Is there anything more degenerate than tattoos, please, dyed hair, and short hair?
Is there anything more degenerate than tattoos, please, dyed hair, and short hair?
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I agree but why are those women always much more popular with men than normal modest girls?
A American
I would smash her 100%
But not date her.
Because they're unique.
Nobody wants a plain Jane.
i think that piercings, even ear ones, are the most degenerate thing of all. they are fucking repulsive and i don't understand why they are such a common thing in society.
Yes, piercings anywhere else but ears and fukken tunnels in the ears.
>dat body doe
Because she allows everyone to stick a stick inside her?
if woman gets tattoos and similiarly dumb thigs, it is obvious she is whoring for attention. And guys probably think that since she is so desperate for attention, she might fuck with them. And it often works
Nobody wants a plain jane, but it's what we need, what we deserve
I thought so. Why are they calling them degenerate if they like them so much?
I agree with the leaf.
Smash and pass.
Short hair is based as fuck. Rest only works if you fuck some trashy bitch.
The body is a temple, not a canvas.
Talk about ruining a perfectly good possible 8/10
Easy fuck doesn't equal like in that sense
All that cunt is good for is being fucked. She would pretend to hate it but secretly love it.
Ear Gauges. I can deal with everything there except those fucking nog lip rings she has shoved into her ears.
I unironically like short hair
It only looks good when she has a pretty face, but when it does work it gives me diamond boners
Traps are more degenerate
This thread is also proof that while Sup Forums claims to be anti-degernate it would crawl over broken glass to get to this cunt.
Depends what they are of/what they represent. The whole tats are degenerate is Judeo-Christian Islamic bullshit.
What did he mean by this?
>dyed hair
Dyed to a natural colour, fine. Dyed to fluorescent shit, bad.
>short hair
It actually suits some girls.
>what's more degenerate?
>sharing pics of naked women with these qualities?
Those big holes in her ears are the worst.
I can live with a few tattoos, piercings and a little hair colour, so long as it's tasted fully done.
Meant piercing but my phones spell check fixed it.
Yes: Bowie on the background
That's Full Degeneracy Right There
Oh she is fuckable, to be sure. But not someone I'd want to keep around. There's some brain damage there. The kind of damage that says, "I'm going to shorten the small window of beauty I have by doing irreparable damage to my body that will hasten the aging process for attention."
These are often the people who wish to be young forever, but will look old before their time.
Smash and pass.
Shut the fuck up and post more, no one cares about "muh degeneracy"
Its still degenerate just because your dick likes it doesnt mean it should be accepted. The same with women wearing pants.
Because they're signalling that they're degenerate i.e. down to fuck.
Tattoos are 98% of the time shit tier.
Dyed hair to another natural color is fine. Dyed her like that? Instantly disregarded.
Short hair is usually a huge fucking miss. I always prefer women with longer hair.
The worst part about that picture are the fucking dumb nigger piercings everywhere. Especially those ear loops. Bitch should be gassed.
I must agree, short hair is cute if she has a good face.
i can make her 100% more degenerate
give her a cute girl cock :3
It's actually more unique to not have tattoos, piercings or doing faggoty shit to your hair in the US
Especially if you roll with metal cliques, like I do
i would smash the op's pic
waste of a good body tbqh
Gauges in the ears. The fucking worst.
I've always wanted to snap a padlock on one of those fucks and run away
Tattoos are gross and they are fucking everywhere.
Not nearly as gross as ear gauges which are also everywhere. Sometimes, I wanna stick my finger in them and rip them out and hard as I can.
Every date one of those girls before? I guarantee you'll start caring about degeneracy then.
What about putting a pad lock in it and just standing there?
>do what you must for i have already won
Is this ok?
Vaping unironically
She has a good body but I fuck hate gauged earrings with a passion
What's wrong with dyed red hair?
yes user. god damn i love me some short haired girls.
How about just dyed hair?
Tattoos and piercings are quite degenerate. Any woman with tattoos is not wife material, 100%. Any woman with piercings anywhere but her earlobe is not wife material, 100%.
Are you a sailor on a ship? Do you work an occupation where there is a chance your body will be found badly mutiliated from an accident? Then there's no need for your skin to have any artificial identifying marks. Mutilating yourself to make a social statement is a sign of mental illness and thus degenerate.
>dyed hair
Very much a case of "warning coloration" when the hair is dyed unnatural hues. Some weaboo betas think it's sexy because it's just like their Japanese animes (ignoring that nips don't hold to tattoos or piercings). If it's just some bimbo trying to make her hair look blonder, it's only as degenerate as the woman herself is. Otherwise, it's just mutilation of your image.
>and short hair
Not necessarily. A woman with attractive feminine features will look sexy even with her head shaved. Hair isn't really an indicator of sex so much as a means of framing the face. Not degenerate except when done as a social statement which is again, image mutilation.
The body is good, the "art" devalues the individual
is she a clown? its not unique so why do it?
The Hair is okay
Yellow/brown/black/ginger-dyed hair are marginally acceptable.
Hair with bright streaks of colour absolutely degenerate.
The Tattoos are degenerate.
