Unpopular Opinions Thread

Unpopular Opinions Thread

>Apple devices are worth the money
>Disliking Marvel movies is a meme
>A career in the arts is highly rewarding if you're actually good at your craft
>having a preference for virgin women is beta as fuck
>Trump would be liked 100x more by the left if he had half the charisma Obama did
>Tupac and Biggie are overrated

Other urls found in this thread:


>Apple devices are worth the money
All your other opinions are tolerable but this is too far.

agreed on all fronts

>apple devices are worth the money.
catagorically false. they overcharge like shit for features and tech that 3 years old.

>Beautiful UI
>Great design
>Seamless integration across all devices
>Ridiculously easy IDE setup for just about any project
>Easy to repair because uniformity
>Super efficient Software/Hardware optimization

I will never buy a non-apple laptop, ever.

>they overcharge like shit for features and tech that 3 years old

Apple extensively tests features before putting it into their devices because new tech always comes with bugs.

They turn gimmicks into full-fledged products.

You are a sheep. Enjoy your Apple cage.

wow man! you probably don't flow the mainstream, do you? kind of an edgy character

I would argue that apple hating fanboys are more sheeple than everyone else tbh. Hating apple is literally a meme for the PC gaming community.

I have a Windows PC, a linux machine, and an Apple device, but my user experience has been the best on apple every time.

I'm also a computer technician, and my experience working with apple devices is nothing short of a pleasure compared to the nightmare that are windows laptops.

What they do is have strict requirements that everything has to be done a certain way. It makes them more reliable, but less dynamic.

They cater to a certain demographic and it really depends on what you value.

This list is such shit, I have to believe it's good bait

>What they do is have strict requirements that everything has to be done a certain way


>Working in apple product
>Everything violates warranty
>Work on PC
> every part has a warranty

the thing about iphones especifically is that after a while they start with their shithead updates and start fucking your phone up.
My phone was great and going for 2+ years but I updated it to the newest ios and it went batshit.

Elon was ousted from CEO of a company once because he wanted to switch computers from Linux to Windows.
n-no homo

>A woman having hips is more important than ass or breasts
>Snow and cold are better than heat and sunshine
>Summer in general just sucks
>Wu-tang clan is most underrated group
>Iced coffee is better than hot
>Pecan pie/peach pie are the god tier
>Dogs are garbage animals, unless you train it specifically to guard your house
>Guns did nothing wrong

I want Elon musk to buy Elio motors and make my three wheel car dreams reality

I agree with everything except the pie thing.
I think that banana pie is one of the greates inventions ever devised by man

>Working in apple product
>Everything violates warranty
>Work on PC
> every part has a warranty

Ok, when you bring a computer to me, 85% of the time it means you broke your shit so the warranty wouldn't cover it anyway.

Anyway, that being said, you won't void an apple warranty if you know what you're doing. I've repaired hundreds of apple devices for trade-ins and warranty repairs on bigger issues.

Also Window's PC's do NOT warranty every part. This is highly dependant upon the manufacturer.

I'm not a fan of banana cream, but I had this banana coffee Graham cracker pie that made me drive 40 miles back to buy the rest before going home

I want him to bring back the automotive industry to Detroit even though I don't live there. I think it's the right thing to do, build a new state of the art factory and he'd have total control over the state. As opposed to commiefornia fucking with him at every turn.

Trump has four times the charisma of that stuttering oreo tho

Unpopular opinion:
Putin did nothing wrong

>A career in the arts is highly rewarding if you're actually good at your craft
a rarity
someone already made fun of you for your apple opinion

I agree. I think Michigan deserves something to go right. Not to mention he'd probably save buckets of money doing it

>Cats are garbage animals, unless you train it specifically to jump off a cliff.

Pic related, I agree with him, especially even current events.

>Beautiful UI
lol no
>Great design
maybe when steve was alive, now it's "mo money pls"
>Seamless integration across all devices
true for other companies (and third party software) if you're not retarded
>Easy to repair because uniformity
You also misspelled "expensive".
>Super efficient Software/Hardware optimization
lol no

You're fucking trolling right? No one in their right mind would think arts is anything besides a waste of time

This x1000


Literally the only thing you are able to customize (without jail breaking) is the wall paper

corporate sysadmin here

we buy apple. costs a lot more up front, comes with a better warranty, lower level of hardware failures, easier fleet maintenance, less security concerns as a whole, and much cheaper repairs for the most common faults you experience.

we could buy budget android phones and swap them out on a fault for cheaper hardware, but we'd spend a lot more in terms of staff time.

Go sniff and eat your own shit, fleabag


I would like to see the numbers on this.

Have macbook air. It is a fucking facebook heater, not a laptop

>Boku no Pico is good

>Apple devices
Wolf howling in distance, crickets chirping ambiently

Three dog?

I'm not buying it, I don't think you would save enough in maintenance to offset the upfront cost. What's the size of your company?

