What the fuck. EU President drunk in public, bitch-slaps EU leaders


>Last night, sensational video emerged showing Juncker obviously drunk in public, hopping from foot to foot and slapping other EU leaders. A second member of the “Five Presidents”, Donald Tusk, stands next to him looking uneasy.


He even called based Orban a dictator to his face before slapping him.

These are the kind of people running the EU? And you wonder why we Brits want to leave.

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Bump for brexit

>He even called based Orban a dictator to his face before slapping him.
he's called him that before

Slightly surprised this doesn't happen more often

Only other time I recall was Sarkozy

Ex Commission trainee here.
He's always drunk/sick (and cancels a lot of meetings because of that). His office is full of cognac and gin bottles.

Good. I hope more EU leaders become alcoholics and even unable to function in public, the EU needs to burn and the people need to see what sort of clowns are in charge.

Well, there was also Berlusconi but that was expected of him. He was that type of guy and he admitted it. Remember the bunga bunga parties with teenage girls? Italians loved him either way.

However, Juncker is one of the heads of a 28 member state union. This is like seeing Obama getting drunk and slapping Republicans, there would immediately be calls for impeachment.

Juncker and (((Schulz))) are both alcoholics.

I would have loved to sandwich some underage prostitute together with Berlusconi

shit that's a funny thought