John Green on Andrew Jackson

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thoughts on CrashCourseHistory educating our Children?

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Saw my dad watching these, looked like dogshit

with timestamp

at 0:35 he says the majority of land owners in the USA are white males

history is so vast and complicated that you can't have a crash course in it

Oversimplification is easy when you're a smug cunt with an incredibly narrow worldview.

Oy Vey Goy!

You just don't like it because his last name is green.

not to mention the obvious bias in all his videos. If you look at all of the most recognized historical documentaries, you will notice they focus on providing the information without commenting on it so you can make up your own mind, whereas John says in this video "Andrew Jackson is probably the worst president"

It's true though, what's the problem?

I just happen to be watching a documentary on Andrew Jackson and thought about what that cuck would say about him and biased it would be . Im scared to watch

I remember in the video about Greeks and Persians he argues that being ruled by the Persians wouldn't have been so bad. Makes me feel sick

voters being landowners was a good thing it means they were paying taxes and actually have a better reason to vote. But he puts emphasis on them being white males, even though it was more likely for landowners to be white at the time

>meaning EVERYONE gets to vote
When will this meme end?
I swear "democracy" is the biggest meme of the 20th and 21th century so far. How hard it is to read a wikipedia article or to just pick up a history book and look up the democracy of Athens and Switzerland?

Its not so much what he say as how he says it. Which is like an obnoxious, biased, preachy, check your privilege, virtue signalling smug SJW cunt.

which documentary?


The dude re-writes history with a anachronistic style. I'd like to honestly know if true historians and professionals alike have come out and condemned this man...

It seems his videos are only good to show children who need a slow but basic education on a subject... but even then, he distorts history towards a liberal agenda.

Extra Credits also has a history series, but that one only has a slight SJW bias and is more about their passion for history.

the issue is that all cultures and places were ethnically homogeneous until very, very recently. demonizing 'whites' as if we were unique in that respect is dishonest

not even memeing, he has a tribute to Karl Marx

>An open letter to Karl Marx's beard

at 9:11

Good, Evil, And The Presidency

I fucking hate the cutesy infographic style, that so much liberals use. It really shows where the audience's mental age is.

Well, I watched his entire crash course about a year ago. It's a huge amount of breadth without any substantial depth, and he addresses the most commonly held views.It's sort of like all of high school history classes distilled into 4 hours or so of youtube videos. He's also a huge cuck.

4/10 wouldn't really recommend.

What is Sup Forums's opinion on CGP Grey?

It's called 'flat design', people seem to think it looks professional for some reason.
And it's so easy to make that a monkey could do it, so the shit is everywhere.

Did he really try to denounce England's retaking of the Falklands?

CGP Grey is alright, he gets pretty opinionated on his podcast, but isn't that bad in his videos.

In what way? I haven't watched his podcasts.

In 2025 people are going to be posting on their government mandated social media accounts about how you had an awesome childhood if you remember this guy.

it usually follows the formula:
Did you hear the news recently > here's my opinion on it for 40 minutes and I won't let the other podcast member talk

Ah, I was worried you were going to tell me he's a cuck instead of just a loudmouth.

Extra credits is a bit artistic though, thoroughly enjoyable, but perhaps a little compromised. Their series on Suleiman was beautiful, but... Questionable.

Top kek.

Depth can be found by FUCKING GOOGLING IT.

The only crash course I'm disappointed in was crash course economics... The unashamed bias. Adrienne Hill is not a good presenter and everything she's presented is dripping with spin, also
>(millennials) generally accept immigration as a good thing
Except that this same group are yelling Trump 2016 and "build the wall" louder than any. Yet another out of touch gen x who formed their world opinions during the touchy, feely, hug-me-hard 90s

Yeah, well gen y faced job rejection for being a FUCKING WHITE MALE.

Kind of dissuades the left wing bias when it's those very same views keeping you down, huh?

This guy has an incredibly annoying personality. I want to watch the videos, but I almost can't.

He acts like a child, which undermines the pretty cool animation that these series have. I checked out a few of these a while back for different subjects and it seems the entire Crash Course thing looks specifically for people like this who make the videos unwatchable.

>quick privilege check

Don't torture yourself. It's anti-White progressive garbage masquerading as intellectual discourse.

>Depth can be found by FUCKING GOOGLING IT.

My point is, the crash course isn't going to tell you anything you didn't already get force fed in a public school. It's not particularly nuanced, it's not very technical, it doesn't cover opposing views, and it's overall not very interesting.

Let me put it even more bluntly; if you wanted to know more about WW1, I'd recommend reading the wikipedia article about it rather than watching the video. It's literally just

>WW1 was shitty. Industrialized warfare.
>Women and minorities were given the shaft too.
>Trench foot and influenza
>That's about it.

I'm always puzzled by why the Americans always whine and pretend to be sorry about the injuns. Why?

They were enemies and the injuns lost. They really thought they can just live on their lands like nothing happened?

Any normal people in the situation would try to modernize and blend in, but the injuns thought their stone age civilization was worth saving and it was superior?


