How could anyone still worship this demonic old bitch?
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it's illegal to not say "god bless the queef" at least twice a day in england
fuck up cunt
how many children do you think she sacrificed?
Bow to your Queen common wealth scum
Not surprising.
It's illegal for people under 18 to buy spoons.
For me, she represents an antithesis to Muslims and gays, the symbol of the old good days when white people was concerned more of the theory of relativity than of the gay rights and didn't choose Muslim mayors.
> implying the monarchy in Australia was anything other than an excuse to remove based Whitlam
End yourself cunt
At least 100, that is how she is keeping herself alive.
People worship her exactly because she's demonic and probably immortal by now.
Shut up you Maori gay dancing queen cunt. Go back to your Hakka shite like the smelly sheep fuckers you are.
>Not worshiping the Queen.
Uh oh, looks like her subjects are out on a hunt...
Sad but true .. sad but true.
Is this meant to be shitposting or something?
Your entire country is a national shit post. Aside from the sheep shagging world championships, lord of the rings, faggy Hakka, and flight of the conchords what do you have to be proud of exactly? I'm English and my ancestor was James cook, he did more for your shitty island than anyone ever has.
The Queen is redpilled as fuck. There was a UKIP poster in Buckingham Palace.
They also gave us Lorde
I'd tell all new zealanders to go Jill themselves but frankly no one in the world would notice if they did.
Maybe your right, how can anyone compete with greatest Canadian of all time?
John Sakars
I'm English faggot. Couldn't care less about these colonial morons.
No need to explode over it Muhammed
Everyone can enjoy John Sakars
How did you get all of that out of a shitpost? Get the fuck off that proxy you maplenigger.