The Piercings just diminishes the value of the product.
Just Pump and Run
yes pls keep going
I hate tattoos. I also hate that faggots who pretend their in some secret tattoo club and only associate with other faggots who get tattoos.
Well done, you spent your entire dole payment so some fattass with an aids infested ink pen can scribble on your flabby ass body.
nah, could probably get arrested or something. much better to leave a hidden camera to watch later maybe.
Nothing. It's just a way to know when the fuck to run away as fast as you can. You know, like you do when you see an orange frog
Voting left.
I don't give a fuck what people look like. I give a fuck if people betray the Western world.
True and sad, strong words but when their dick is involved, principles go out the window.
Desire for and of nudity and tattoos is genetic and fundamental as any other of maslows hierarchy of needs. People returning to their natural ways. This "civilized" shit isn't working in it's current state or needs improvement.
We agree. Absolutely disgusting.
Depends on the tattoos.
Some girls actually have beautiful models made with quality ink.
Sadly, by "some" I mean like 10% of people who have tattoos.
And believe it or not, some women look better with short hair, rather than long, but these too are pretty uncommon.
taking that into consideration, it is very hard to find a girl that rocks both tattoos and short hair.
Also, when it comes to dyed hair, pastel colours and such, it looks good 1 or 2 weeks, afterwards the roots start showing and the colour fades away, leaving behind something that resembles hay more than hair. So yea, coloured hair is a bitch to maintain, very few people manage to do it right.
inb4 90% of people with short, dyed hair, piercings and tattoos look like utter trash.
>tfw 99% of short haired girls these days are edgy dykes
So we all agree tattoos and piercings are degenerate but dying your hair is ok.
I should also add that the "manic pixie dream girl" trope is a fantasy particular to nerdy beta faggots.
Same here Ameribro.
One of those things : sweet
Two or more : >tastefully done
>toilet selfy
why do people think these are attractive?
>Feels Good
Oh look, a walking red flag, a billboard screaming 'daddy issues'. If you fuck with this, you deserve whatever hell comes your way.
piercings and that earhole shit
Checked and Saged
Larger the gauge, Lower the wage.
Punchable, stompable smug face
Don't like dyed hair.
1. It looks terrible.
2. If dyed too often - hairloss between 30 & 40
3. women, who constantly have to change their looks usually are unsteady, unsatisfied, complex-driven, pains in the ass.
Not because theyre unique or special, a normal girl can be just as hot and fucking soeone doesnt magically get better if she has tattoos. It's because she's most likely to have the mindset of a slut, and so guys have been giving her more attention and fueled her stupid rhetoric. She's 'one of the guys' and 'like really cool' and so other guys say the same thing, confirm her own idea of herself and then she spreads her legs. These girls almost never have a clue that most guys she fucks don't give a fuck about her 'cool' personality or that she has tattoos, she's just marked her body with the way to approach her, and guys can read that.
>women wearing pants is bad
i would drag my dick through a mountain of rapefugees to fuck that whore
Tatoos and nipple piercings scream "slave" to me.
Bowie is God. STFU
Is that a Greek girl?
Just get a girlfriend and talk her into cutting her hair.
This will have the added benefit of repelling Chads who still believe the "short hair = guy" meme. The only guys likely to hit on her are beta hamplanets.
No. Start pooing in loo.
>Is there anything more degenerate than tattoos
Yes, the women that wears them.
eating burgers
You are a discredit to your country.
Stop this shit or you'll get us both banned
> caring about tattoos
Who gives a shit whether or not a girl has tattoos? Nowadays so many people have tattoos that it really says nothing about a person's personality. I would call you "grandpa" for caring, except that I know the reason you do care is because you're a socially stunted shut in who has no valuable interactions with normal people.
> dyed hair
I usually strongly prefer natural hair, but some people do dyed hair fantastically. There are a lot of shit-tier dyes, but there are some god-tiers too
> short hair
some girls look beautiful with short hair
Why would you fuck someone if you don't love her? If she's a slut, just keep away from her.
>mfw always had a fetish for blue colored hair
>mfw when you missed out of the punk/emo phase
>mfw women today are stuck up bitches who look at the phones 24/7
just end my life
Insta boner
Because if she doesn't love herself enough to take care of her body, then why should I have to love her to fuck her brains out then kick her to the curb?
Drinking cow piss. Bathing in shit.
Cheapest price gets the most customers
Literaly muh dick answer.
split tongue and fedora
But the old adage is always applicable: Buyer Beware: You get what you pay for.
I would bash her skull with an hammer until her poor father can't recognise her, if you catch my drift ;^)
Dyed underarm hair
bound breasts
gauge ears
etc etc
unlimited degeneracy current year.
Nope, real life isn't a fucking anime user, dyed hair girls might be cute but they're all batshit insane under the surface
For her personality no doubt
You wish you could eat white bread, Pajeet.
I just wish you could learn to not fear the toilet witch.
Nope, there's nothing ethically wrong about getting tatoos or having dyed or short hair.
Is that a nigger I see in the background?
>Smash and pass.
Hit and Run.
Get checked for STD's a week later.
Probably a coal burner.