
Is it really necessary?


Are books made obsolete by audiobooks?

it's still useful for elevators, restaurant menus and such
yes, but the normies haven't caught up

How does this work?

What about people who are deaf as well as blind?

Daredevil graduated from Columbia with Braille i'd say its necessary

Stick an audio recording on a packet of medication?

How would you even learn braille in that case?

Blind fags can feel different letters with their fingers
It allows them to "read" faster and make less mistakes then previous version, which were just letters made "pop out" of paper

Why the fuck would Thailand have problem with braille? Too many blind literate people or what?

They fight Chaos Demons in the Immaterium, protecting human race and helping God Emperor
Have a little respect

you'd learn it before you lost your hearing i suppose

Why do niggers smell so bad?

So blind people can hate them too

look mom i posted it again!
Heres your (You) faggot, enjoy it

>quickly and accurately searched by eye or computer and easily digested with whatever level of detail you desire
>listening to somebody with mushmouth talking at a fraction of your slowest reading speed
Audio and video are garbage for dissemination of information.

Remember porn is against board rules just report them and move on

Blinddeaf people exist.

Fucking mongols should be released from their pain in that case


My biggest fear

You don't need electricity to read it.

how do you teach braille to a blinddead person you dumb faggot

Honestly, what is wrong with braille? My younger sister is blind, and through braille, can read a book.
She is able to use audio books as well, but braille books are her preference because she can reread passages, mark certain pages, and enjoy the feeling of holding a real book.

I see nothing wrong there.