Where can I get a dime of weed with no connections? I don't need a whole ounce or anything..m just enough for a joint

Where can I get a dime of weed with no connections? I don't need a whole ounce or anything..m just enough for a joint.

Where to get such a thing in an illegal state?

I tried craigslist but they sell only by quarters and up. I only need a fucking dime

go lurk a dive bar

Will get robbed most likely. Asking for a connect but wants to buy a dime. You could go to the hood they sell dimes but most likely you will get robbed. Not worth serving you for the risk of 10 dollars and not knowing you. If not try the local colleges


If you've got some time to invest, just get a job at pretty much any local McDonald's, work a few nights a week til you meet a hookup.

Every ounce of weed I've ever smoked came from someone I knew who worked there, or someone I met through a McDonald's co worker.

Came here to post this. You won't go wrong at the skatepark

save up and buy an eighth like a fucking grownup

Go to Martin Luther King Street.....everyone knows that MLK in any city is ghettos

Bus Station

Get a life then you will be able to get some weed

Go to a legal state

Lmfao xD Martin Luther King street or blvd only in the ghettos...so true xD

>if I were the most useless cop ever where would I find loose dealers

the same places where people hate cops, or the places cops hate going the most

congrats you useless human

>I can only spend ten dollars and it has to be within walking distance and how to make my room not smell?

>also it has to be OG fire

Kek, I thought that was just common knowledge.

Make some friends

What state or country are you in to not be able to go to a dispensary or save up for a med card if youre not under age?

I've been smoking for years in an illegal state and have gone through dozens of hookups, - best way i've found is to just ask people. Don't be a pussy. You can't go to jail for asking. Walk up to a guy who looks like he tokes, and be like hey man do you smoke, and if he says "Cigarettes?" then there's your guy. oh also black people have the good shit for some reason.

govs should legalise it so i can go down to the corner store and pick up a stick, tax it, put the proceeds to whatever, police, whatever, just legalise it

go fight some real crime losers

Go to a fucken gas station look for people who are buying blunt wrap then ask them for fuck sakes

Every state is an illegal state according to the federal government bruh.

Where and When op?.