Who will extinguish the fire in a libertarian society?
Who will extinguish the fire in a libertarian society?
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nobody it will probably burn if it's gotten out of control.
Who will pay the firefighters?
Who will protect libertarians from being invaded and occupied?
>fighting the fire
If you put out the fire, it wins.
Anyone who wants fire protect.
Is it ''fire insurance"? lol
Fire insurance pays for fire fighters to help its clients in need. You're not forced to pay for it.
christ, does anyone have a job in your shithole country?
The same people that have been because libertarianism is not anarchism.
Who is retarded enough to pay for fire insurance? Firefighters will starve.
Also if my neighbor don't pay for this and his house catches fire... will I wait untill it reachs my house?
and if my my neigh
A-user are you alright?
Probably got shot. Brazil is a libertarian paradise after all.
I'm ok, ignore the last line.
Is it now?
B-but t-they will..will...starve
what if if if if if if if
okey doke
The free market.
i want to live in a libertarian society, because niggers wouldn't last long.
Gonna be hard to invade and occupy a society that doesn't have ROADS.
I expect fire services would take both insurance payments or one off payments per use, depending on what peoples preferences were.
People paying little or no tax would simply use the money they would have otherwise paid towards tax to pay for fire insurance. Or optionally not pay and have their shit burn down.
>fire does not spread
Do you combined with fire which house it will burn?
People keep confusing libertarianism with anarchy. Kinda funny tbqh.
>no private company could even conceive or create one
They had private fire brigade service in Ancient Rome.
When business was quiet the fire fighters would set fire to peoples houses themselves to generate business.
They would target homes that didn't have a contract with them and then turn up and offer to put the fire out if they were paid an outrageous fee.
The man behind these scams became the richest man in Rome (and possibly the richest man in history).
He's joking you inbred
Reminder only retards actually think libertarianism couldn't work. The problem are ass holes that haven't realized their own moral compass is the only thing that can make it fall
Thoughts ?
>moral compass
So libertarianism relies on the same thing as communism to be able to work properly? What could possibly go wrong.
This guys
I dunno you inbread, I have met a lot of people irl and on 4 chins that seems to think that things like roads, bridges, firefighting, armies and other shit like this could have never ever in any way be privately funded by companies or communities.
And we are living in an age where transporting stuff into space is turning into a private owned buisness.
This is especially funny in the US, where the entire western frontier was created by people moving in, creating law enforcement, creating firefighting, self defence forces and infrastructure, and only then the government came
No not even close, in the transition from a socialist republic to a full communist utopia you need a national socialist government who will make the population homogenous
In lolbertarianism you just get scammed to jews until you become a slave
>Ancient Rome
1. Fire wasn't invented until the 7th century.
2. Even if fire did exist back then, it wouldn't do shit to houses made out of stone.
thats a small benis
Just around Ljubljana, there are 20 libertarian firefighting departments called
"Prostovoljno gasilsko društvo"
"Voluntary firefighting society"
Me. I'll set them too in secret so I always have business.
One the town charges a tax to anyone that want fire protection
Two because your fire is endangering others the firefighters put it out and bill you.
This is exactly what would happen
Then how do you explain the Olympic torch?
Sort of like a car warranty. Pay for the extended warranty, repairs are covered. No warranty, you pay for repairs. Most homes are really owned, at least partially, by the mortgage holder, so they can require fire insurance as a condition for granting the loan. Those who own their homes outright, and refuse to get coverage, can be sued by other property holders if he is uninsured, and the fire causes damage to THEIR property.
Why do people always think libertarian means anarchy?
Why do people always think libertarian societies automatically don't have taxes or public services?
I'm not even a libertarian but god damn get your shit together.
>Who will extinguish the fire in a libertarian society.
>Who will pay the firefighters
The city.
>Where will they get the money?
Libertarianism isn't Anarchy, it's just the desire for as little government as close to home as possible.
You don't need to. The property owner has every right to shoot the fire to death for violating the non-aggression principle.
>Libertarian society
>His Majesty King Taufaʻahau Tupou IV in Council DOES HEREBY PROCLAIM:
>WHEREAS the Reefs known as North Minerva Reef and South Minerva Reef have long served as fishing grounds for the Tongan people and have long been regarded as belonging to the Kingdom of Tonga has now created on these Reefs islands known as Teleki Tokelau and Teleki Tonga; AND WHEREAS it is expedient that we should now confirm the rights of the Kingdom of Tonga to these islands; THEREFORE we do hereby AFFIRM and PROCLAIM that the islands, rocks, reefs, foreshores and waters lying within a radius of twelve miles [19.31 km] thereof are part of our Kingdom of Tonga.
>A Tongan expedition was sent to enforce the claim the following day. It reached North Minerva on 18 June 1972. The Flag of the Tonga was raised on 19 June 1972 on North Minerva and on South Minerva on 21 June 1972.
Illuminati conspiracy.
I'm a member of a rural one and no one pays me/us.
People like to help.
You should read up on Crassius and his private fire brigade who did nice things like haggle over prices or just demanding insane prices and bying the houses for a fraction of the price from paniked owners while the fire was burning
Lmao that's anarchism
How would peoples lives improve under ancap?
Well most people are going to pay for fire insurance because most people want to protect their assets and its the best way to pay for it, the same way that people voluntarily insure almost all other aspects of their lives.
If your neighbour has a fire that damages your property then he's responsible for the damages to your property in the same way as he would be if he damaged your property in any other way.
It would also matter to most people who was insured around them so its likely that anyone who develops plots of land and sells them as housing estates would contractually oblige everyone to buy into fire insurance. So you can pick to live someone that enforces that or pick to live somewhere that doesn't and risk the damage.
Then no one would buy this service from the firefighters and because it's a free market and people can make peaceful alternatives that charge reasonable prices it means customers would flock to that competing service.
The free market always makes businesses which tailor their services for the good of the customer the most successful because people have the ability to switch and move around.
Me I'll do it
My firefighting company, which will see record profits thanks to my Fire-starting security company.
>because it's a free market and people can make peaceful alternatives
That is not what happened in the real world example m8.
Yes people will voluntarily risk their life and they do it for freeeee
Most rural fire departments are all volunteer and payed for by fundraisers and private grants and donations.
Everyone wants to monopolize and centralize their power. Private and State, that's not a difference when it comes to their modus operandi. Even in a libertarian society someone will force their way to the top and create state-like structures and people will tolerate it.
I guess we're just selfless people down here
pretty much
in aracho-capitalism without any regulations, its just a matter of time until someone or some company aquires enough power to be de-facto a state.
Imagine Standard Oil without regulation today, they would probably control all of the oil on the planet and rule it via not-so-shadow government
Yup, I wouldn't even save my family if they didn't pay me afterwards.
Except if there is prearranged insurance and competition. Also if there was an income stake involved there would be less sabotage.
the government
you stupid asshole
The invisible hand
the government
eventually it will burn out as the fire runs out of fuel. the free market fixes everything.
volunteer firefighters, we've had those here for ages, every village has one, enjoys great support of the locals and their bases are regular meeting place for various events, cultural and otherwise
if one could point out one thing working flawlessly in Slovenia, it's volunteer firefighting
you beat me to it, compatriot
I'm mighty proud of our volunteers and support them in every way I can
This picture is stupid, the libertarian fire department would be inside the house, looting valuables, while the owner of that vehicle is watching it burn.