ITT : Intel, government, coporate and conspiracy secrets you shouldn't share

ITT : Intel, government, coporate and conspiracy secrets you shouldn't share

Itty bitty titty

my street name is old salty

Im not supposed to tell you guys this but everything from my corporate restaurant comes in premade and you guys can buy it from the same company and heat it and feed 40+ people for the price of about 20$ instead of 2 for 20

I have information that could lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton

It turns out that my dad never really had my nose. It was his thumb the whole time

You think these neckbeards know anything besides cheat codes and rekd threads?
All the intel is classied by threat of government torture and murder.

911 was an inside job

7-11 is an inside job

duude... SHUTUP!

Nulka is badass. Lol

Aliens do exist. I've been abducted by them several times.
Every summer as a kid, I would go visit my uncles in their trailer down south in Tennessee .

I would see a quick bright light out side my Uncles trailer, which I think is their space ship and this smothering feeling, then with their alien technology I would pass out.

I would wake up in the morning back in bed like nothing would happen, but I could tell that they did an alien prob on me. Fuck Aliens!

I would go and eat breakfast with my uncles and tell them about it, how my butthole hurt, but they wouldn't believe me. They would just sit their and laugh and not believe a single word.

7-11 is about to have an inside job just started there my black co-worker and me just spent 2 hrs last night "messing around" planning our own stores robbery

nice try fbi

Bread is a conspiracy made by the bread companies to sell more bread

Executives at Phillip Morris and their obsession with fucking third world children, 4 months until it hits the NYT

There are over 80 different extra terrestrial species in and out of this planet every day each individual having their own agenda. Whether it be positive negative or mutual. Our solar system is looked over by the Galactic Federation which is made up of species of ET whom do everything in their power to keep peace in our world. We have not made official public contact yet because political dogma religion and war. We are still a very small minded society and most people knowing that truth would lose their marbles from relying and living by false gods. Not to mention the governments keep this information top secret because war IS still a very big thing and countries can not take the chance of releasing advanced technology that another country might steal. When in reality there's no "country" no border lines we're all one planet and until we realize that as a whole we will never be accepted into the Galactic federation and be able to freely explore the galaxy.

Hi. Am russian hacker. Share state secrets ploz. Shhh No tell feds.


Your uncle raped you


I played Stellaris once too

do you really still care, after what trump and his retards did to you :(

trump and his retards took you, my sweet FBI, and they ripped your anus apart... and shoved their tiny peepees in it.

trump here... my pp not smol