No diaper thread? let's fucking go

No diaper thread? let's fucking go


After I'm finished fapping

Hahahahahaah holy shit your life sucks gg

Life is actually pretty good, got a gf who is into what I'm into, get laid literally all the time, good job, great friends... how's you?

Stuck at a dead end job, I'm autistic, have a diaper fetish and practically living on disability, so yup pretty fucking bad. Now onto more important things...


Make the best of it bro, because it isn't forever. Life is the more important thing

Ain't that the truth.

Could be worse, I could be a furry.

Oh wait I'm literally a furry diaper lover. You'll never know cringe on my level





What the hell is wrong with you creepy fucks...

A lot of things.

Objectively, nothing

To you? Probably a lot. That's your problem, tho


In what way is wearing a diaper designed for babies and toddlers attractive, you people have got major fucking issues. I wouldn't be posting that retarded shit on Sup Forums as if it's something to be proud of. If I were you, I'd lock myself in a mental asylum away from other people so I don't cause any harm.

I thought the cucks were about as low as one could possibly go.
good to see i was wrong, do you realize what a disappointment you are to all who know you?
>mom has kid spends 9 fucking months getting the little faggot out of diapers. first chance he gets he climbs right back in them.
have you told your mom yet anons? she should know what a waste of time you are, literally months down the shitter


> "Objectively, nothing"
Do you even know what objectively means...because objectively there is definitely something wrong with you. Some people including yourself might say that this bizarre fetish is relatively normal, but that's just relative. Objectively, you should all seek help.

We do us, you do you. I mean we could be eating the shit that goes in a diaper but you don't see that do you? Just remember things can always get objectively worse...

Who in their right mind wout tell their parents about a fucking fetish? Lmao.

Actually we choose the ones designed for adults; it's similar to a panty fetish, or a pee fetish, or bdsm... it varies from person to person. It isn't an issue to me and doesn't affect the rest of my life, except for having a really, really fulfilling relationship

Yeah that's pretty funny to think about. It is ridiculous that this is what we end up being into. As far as fetishes go, though, it's pretty awesome. It comes with a really comfortable physical sensation and is easily indulged. I wouldn't have it any other way. You can be both a huge sexual degenerate and also have a sweet life, tons of people do it

It ain't normal. I've accepted it. I don't need help. I just wanna nut. Good day.

You have a good point. I don't really have a constructive argument if I'm being truly honest. I'm just venting for the sake of venting because I look at those pictures and just think "that's just fucking gross".

I feel ya.

No, you're thinking of "subjectively", i.e. the context of your personal opinion. Objectively, without bias, nobody is harmed by this fetish, even if it is fucking "weird". It is definitely weird, but we already get that. We've learned to love the weird.

What's objectively weirder is a dude who is grossed out by a fetish and goes out of his way to post in that thread

This image is godly.

you are not alone user, its goddamn heresy

It can be gross. But you throw out feelings of grossness when you're horny already. If you think about this in that context you can find the small aspects that are hot, and separate that from what grosses you out. If you like seeing girls peeing, for example, this shit will come easy for you if you give it a chance

It's just as wrong as sticking your penis inside another person, probably less so considering how dirty that is... and I know we all love the fuck out of sticking our dicks in other people



In this context I suppose it would be subjectively, but in general it would be objectively. You see, most people would argue that it is relatively wrong, but if you exclude personal opinions and are left with objective biology, then it is wrong from an evolutionary standpoint as well. It is objectively correct to be aroused by sexual organs, but not objectively correct to be aroused by strange additives. Most fetishes are objectively wrong because most of them don't end in the form of reproduction. I can understand your confusion with the terms though, they can be quite tricky to grasp the concept of. For example, some people would say murder is relatively wrong and others would say it is objectively wrong. There are many contexts like this where people can be unsure about the correct terms to use.



Nah I'm sure. I think you're snagged on the definition of "correct". The concept itself is subjective. In general, there is nothing ethically, morally, physically, fucking mathematically incorrect about diapers. A fetish simply can't be defined that way.


Well I think you are snagged on the three terms used, but whatever, agree to disagree. Most people would agree that it's fucking weird to fantasize about girls in diapers. It just seems like an environmental deformation that happens over time. The first thing people think about when the word diapers is mentioned is babies and toddlers, so to picture them in such an explicit way seems kind of wrong. Not necessarily morally but definitely the implications.

>Most people would agree
That's subjective.

Everything else you said is pretty much true. You have a problem with that, we don't. Just life





It's a philosophical concept rather than just any old definition, which is why it can be hard to pinpoint. Realistically, it is almost impossible to be objective when it comes to morality. This is because morality is based on people's opinions. Since we're trying to discuss the morality of the fetish, it is most likely going to be subjective. However, when I said most people would agree, I was referring to the fact that most people would objectively agree. If a scientist says that if you pour enough water into a cup, then the cup will fill up. That can be considered both subjective and objective because it is fact but also an opinion. So that's what I meant, most people would objectively agree that it is wrong, but like I said it's extremely hard to be objective when it comes to morality.

I actually agree with you up to the point of: "it is fact but also an opinion".

This is a square/rectangle type of philosophical question which is actually a pretty interesting discussion under different circumstances. Basically, an opinion can be based on fact, but a fact can not be an opinion. My perspective on a fact is an opinion. Anything based in emotion or opinion is demonstrably separate from things that are measurable, i.e. factual, or objective.

I'd actually be down to continue this type of discussion externally because it is interesting. Diaper fetishes are fucking weird, like most fetishes, but what makes them "wrong?" We would agree that pedophilia is wrong, but we have just as little philosophical basis to say so.




Kik pierox92 m 20 baby boy :)













Source on this one?




Gonna have to let you down on that, I save too many pictures to pull sources



Going to bed for sure now, kik highwaycommando if you want in the group chat, otherwise stay dry bois n gurls
















Anyone wearing here? I have depends but I’m saving my Belissimo for a rainy day.



My gf is wearing pull ups rn



How did you meet your gf? You abdl too?


thats a dude

Known her for a long time. Been together 3 years. About a year ago we started playing around with different fetishes and abdl stuck.

Her rn