>cleans the shitters at walmart

Lol someone's upset

Exactly, that's the only thing an arts degree will get you.

>Manual is much easier to drive than auto

How do you use active directory in an environment like that?

when did OP say anything about art degrees? drink bleach asshole

Being that this is an opinion, I can't really argue it. From a design standpoint, however, I think Apple is vastly superior.

Same as above

There is not a single platform that integrates the experiences between devices as seamlessly as Apple, period.

I love windows, and I love android, but even if you want to get airdroid or a chrome extension or something it just doesn't compare. Apple has compatibility coded down to the firmware. This isn't a matter of opinion.

>Easy to repair because uniformity

I'm not talking about applecare. I'm talking about as a computer technician who works on all kinds of devices for a living, Apple devices are and have always been quicker and easier to work on than any other brand. Their parts are also cheaper in several cases because their popularity makes for a very successful recycling market.

As for applecare, they also generally have a better warranty than other companies in their turnaround time and what they actually cover

Apple makes both it's hardware and software. It runs more efficiently than windows or android that runs through a million drivers to do the simplest task.

There's a reason why the A11 chip hits the benchmarks it does with only 3gb of ram.

Agreed, autos are fucking stupid

>>Beautiful UI
Was beautiful.
>>Great design
I hate aluminium
>>Seamless integration across all devices
I don't have multiple fagDevices
>>Ridiculously easy IDE setup for just about any project
>>Easy to repair because uniformity
Never, this shit it pain in the ass to repair
>>Super efficient Software/Hardware optimization
>I will never buy a non-apple laptop, ever again.


Agree with all except iced coffee. Ice coffe is for 14 year old girls. Try cold brew, faggot.

Haha, I guess you have one? Have a nice life. And all arts are shit tier anyway, just figured you meant the degrees.

>Snow and cold are better than heat and sunshine
>Summer in general just sucks
You are me. I like when it is -5 -2 deg. c. outside, and I melt at 23...

biochem dipshit. play in traffic

I mean, what do you want to customize?

This I would have accepted as an argument maybe 6 years ago, but in 2018 there's almost no reason to jailbreak on iOS or even root on Android because so many features come natively with the device.

>IDE Setup
What do you develop, and what platform do you use?

See above


dont have them handy, haven't done serious analysis for a couple of years

our staff cost the company a minimum of ~55 an hour, all expenses added in. it doesn't take many friction points to make it more expensive in terms of staff time over a 3-year phone lifespan.

about ~100 people. Android be comes more competitive when you start dealing in thousands of users because you can average out support costs, but I still don't know anyone who likes to roll android. ChromeOS sure, android not so much.

profiles pushed by MDM, same as any other phone.

I wouldn't say easier, but I do enjoy manual more

>Try cold brew, faggot
Cold brew is the shit , and I feel like it's underrated. Iced coffee doesn't have the flavor and punch that cold brew offers.

>See above
How CPU@105 degrees is optimised?
>What do you develop, and what platform do you use?
QT usually, and I hate the fact, that I need xcode for it.

>Cheaper parts
I see you bait, fish man

>dubstep is alright, but the shows are a lot of fun
>social media is garbage
>its ok to fuck guys as long as you are the dominant one
>genuine mental illness can make you more interesting, but not if thats how you define your personality
>blacks can be alright sometimes
>expecting people not to fuck you over is stupid
>doing drugs is good for you mentally when used properly and in moderation
>korn is a good band

Nigga I just take black coffee with ice cubes in it

My negro

I'm not negro, I am slav. Slavic nigger.

Yikes not much better, but why are you so mad anyway?

I agree on the social media and black people one.
Mainly cause the anniversary of the dorner just past

I guess it makes sense at that scale.

Only disagree about the black people one

Very much agreed, except the gay one

Nah I live in Ohio lol

The Florida school shooting was real. The kids aren't crisis actors.

apple products are toys and are made for people who thrive on social media and are primarily concerned with things like photo editing, group vid/facetime chat and always having the least amount of clicks to whatever simple goal they need to reach.

i am an aerospace engineer and i can tell you,aside from the occasional iphone, nobody who does actual science or engineering will touch apple toys. even the hr and other administrative departments at your beloved spacex use pcs. i worked there for almost 5 years.

i am not saying apple sucks, but realize those products are designed to get non technical people using technical devices and apps/software in the least painful way possible. that equals dumbing down. it's just the way it works.

My unpopular opinions
>Daizy cooper is the best pornstar
>T'challa and Donald sould probably be good friends
>Communism is a nice idea in theory but it just doesnt work in the real world

yes they are, the tin foilers told me so

Using a single temp score without any conditions tells me nothing. I could say that my windows CPU is at 115 degrees right now and it would accomplish nothing.

Pic related is a price comparison of an iPhone 8 Plus screen and a Galaxy S7 screen. The apple phone was released less than 6 months ago, and the latter was released in 2016.

