So as I'm sitting in my truck eating my burrito for lunch I look up and see this shit, so I think to know what maybe Trump is right, maybe they are stealing our jobs, maybe we should deport millions of hard working people, because I for one would love to be hauling 400+ pounds of Concrete Up a 4 foot incline on a rickety old 2 by 6 in 105+ degree weather. So yea let's stand up and fight back and get our jobs back so Sup Forums NEETs can work. I know you all can't wait to get out there and start working as hard as this dude does for less then minimum wage.
Illegals steal NEET jobs!
Other urls found in this thread:
How can you be sure that he's illegal? If he isn't illegal he gets to stay.
Shit bait.
>I like slave labor and i'm also lazy fuck
you have to back with them pedro
So you basically want a slave class in the united states to exist that is paid practically nothing to do back breaking labor with no rights?
I know you're being sarcastic but an illegal spic actually did take my NEET job. I never had employment before I turned 25, then I got a job as a pool boy. About three weeks in I got laid off because of "financial difficulties" but then I drive by my workplace and see some spic doing the same job.
So fuck you. Go back to Mexico.
400 pounds?
lmao you stupid shit he couldn't have pushed it up an incline if it was that much.
I work full time and fuck you, how the fuck are young men supposed to get anywhere in life if endless fucking third worlders pour in and take everything that's entry level? Fucking dumb cuck piece of shit
It would pay pretty fucking good if they weren't here and there would be no free homes being built for niggers
>Neet gets this shitty maunal job.
>Gets /fit/ from all the lifting.
>Learns to socialise from actually going outside.
>Becomes alpha and helps make america great again.
Blessing in disguise bro.
>I can't pull a cart with my spaghetti arms therefore everyone else cannot pull carts
This just shows how spoiled the liberal children actually are.
Digalo a mi cara, no en internet gringo cuck
>implying people who work in construction make minimum wage
They make between $15-$30 an hour depending on state.
I don't know why libs don't ever follow their arguments to their logical conclusions.
you actually believe this? Get some therapy or some sort of help of some kind. You need it.
Can confirm I make $20 an hour doing construction and I'm basically retarded. Luckily I live in a northern state desu
>Sup Forums gets what it wants
>the new nazi order rounds up more than half of Sup Forums
>puts them in a camp filled with jews, homosexuals and muslims
I've got a friend who worked in construction in his early 20. I worked in a warehouse for a few months back then. Now he's a programmer and i'm an EE.
Without those jobs we would have had a much harder time to make it in life.
Not everyone is a trust fund baby
>the new nazi order
Sup Forums *is* the new nazi order.
Well, if you're only worried about not having any cheap labor around, we could always make them actual slaves, OP.
I'm a bit of a idealist though, so I'd prefer it if we just followed the law and deport illegal aliens.
>I know you all can't wait to get out there and start working as hard as this dude does for less then minimum wage
The job wouldn't be minimum wage if not for illegals. The democrats just want cheap/slave labor.
Dude. Some construcrion workers here make nearly as much as me. Usually chinese teams with 5+ years of experience who work everyday. But they take home as much as a 3 yr experienced EE.
>posts pic of a more than likely illegal shitskin run company that has no concept of safety rules and only hires their own type
Look at the fucking rickety bridge that illegal is using. All the illegals I work with don't care about safety.
Damn straight I'd want our youth working these jobs and uncucking themselves, cuck.
Roll up ya sleeves ya fairy.
It doesn't have to be rickety and at such an incline. They aren't known for working smart.
bunch of BS. I worked with a bunch of guatemalans and i'll tell you those are the most crude, nasty, ugly and stupid dumbasses out there. they collect their cash and plan to run back down south once they hit 30 and live like kings. but they're too stupid to save any money so end up fucking one another up the ass and farting their way through life and then become an antisocial menace by the time they hit 40.
they can all go fuck off back gross the border as far as im concerned. bunch of bullshit. they're illegal criminals, lots of them have murdered or at least take it up the ass voluntarily. teach our own young to work. if some want to come here legally in the southern states great, but we simply don't need a bunch of foot 4 mestizos standing on the side of the road in front of seven eleven oggling women and pissing and shitting all over the place.
hard workers? bunch of lazy jerkoffs. i worked ten times as hard as them and by the end of the season could clean the floor with them if i wanted to. but they're so dirty i can't see a reason why i would. rather use my dick by spraying piss to clean up all their piss those fucking wetbacks.
