Bernie sanders, the worlds most economically retarded and worst Jew. Why do degenerates support him? Discuss.
Bernie sanders, the worlds most economically retarded and worst Jew. Why do degenerates support him? Discuss
Yeah, fuck him for caring about the American population rather than multinational corporations!
Yeah caring about the American people with what fucking money. How are you meant to give shit out for free when you can't produce income to begin with.
Why dont you people just join Australia already
Basically are already, we have more treaty's than you can poke a stick at.
Maybe you should better ask the degenerates on reddit.
In the end it will be literal retardation (mental illness) and gibsmedat attitude.
*mic drop*
>the american population
Oy fish n cheeps guvnah
He represents this election trends, an outsider/independent utilizing the two-party system to gain traction.
The US doesn't have a parliamentary system so introducing a whole new party is impossible.
I think it's a pretty awesome shakeup and it exposes a lot of the flaws with the US political system whether or not he wins. Electoral reform at this point has been but a dream for the US, but now thanks to Trump and Sanders it might be brought into question some time in the near future.
Calm down Canada, your prime minister is a Muslim loving cuck who doesn't undertand the basics of money
Because Hillary is chasing people away
>implying we don't have the whitest leader on the planet
I went to his rally that he held today. There was like nobody there. I got there 5 minutes before it started and just walked right in. I got almost right up the to podium. The small crowd was unenthusiastic throughout the whole thing. It felt so low energy, it was crazy. And his voice was so tired sounding, he had to constantly clear his throat
Morale is dropping for the sjw faggots
He maybe white, doesn't mean he's not a rag head
it was especially sad because it was on a college campus.
Haha low numbers even in their own hive, truly sad
I used to hate his guts with a passion when it looked like he was in danger of becoming legitimately relevant, but at this point all he can possibly do is take votes away from Hillary.
Godspeed, you silly old man.
I'm for single payer healthcare but his free college plan is dumb. College should be affordable not free.
I guess just like what they wanted with Cruz and trump. Bernie will probably go independent any way. The democrats no longer want him
It's hilarious that Democrats were making fun of the Republicans for most of the early election cycle because Trump was supposedly going to fracture the party. Now nearly all Republicans are unifying behind Trump, even the ones who don't particularly like him, while Bernie is now doing to Hillary what everyone initially assumed Trump would be doing to Bush or Rubio or Cruz at this point. He can't win the nomination but he refuses to go away, and nearly all of his supporters are probably either going to write him in or not vote at all. I've even spoken to more than one Bernfag at my college who say they're planning to vote for Trump "out of spite". It's a glorious time to be alive.
>Why do degenerates support him?
Because he offered them free things.
Because he's the only honest candidate. People hate Hillary.
Degenerates don't know any better. His supporters are as brainless as he is.
Be honest with me mates, does Bernie have ANY chance whatsoever to secure the nomination, recent polls show he is catching up with Hilary in California. I want to see Reddit tears so much I can't imagine the thought of Hillary not beating the old like.
He is still part of the white power structure. Fuck him.
He lost after Florida and New York.
He isn't retarded
Every time when someone takes benefits, country takes more money from taxes.
Bureaucracy then grows
You are more and more dependent on your government
Their power over you grows, so "they could get taxes better off those who avoid them"
Did that doesn't remind you of other Jews?
>be retarded person
>Why do other retards support him?
That said, his failure was in marketing himself to the two demographics (illegals, teenagers) that can't vote.
Degenerates need free education more then anyone else.
Slow down there SJWilliams McTriggered
Degenerates gonna degenerate
Well he has no one else to take since Hilary got all the women and minorities while Trump got the white votes.
Are you quoting Trump? You do realize he's lying, Bernie is more popular than Trump.
What happens if Bernie ends up with more pledged delegated than Hillary, but all together Hillary has more Pledged + Supers combined?
I think we're gonna see all hell break loose soon.
No idea what us lower-sphere Anglos have against the guy, he's basically a Labor member by our standards.
Any Australian or NZ'er on this site is just joining the American choir. We honestly don't give a shit and would rather drink tinnies all day.
Fuck off, leaf. You elected a fucking faggot snowboard instructor as your PM.
Bernie rallies always pack out with tons of people, there's some weird shilling going on here.
>Why do degenerates support him?
Degenerates don't like to work. Bernie will give them gibs.
He doesn't care about people. He's said it's not his problem if he closed down jp morgan and 220,000 people were jobless. How is that caring? He hates anyone with money. That's it.
He just said he'd break up the banks into smaller institutions.
People think (((Bernie Sanders))) is anti-establishment. It's a protest thing.
Most likely Hillary will end up with the nomination either way, but Bernie and his crowd will raise hell over it because it's going to lend credibility to their assertion that the system is stacked against him. The supers are going to go for Hillary regardless because they exist precisely so that guys like Bernie can't run away with the party, and that's pretty much her ace in the hole. But it's going to seriously piss off the Bernfags and they are going to be rioting against Hillary and the Democrats all through the rest of the election. Meanwhile Trump will probably play up the "Bernie's a good guy, I like him, he's been treated very unfairly" angle and might ultimately allow him to peel off a few of those votes.
