Where do you stand Sup Forums?

Where do you stand Sup Forums?

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On my feet

>le ebin maymay tabs

Are you kiding me?

I am a handicapped man, and I have to stand on a wheelchair 24h a day


What do you type in if you're a neet?


go to the wealth tab then, if you don't own anything you should end yourself

All this and I still can't get a decent flat in London.

Suck it Bernie

Move to Costa Rica, you can get a mansion just with GBP344.447 and a nice house with GBP68.889

is 100,000 a yesr really 0.08%? wtf?

How much do you make monthly?

I feel poor now

the problem with that is you have to live in costa rica

yeah, it's not like you can just enter any amount you want

Not bad, Shame I didn't crack into the top 0.1% though.

1. I haven't been working long enough to accrue many savings (and cost of living here and tax sucks up a big chunk of my income)
2. I wouldn't be able to command the same salary over there
3. I don't speak Spanish
4. Costa Rica is shit

10 trillion

No hate ;_;

This doesn't even take into account things like property


>You’re in the top 0.67% richest people in the world by income.
hehe fuck you poorfags

>That makes you the 39,918,503rd richest person on earth by income.

pretty decent income lad

it does, there are to tabs, one for incoming and one for wealth

.12% by Wealth .07% by income

I don't hate you personally.

really, it would never let you get >50% and would just pretend you don't exist

6.06% right now,
3.88% starting september
1.24% from september 2017

I'm so climbing

>You're in the top .03% richest people in the world by income.
>That makes you the
richest person on earth by income.

huh thought i was poorer than this


my dad would beat up your dad

USA USA USA, well done lad

I like how it just totally ignores cost of living. $100k would let you live like a king in some places and you'd struggle to get by in others.

Inheriting a 2 story house in a well off suburb and completely debt free is all you need to be in the 1% it seems.


I have no assets at all... at least i'm white

I live in an agriculture city where ~350k gets you a big house in a nice area. Expenses? maybe a 100 dollar meal for the family at one of the handful of high class restaurants in the area.


~$150k a year makes me the top .06%?
Figured I was lower-upper class.

>New Zealand
Cannot be possible for you to be that poor.


>white trash
FTFY, get a job

That's the wealth one, i literally have like 400 dollars, some clothes and a laptop, practically nothing else. All my income goes into rent and food

Ah, I could not do that one as I have nothing.

Not even vodka? Or potato?

>non-figuratively worse than Ireland

I had to throw away my potato as it had started rotting.

lol i am white trash desu, but I do work, just don't make much

Fair enough. What do you do? Kiwi herding?

Oh Ivan. That potato was from your mother, you can't just throw it away. She toiled for thirty years in Siberia for that potato.

I remember this from years ago.
If you put in a number that doesn't make you an entitled prick, it tells you that you're wrong and that you DO earn more and are a bigger prick.

Great site.

It is a sad thing when potato expires.

lol nah just a low level job in agriculture, make like 20k nzd a year (which is average for where i live, lot of poor people outside of the main cities)

It also doesn't seem to believe that you can have a negative income.

This makes no fucking sense

I put in a billion dollars in wealth and am in the top 0.77%, and according to this thread the majority of the posters are around the same or richer, and I do not believe there are 10+ billionaires posting in a thread on a Siberian birdwatching forum at 5 in the morning. Is everyone just putting in an obscene amount of money and taking screenshots for the fuck of it or is this website just shit

>living on 9000€ a year
>literally under poverty line in germany
>top 15%
This is bullshit

Life in belarus is suffering

I put in roughly my actual salary but I guess some people here might be insecure and feel a need to lie even though they're anonymous.

Or they're rich but socially stunted like the rest of us here.

You should move to Poland, it's cheaper to live there.

Suck it faggots

wtf I hate wealth now..

He would not have same income in Poland.

You're doing something wrong then. My total income, counting salary, bonus payments, dividends and the like is €210.000 +-€10.000 per annum and that's what I got.

Yep - which is why this site gives meaningless figures. He could earn less money but have a better quality of life in Poland.

/comfy/ here

>Top 2%

Sure as fuck doesn't feel like it.

Fuck Poland

Agreed, how about Spain?

Factory worker.

>job in spain
Nah I will stay and defend Germany

A billion? I'm at ~1.3 million in AUD which gave me

Have you seen the rest of the world

It's not my gad damned problem other people in other places are happy with a low maintenance lifestyle.

This is as low as I could get it. It just flat out prevents you from entering what you want.
What if I am a nigger or homeless?

How the fuck am I in the top .04%? I only make 220k a year.

student job though

You’re in the top
richest people in the world by income.

That makes you the
richest person on earth by income.

This website is not accurate.

in reality i own nothing, yet it refuses to accept that fact

truly, there is nothing i can call my own. i get money for food and rent, that is all, how does not that equal to someone who lives elsewhere and also gets nothing? how could i be more rich than someone who too has nothing?

Greedy fucks

All that money and am still emotionally unhappy, It either material problems or emotional problems one way or the other :/

yay capitalism.

Want to be happy? Hire someone to kill Hillary, Soros and Obama. Throw in some Merkel in there if you can afford it.

really makes you think

tfw when no switzerland in the dropdown

Pfft, everyone knows you guys use Euros. What even is CHF? It doesn't even begin with S!

and that's retarded

Most of the money is tied controlled by my dad. If I do get the opportunity they would be dead. But the fact that I love a girl I might not see again is killing me, hopefully I`ll see her in july !

>Sasha Lopez

Kill yourself.

I suppose it makes it easier to program the site. Otherwise they'd have to figure out how best to combine income and assets and produce an ordering for them.

Kek. OP knows that this site is biased and does not even come close to a trustworthy financial analysis of one's wealth right?

Chill your tits orange, youtube.com/watch?v=w-hrGT8BHag is the shit.

Thing is I only have a house and shares of companies, I'm the first "rich" in my family so Wealth Wise I'm a lot poorer.

Waarom zou je in godsnaam aandelen kopen? Obligaties leveren veel meer op, want limited liability en geen gekut met een zinloze dividend policy.

Confoederatio Helvetica Franc

Suck it, fags

>Unironically shows the video

The leaf never dissapoints.

This exactly the kind of retarded and degenerate negro shit we are fighting against.

100.000 in income puts you higher than 1.3mil in assets.
Suprising desu

Ich verstehe nicht

I'm only 15 and and make 5 euro's with bringing papers around. 5 euro's wasn't allowed ._.

My Dutch is poor, I am french. Came in NL to start another company. The share I own are medium sized technology start-ups, nothing listed. I pay 52% taxes -30% for a few year because I'm not a dutchie

I said: Why would one, in godsname, buy shares. Bonds usually deliver a bigger ROI and have limited liability, also no fucked up moronity with a useless dividend policy set by a company that can be undone with homemade dividend anyway.