>Amerifats literally just replaced nigger slaves with Mexican ones
I used to make 20 doing finish carpentry. Make more driving big rigs and eating tacos now.
I presume you are from California?
>400 lbs
Yeah no. If you ever used a wheel barrow in your fucking life youd realize that would be nearly impossible for a man of his size to control and push up a slope like that.
You got to be strong as fuck to use a wheel barrow with that much weight or it just tips over.
The more you know faggot.
Chinga tu madre pinche puto
op is a faggot retard. Just a few months back I worked excavating/construction using all kinds of equipment. The supervisor and boss was white, but the rest of the workers were beaners. They are like half my height, they can't lift nearly as much as me and cant reach things high up on the mounts on the side of the truck without climbing in the back. They were only good for fitting into tight spaces like sewers and narrow ditches installing pipe.
They simply can't do what a normal white person can get done. The real problem is that most white people now are lazy computer babies that can't work a job like that for more than half a day without giving up.
It's sort of sad that this is partly true. I became an electrician straight out of college and moved to Florida (construction boom) while waiting to find a white collar job. Enjoyable work but we always hired day laborers and such to dig trenches lay pipe to run lines etc. All illegals likely or drunks/druggies. Most of them are worthless and I had to go over their work even if they weren't day laborers but actual hires. It's pretty simple work too.
Also another problem is all the beans children that come here. They grow up being bilingual. Because of this there are many state jobs that I've wanted to apply for that require being bilingual, so I can't.
Why do those government divisions need bilinguals? Because of all the illegal beaners here that can't speak english. By just being here they are creating cushy government jobs for their people. Sure a white person could get them, but then they'd have to study a language for a few years and learn it good enough to read/write/speak it well while they just have to grow up speaking perfect spanish with shitty english that they get to pick up from just living here which makes it waaaaayyy easier to learn a language.
Pussy faggotass whiteby lmao
A Mexican supremacist co-worker of mine says Americans won't do the shit jobs wet backs do. He also says Mexican supremacist will murder Americans in the streets if we elect TRUMP. I hate that faggot.
Good lord, doesn't he understand that is exactly what plenty of folks dearly want?
Doesn't he understand that their ethnic group would likely be absolutely eviscerated in any sort of current-day race war scenario?
Reckon not.
NEETs don't want to work, that's the problem. Take a look at /r9k/ for evidence.
I would take in even more 3rd worlders if it meant ridding ourselves of our useless youth.
Me and a 51 year old man put two mexican buisnesses out of work in 6 months??????????????????
Nice try shitskin, can't even spell correctly. If I'm a pussy, why are you hiding out here and not making your own country better to live in? You need to go back.
Only reason wages are so low is because the culture is fucked OP. If these people weren't available "white mans wages" would return out of necessity. We would need a moooovement of kids who would love to do trades and brute force labor but gave up because the jobs only existed for illegals previously. Trump can do that. Trump could rescue middle aged people too with skill programs if he can get guys like Stallone or Mike Rowe to promote it.
If you saw the labor participation rate, it proves the majority of Americans have given up, this apathy has led to the Rise of Mexico. Now that this is not only a capitalist issue but a national security issue then we have the obligation to get people doing these jobs.
Well I was at an employment agency today and was talking to some Mexicans in Spanish and looking at the flyers they are given and talked to the people looking for workers.
It is Cherry Season around here right now.
Starting pay is $12.50 an hour picking out rotten cherries from a washing bath. Time and a half for over time. All the overtime you want.
Free housing and free buses into town and back.
When cherry season ends you get a BIG bonus.
A HUGE bonus really.
And there are 12 large scale. over 200 employees each just in my town..
There are other towns..
Then Apple season starts...
So keep believing Illegals make $2 an hour and only take back breaking jobs..
You are officially an idiot
lol, try working construction for a little bit of your shitty life user. sometimes it's just easier to improvise, and EVERYONE does it at some point. had a good kek from that pic tho, you limp-dick bitch
also just to expand, i have no doubt that mother fucker told one of his work buddies to take a picture of that shit. that's what happens when you work construction. you can't stop working, but taking a moment to do something funny and taking a picture to share with friends happens ALL the time.
Sup Forums is already filled with jews, homosexuals, and muslims. No one will notice any difference
>we want handouts for jobs
kys you piece of shit.
>get boss to stop hiring illegal mexicans
>pay actual employees proper amount
>build proper ramp so guys can get wheelbarrow up it easier
>job gets done faster, and is safer
Nice, man. Where do you live, and how's the cost of living?