>pic says it all
By that logic public schools should be privatized or every road should have a toll booth.
i support him cause he is right about the corruption in merica, and that a country (and not just a country, but the only global power and world police) shouldnt be controlled by big business and capital.
You got three shit candidates, two (trump and bernie) of will end merica in the short term, and shillary who is gonna continue merica down the same path, so yeah, long term shit right there.
This kills the man.
>everything the government does is socialism
I need this autistic strawman argument to end.
They don't know. My brother and his girlfriend and their little clique of friends are all Sanders supporters. We got drunk a few weeks ago and I explained why I was a Trump supporter.
You would be stunned at what the average Berniebro doesn't know. Yes some of the ones on Reddit and stuff are aware of his tax plan, but those who aren't and just think he's a nice old man are in for a serious shock when you break down what his plan means for them.
We live in California. Today, we pay about 20% income tax at the lowest income level. Under Bernie Sanders, it would be ~15% higher, and that's not counting probable increases in State tax because his plan involves shunting some of the burden onto the State budgets.
Hearing "yeah fuck corporations" is one thing, but these kids all have jobs, they know what a 15-20% increase means. That's twenty more bucks out of every hundred they earn. That's almost two hours out of every workday flushed away before it even touches their hands. They were dumbfounded. One suggested that maybe the cheap healthcare would cost less than the tax increase, but it took ten seconds of napkin math to show that that was ridiculous as well, nobody in the room paid more than $70 a month for health insurance already. Then we tried college, and again, however much it might cost, it definitely didn't cost 20% of their income for the rest of their natural lives.
I remember one of them asked "is this why people vote Republican?" and I busted up laughing. Literally all it took was a five minute explanation of the basics of tax law to shatter the delusions of a room full of college kids.
The only way Sanders could walk away with more pledged delegates at this point is if he wins every remaining state in a margin of at least 80%.
Bernouts accuse Hillary of cheating but seem to always forget they're lowing in terms of popular vote as well as super delegates, which are just icing on the cake
Kek that pic
I'd rather pay more taxes than be billed a $200,000 to stay one night at the hospital.
America's economy is in trouble, we need someone who can improve it. Who will I vote for? Oh, I knew, I'll vote for the guy who
>Didn't have a real job until he was 40
>Had that job for 30 years and didn't do anything noteworthy
>Was on Welfare
>Has a ton of debt
>Complained about muh 1% his whole life
Yeah, that guy seems worthy of managing America's money problems
>Right about corruption in America
>The candidate with the most money is losing
>The candidate who's spent the least on his has cinched his nomination
Sanders spent all that time whining about how money buys elections and then Trump shat all over his logic while Sanders, with the largest campaign budget and spending, is mathematically eliminated from contention
Yeah cause Trump getting millions from his father is much better.
Lul, Arabs are white. Like Hindu.
Just get private insurance, in that case at least you won't end up paying for all the medical care of obese people.
It is better.
that has nothing to do with what i said
Sanders is going to crush trump though
Trump is a retard and he was a coward for not debating
I have insurance and still got billed because I had to go in for an emergency to an hospital my insurance didn't cover.
Bullshit. I went to a rally and hundreds were turned away because the venue was too crowded.
Trump inherited millions, but he then used that to become a multi billionaire with hundreds of successful companies. Although his starting point was financially better off, he still multiplied his wealth significantly.
Get an insurance plan with actual coverage dude, that's what it's there for.
1: Sanders isn't going to crush anything, because he isn't going to get the nomination.
2: Trump did the right thing by humoring Sanders for a day or two and then turning him down. He had nothing to gain by facing him, but by considering him at all he forced some of his media spotlight onto the ancient Jew, thus making Hillary look even weaker.
>Turned 1 million into billions
>Shitload of successful business
I'm fairly certain if I had the choice between a guy who became a billionaire and has tens of thousands of employees, and a guy who only got a job when he was 40 and has Socialist ideals, I'm fairly sure I'd go with the latter.
Kek, I meant former, not latter, fuck me.
Trump was worth hundreds of millions if not billions by the time his father died in NINETEEN NINETY TWO,
Word. So aside from protesting/rioting, what alternative options are there that we the people can do about it?
yeah elect the guy who has declared bankruptcy 17 times
he's sure to fix the economy
>economically retarded
People who say this generally know nothing about economics beyond an introductory undergrad ECON101 course. In the real world, research matter more than ECON101-tier dogma, and the research does not necessarily back up your assertion that the issue is as black-and-white in your favor as you're implying it is.
>Why do degenerates support him?
Because they are degenerates.
Some people apparently need tautologies to reinforce a point.
Yet he dismantled Ron Pauls audit the fed bill.
at least they are good natured. just idealists who happen to also be ignorant of how the world actually works
>The hill
Why does Bernie refuse to talk about Venezuela's economic crisis?
What the fuck other source do you want about Washington politics, you retard? Fucking breitbart?
Fuck off idiot.