I'm guessing one of you guys made that chrome extension
I'm guessing one of you guys made that chrome extension
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>Coincidence detector
I haven't laughed this hard in a while
im in tears
(((I))) am not surprised.
I used that all and I just noticed it went down. Too bad, it was fun going on to a huffington post link from Sup Forums and the first thing that was highlighted was the writers name
I wonder (((who's))) idea it was to shut it down?
>google globalist jews collect hordes of data mines on users
So great and progressive!
>Sup Forums out jews the jew and starts it's own database on beaconing jewish reporters and journalists
People lose their minds
I think its (((this guy)))
is (((this))) gonna become a pol meme now?
Please stop, this is very offensive to (((them))).
It got even funnier when (((I))) found out that it is supposed to echo in your head after you read it. Why anti-semitism have to be so funny?
This is hurting (((them))) too much to even say (((them)))
(((Who))) could be behind this? The inuits? Is it the samoans?
Here's your (((You)))
Was it the italians? The Puerto Ricans?
(((Who))) could be behind this? I'm going to ask my friend at the SPLC, Schlomo Goldsteinbergschild about it.
I'm setting up a personal server in a few months to keep files synced between my computers. Should I also host a website on it with a list of all jews in positions of power?
(((You))) seem to be completely missing the joke.
Oh dear.
(((What))) is the joke?
I think (((you))) know
How was it anti-semitic?
Oh right, just naming the jew is anti-semitic.
Please do and report back to us
>coincidence detector
Any place to download it?
>Jews "(((take))) from internet neo-nazis"
>cites vice article
>Jews have been tricked into wearing gold stars
Congratulations Sup Forums, you made Jews wear gold stars of their own volition.
no, here comes the best part
they are fucking putting parenthesis on their twitter handles on their own!
No extension required anymore!
How do we get another?
oy fuking vey my friends
Great journalism.
A gold star for Vice.
Damn, we need a new tag for the merchants.
Would ***JEW*** be too overt?
Maybe like
anywhere i can get this for firefox?
This isn't years old. Why would (((He))) lie??!
I read an article about the parenthesis early this morning. Was pretty funny. I was wondering where the fuck this was happening because I didn't see it here.
how do i use the echos? what kinds of words am i supposed to put it on?
>Taking them back
When did they ever have them in the first place??
just use triple parenthesis around someone's name like this
(((Donald Trump)))
Its almost like they dont want anyone to use Chrome.
Does anyone else have a place where I can still download it? I didn't download it and now it's looking like I'll never be able to spotlight these kikes.
There are many word replacement plugins
Just pick one and have the word replacement list somewhere else
So it doesn't automatically highlight jewish last names?
I don't got time to put every last yiddish name on a list.
Sup Forums should just keep a list somewhere it can't get taken down by the kikes
Do they have it for firefox?
You know who else had lists? Schindler had lists....
It wouldn't be hard to port it over to firefox.
Edit the plugin to have it display {{{}}} or some shit.
holy shit check my ID