That's extremely good, especially compared to produce-related low-skilled job postings I've seen locally.
I'm in northern GA, and the going rate for work such as that is 8-9/hr without any shred of benefits.
Cost of living here is such that with roommates or otherwise employed contributing household members, even federal minimum wage is livable without subsidy or entitlement programs.
Course, it ain't easy, but it is doable.
I'd take that job in a heartbeat
no place will hire me because i have 3 felonies
>all in one day
>all from one pot sale
>in washington state no less
I did 6 months in county and by the time I got out the state had decided that my idea was so good they were gonna steal my job and had begun selling pot
went to get a job selling pot(lots of experience and I was good at it)
we can't hire you you have a felony
people like me will never be able to reenter the workforce when every jose who comes across gets in line ahead of us
scarcity in the labor pool is my only hope to be the kind of person who pays taxes instead of the kind that collects yours
Lol pussy faggot neet is mad
>Le typo
Dumb nigger
why would they round up pol? tossing fanatical supporters into the deathcamps would end their reign fast.
Kill yourself felon
can the state do nothing to erase the charges? that's surprising to me, considering how left-wing Washington is.
i'd be willing to bet that once it becomes nationally legal, a lot of criminal records will end up getting changed.
Holy shit i hope this is a troll, how can you blame anyone but yourself for losing a job that a teenage boy can do.
>kill yourself felon
as if a felon needs additional charges of destruction of state property on their record.
Who says you aren't getting deported too, Juan?
I hope you really don't think hauling cinder blocks and cutting grass is going to advance your career.
thanks pal
I think I can do something to get it sealed but I first need to pay off my fines(7.5k) and probably hire my own attorney(5k)
which I would totally do if I could get any job whatsoever to be able to start
also i can't drive legally until I start paying on my fines and have no way to obtain a car if I could
>good at selling pot
Not that good cracka, and you dont need to be good at selling drugs because drugs sell themselves
Please stop your cultural appropriation.
"Cracka" is a word reserved for use by melanin-enhanced gentlemen residing in the United States.
You've got "gringo" and common Spanish insults, there's no need for semantic thievery.
being good at selling pot isnt about stealth in a state where it's now mostly legal
its about knowing the strains and their effects and being able to give someone valuable advice and not just "this one smells like lemons duuur"
you would understand that if your country could grow anything that gets you higher then a fuckin marlboro
>even a single reply
A newer two bedroom two bath apartment is $700 here. Pacific NW.
But if you want to live 2 to a room they supply housing for free.
Hotel room efficiency here is $350 a month with small kitchen.
Would you do that job for $100k a year? If nobody wants to do the job, but it needs to be done, the employer will raise wages until someone takes the job. Economics 101
Im from cali you retard and i have my med card, everything about the strains a med shop sells can be found online and all there hires for sales are women because sex sells no one needs a dude bro like you to sell there weed. Unless you are law enforcement or ex military so you can carry a piece and work security, I dont see why a medical shop would need a male employee
>that ramp
and then he breaks his fucking neck because he's an uneducated mestizo fuck, and goes to one of our obongocare hospitals and now you get to pay his bill.
fucking idiot
but working retail is?
>illegal comes here
>has 7 children
>all are citizens and will vote Dem
>most will be a burden on welfare
>many will take your jobs.
cali is close enough to mexico i say we cut it off
i don't need the web and you can't google fast enough to answer a detailed question in a busy store
weather the shop needs a man or not is another matter i can't even throw my name in the jar basically because i have to much experience
This guy probably has an easily obtainable work visa, and therefore is not in the country illegally.
those legal fees are insane. godspeed user.
also, god damn you must have been caught with a lot of dope.
You know I didn't used to have a problem with spics. But after seeing their antics in commiformia , and dealing with the dumb ass beaner who T boned me in my apartment parking lot who refused to answer the call from her insurance company, I say deport all beaners at this point
and one time you did shit jobs and paid your way to a better life... not anymore you whine on a keyboard
You cant throw your name in a jar because youre a fucking idiot that sold weed to a cop or a kid that turned you in. Of course a legit business that walks a thin line with the feds does not want a FELON to work in their shop.