I don't understand this American infatuation with the Great Indian Suffering.

it's because kikes brainwashed them
do fucking ottomans feel sorry for slavery? ofc not
only muricans do

Partly has to do with the idea that we broke many treaties and agreements and that we murdered like 80 million of them or some shit ,but I think the biggest hit to them was disease which we didnt meant to do. Yes they were assholes about it sometimes but other times they didn't have what as coming to them. All in all, our grievances and shame is over the top, I have to agree, its not doing any good at this point , its good to examine and know when you were in the wrong but also to know what really went down

>"The whole point of history is to learn you aren't the center of it, even though you have been taught that."
I assume he means you as a white male based on the previous bit?

How the fuck can anyone with a brain say that whites aren't the center of all history? What group has had a bigger impact on art, culture, war, and civilization as a whole? China is the only thing that comes to mind, but even China can hold a candle to what Rome and Greece did to impact the world as a whole, especially the modern world. This guy is such a fucking cuck it is unreal.

The green brothers really need to be blown the fuck out every so often. I swear hank posts here, so I make sure to drop his name and give him shit as much as possible.

They've very much inflated their egos. They think they're right about everything, and I'm not going to be completely happy with crash course philosophy until he blows the fuck out of postmodernism for the weakness positive slave morality that it is.

>hurr but I tried to with the professor sleazy shit, them forced me to change the genders of the professors
Yeah, and I gave you shit for it because it showed how easily you caved. Should have dropped it all together instead of coming across as yet another third wave feminism cuck.

At ~40 episodes for a good segment, a lot more is covered than you're getting at public school even if it's shallow as fuck. Unlike the PBS space time guy, they want you to pause, replay and Google it.

Australians are worse.

>travel across the entire atlantic ocean to america
>"oh there are other people here, better just go back"
problem solved tbqh

I had a class where I met people who worked with the Green Bros. They're pretty bluepilled. That's all I'm going to say.

This analogy makes much more sense with the bowl
>48 men have came inside a bowl
>The bowl has been cleaned off after each time, but the fact that 48 different men's cum has been inside this bowl
>If you don't pick this bowl when you find out it's history you're a shitlord

The problem is with solidarity and morality.

These self-hating whites can only flourish in predominantly white and peaceful societies. People should go where they belong. Kick them out of the white society they despise into a full multicultural one.

Green and all the others are the worst racists in one sense, they treat minorities as pets. They hate on their own privileges, but you don't see them move Africa or a SAE country to work in sweatshops. They are the worst, limp-wristed faint heart moralists and they should be called out on that.

"Privilege" isn't a bad thing. Everyone wants "privileges", things, status that helps him rise above the rest. Life is a struggle for wealth, power, recognition. And if they think their communism will be different, then they should be asked to present their case.

MAKE THEM LIVE in the utopia they yearn for.

Simple as that. You hate white privilege. Give up your white privilege and move out of the white society, the whites will excommunicate you and you won't have to worry about that anymore.

>we murdered like 80 million of them
There were barely 20 million natives living here when Columbus landed. Did we wait two centuries for the big kill so they could quadruple their population?

Surprise both Green Bros live in White Cities in White States.

Hank isn't.

He's a fedora tipping atheist who definitely argued with me whilst researching his philosophy series, even shilling it, but he's definitely not a complete blue pill. I can't really prove it, but I have a way of knowing.. he just caves easily because "hurr ima media ceo!" So are Sargon and Molyneux cuck.

John is the opposite, plus one for putting down the fedora, but he's trying too hard too appeal to teenage girls (or the cuck shit he, in his out of touch gen x mindset, believes appeals), which he's internalized to the point of it being obvious in his vlogs.

Shit makes me hate gen x, keep telling us what we're thinking and feeling.

As a guy whose first girlfriend is becoming ever increasingly likely to be a massive slut with many male friends and many piercings, you just learn to ignore it.

I do have a virgin alternative... But she's that type of Irish that looks quadroon.

>thoughts on CrashCourseHistory educating our Children?

Terrible. History isn't something meant to be taught in 15 minute "entertainment" segments.

I meant his staff, but that's not too surprising.

John Green is awful. He actually once responsed to a commet i made on his video about the wage gap. I basically debunked the whole thing and he gave me the most bullshit reply that ignored everything i said. These fucks always choose narrative over fact. For some reason he took it open himself to reply to every comment critical of his bullshit.

Of course they do.

If they would live in South Africa on a farm fearing for their very lives you wouldn't hear about them in the mainstream media.

They also wouldn't cry crocodile tears about the oppressed blacks and try to propagate that whites should be minorities in their own countries. Not after they realized how their pets treat minorities.

>Having a mac
>Having a stick that says "This machine kills fascists" on it

This entire video was biased as fuck

it kills Chinese as well doesn't it

MA in history here. Just watched the video. I don't know much about American history but I can already tell he has never studied history formally.
He's biased, cherry picks, simplifies everything.


link so we can back you up.

I fucking hate this cunt.

He is pretty much just the epitome of pandering at this point.

What the fuck is the point in making your living out of pandering to teenage girls if you're not at least going to try and diddle them (im not a pedo, just don't see the point in the shilling otherwise).

I can imagine him having some South Park style Mickey Mouse rant behind closed doors and having a massive meltdown.

John Green is a fucking faggot and his books are for ugly landwhales.

Isn't this the guy that said "oh nothing would happen if persia had invaded greece successfuly, maybe europe would be better"