Can you watch my tendies? ill be right back

can you watch my tendies? ill be right back



No I'm a vegan, watch your own death sticks.


don't you worry, I'm not a nigger

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>watch my tendies

Yeah, I'll keep an eye on them.

may I have just a nibble of thine delectable wee tendies my good sir?

id rather you didnt. why dont you take a nibble of your trips?

i'm afraid to eat them... they're a scary number...

I'll trade you my best trilby for a day for just a morsel of your tendies, good sir.

sorry i only wear beanies

can you please not say that, it's racist



Thanked-wankey OP!

you violated the social contract user
there must be consequencs

fuck, i got some replacement tendies though. you think op will notice?

Alas, OP shall never receive them, as my hunger for trendies is insatiable. I'll try and remember to leave some GBP for OP. He'd understand.

OP, your tendie game is weak. Get some sauce with a few extra good boy points. A little goes a long way...


Bad niggy bad


fuck OPs tendies

my nigga, got a bottle of that stuff
shit is hot as fook


Any tendies left? I got the coffee.

>Instead of just saying no the vegan must tell everyone they meet that they are a vegan


That is a big lie. I know that because am a vegan too.

No more than when you took a bite out of my fucking burger, asshole.

trips acknowledged