If it makes you feel any better, I personally don't like xcode that much either, but I still find the setup to be vastly more intuitive than

>setup paths
>they don't work
>be frustrated for 6 hours
>it kind of works so you live with it

Those trips wont save you from being a bitch. Google cold brew and get one.

It is underrated. It's hard to have an actual good cold brew, it has to be at a special coffe shop where they have real coffe, not the starbucks over roasted type shit.

No, fuck you. I'm going to make espresso ice cubes and put them in my coffee just to wrench your tits

WTF? Are you literally me?

>Here are two unrelated screen shots
Hey, want me to show you the cost of a Titan x that's cheaper than a he 5760?

>iPhone broke, better sell it for parts
>Android breaks, I wanna fix it
You played yourself, user

>There is not a single platform that integrates the experiences between devices as seamlessly as Apple, period.
False, you stupid fuck. My dumb ass father likes Apple, too, and had to spend several hours on the phone with the manufacturer of some POS hardware getting his third party software to work (and it never did) because Apple hates third party software which is why I made a point of saying that.
Meanwhile, I have software that works and takes no time to set up correctly.

>It runs more efficiently than windows or android that runs through a million drivers to do the simplest task.
Purely based on the amount of time Apple GUI takes to call up data, you'd be wrong. They run better after they're loaded, sometimes, and only for a limited time because they (the hardware) cannot be upgraded as easily, or at all, in most cases.

Goody gumdrops

>Cost 4x more than gaming pc
>Need to have a iPhone too for compatibility
>Cant run webms
>Cant switch broken or old part = need to buy new one to upgrade
>Ur opinion is shit

I'd agree a few years ago, now they're just charging more for copied "innovations" and designs that are inconvenient

I think it's valid to dislike individual ones, but there are so many that one has to appeal to you by now, I guess

Yes, a career of general leisure is very rewarding if you aren't a hack

Yea, sure

Nah, hillary was the golden bitch. If he was more charismatic they'd call him more of a fascist

>dont have them handy, haven't done serious analysis for a couple of years
I forgive you. You may go about your business.

Honestly man,

If you want easy repair go Lenovo.

thanks user. back to alternating between troubleshooting ipsec and shitposting on Sup Forums.

ipsec sounds more interesting
shitposting is like autopilot to me, now

>apple products are toys and are made for people who

It hits that consumer market, yes, but Apple devices are far more powerful than simple toys dude. Apple is vastly more popular for software development, for one.

I see it used quite a bit in other sciences because of it's built-in python IDE too.

>Third Party software
In this regard, you're right. Windows has more third party support by far.

That didn't really make any sense but ok.

Lenovo's are pretty nice for fixing honestly, but I still give apple the overall best repair experience.

its interesting up until the site-to-site vpn fails for no clear fucking reason after 4 days of flawless uptime, refuses to connect, and forces you to roll back to an old config. again.

>Apple devices are worth the money
Depends on the use.
Fine for the average user doesn't know anything about technology.

>Disliking marvel movies is a meme.
Personal taste. I don't like any superhero movie.

>A career in the arts is highly rewarding if you're actually good at your craft
Yeah, it is. But the chances of success are what make it a problem.

>having a preference for virgin women is beta as fuck
You could say the same for wanting used holes.
It doesnt really matter anyway. Used or not its up to you to decide to want to the girl.

>Trump would be liked 100x more by the left if he had half the charisma Obama did
Obama got a pass from being black. No one dared to say anything because they would be labeled as racist. Not that I dont like the guy, hes fine. I don't hate him at all.
Trumps decision to go counter PC is what made me like him int he first place.

>Tupac and Biggie are overrated
Yeah, i can actually agree here.
Not a big rap fan to begin with tho,s o im really biased.


The average cost of an iPhone screen is $20. The average cost a Samsung screen is $150. Like, look it up dude, I'm not going to argue with you if you're too lazy to fact check.

What society calls alpha men I call beta men

False. Apple fan since '91. Hate them now.
True. But honestly some suck ass.
True. Because it is and I make a lot of $
True. But my wife of 15 years was one but I married her anyway.
False. What's to like, he's a reality show star?
True. And I'm a fan of both.

this one time, this guy commissioned a car company. he wanted it to look nice, be reliable, and if it did need repair, parts interchanged. it was simple, smart, and efficient.

that car was the volkswagen bug.

that man was hitler.



looked it up. turns out you're a fag.

gtfo /b with your mac fag cuck bullshit
sell you fagbook and buy a rope, it'll serve you better

I like being able to customize launchers, keyboard, default browser. And less so, SMS. I hate most SMS but Samsung's is good for me. Although I know ios people fucking love their iMessage.

I honestly don't get why people think it's so much better than anything else. Higher resolution pictures I guess but I've never noticed pictures being scaled down through sms. For a video, I just drop it in my Google drive and send someone a link, I don't like when people send me videos which takes up phone storage.