LOL nice joke, but never will happen because NEETs are fucking losers
thanks user
sold a zip to an undercover who a friend brought to my house
1 felony sales charge
2 felony holding with intent(one for each of the other two zips i had in the trunk)
it's not up to the owner if it was that would be a fair reason but the state has tied the store owners hands so they can't give me a break if they want to
also i really don't mind not being able to get a job selling pot
i just don't think i should be blacklisted from any form of employment at all for life because of this shit
and yet they hire your buddies
>hire this ex drug dealing felon
>he tries to get smart and make a little side money by stealing then reselling my weed
>cops hit him so hard with charges because he already has a felony that he tells them I sold him the weed so he can get a lighter sentence
>my legit business is shut down and I lose a ton of money all because this shit head needed a job
>but who will do the jerbs!?!1!?
I dunno the people who fucking did them before?
Bro I knew guys that did years in prison for violent crimes that work construction jobs making 30 bucks an hour, and youre telling me your life is a struggle because of a 6 month county jail sentence? Its not just your criminal record you idiot its the types of jobs youre applying to and your lack of actual work experience that keep you from landing a job.
again i don't care about the weed game anymore and would take ANY job
but hey keep talkin shit
i'll just sit here on the nice computer that your taxes paid for in the house that your taxes paid for collecting $700 cash $200 food and whatever the hell the government pays for my medical insurance that i never use every month and let jose do it
ive applied at 3 places so far this month and it's the 4th 160something in the past 12months everything from mcdonalds up to mall shops and warehouse labor
also don't even make me reply to the part about my lack of experience when the whole point is that i can't get any job to start the chain
Slaves did the jobs before.
Mexicans coming to work in the USA is not exactly a new situation.
Yeah look at all these slaves doing the manual labor.
Buildings aren't made from cotton, faggot.
3 places a month? It should be at least 3 places a week you lazy ass nigga, no wonder you rather sell drugs, actual work is not really a concern for you when you only apply to 3 places a month, also literally nothing is stopping you from standing infront of home depot and offering your services but like always the white man enjoys neet bux while complaining about nonwhites working
OP is king of shitposting and a White cuckfag
do math genius it's the 4th of the month and ive done 3 places
160 in the past 12 months thats an average of over 10 a month which is pretty good with no car in a rural area
Just because he spent only 6 months in a non-maximum facility doesn't mean he doesn't have 3 glaring felonies that he mentioned.
It isn't the fact that he's been to jail, employers see that, and count him out.
It's the fact that they see he's got a record with three felonies, they trash him immediately.
You can be plenty violent and get away with misdemeanour charges, or even a single felony.
Three WILL fuck your shit right up.
>all jobs ever worked on since the outlawing of slavery are captured in this here picture!
Go look it up then, you stupid lazy ignorant piece of shit. Migrants from Mexico began arriving in the 1850's to work in the USA. If that a field in your picture, you slack jawed homo? No, it's not. Fucking Idiot. Building buildings is not the only labour job that exists or existed, you utter mong.
Seriously, you're a complete piece of shit for not even considering the idea of actually knowing about a topic before discussing it. You're such a dumb fuck that the concept of actually learning about a topic rather then just assuming whatever feels right to you does not even occur.
Empty headed subhuman piece of trash.
Look for an under the table job, you know one that doesnt need your SS number. Build experience from their or flat out lie about your experience say you worked at McDonalds in texas for a couple years over a year ago, youre doing something wrong and its not your felony thats the problem
Absolutely effeminate, OP.
Or do as mexicans do and immigrate to a bigger city
Oh so the felonies are the reason why he cant get a job, i thought it was because of a mexican
i do odd under the table work now(fix old peoples laptops and clean roofs)
i have two degrees from the university of washington(chem and philosophy)
i look like i could work in a bank(not a dreadlocked freak)
and have been told it's the felonies on many occasions
the big cities near me all just raised the minimum wage to almost 15 people who live there can't find work(but i have been looking online for listings in seattle tacoma everet area
Niggers picked cotton.
That's all they fucking did.
They didn't build roads, they didn't construct buildings, they didn't irrigate farms or maintain tractors or drive buses.
The "America was built on the backs of slaves" meme is bullshit and you'd know that if you knew anything about US history.
The only real case of slaves doing anything beyond tilling fields in some godforsaken Southern plantation were the Chinese migrant workers who built the railroads.
Don't act like picking fruit and cotton is the basis of all manual labor jobs that exist, the Mexicans waiting outside Home Depot aren't picking oranges, they're doing construction work, landscaping, interior decorating, all jobs low-skilled Americans could be doing instead, and don't act as if working on the black for 3rd world wages without paying taxes is somehow being "competitive" either.
They are criminals, living and working illegally, driving down wages and stealing work from law abiding people.