't done anything to fix the gun problem in America

Read this you faggot:

You make a good point. California has some of the strictest gun laws - and this guy still died

>and easily mishandled
what's your solution user?

There needs to be more education and training for gun owners

>He does have a point. We haven't done anything to fix the gun problem in America
what exactly is that point? and what do you think can/should be done?

>gun problem in America
please explain

>more education
can you tell me what's currently required?

Yeah fucking go to sleep or something as opposed to trying to start idiot threads.

I guess he can't

You only need to take a class for concealed carry

yeah? are you saying that class doesn't sufficiently train user how to use a firearm? if so, what do think is missing?

have you taken that class? do you know what's in that class?

This rooster took that class and he's not dead... yet



And may light perpetual shine upon him