This is not venomous, right?

This is not venomous, right?

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Prolly is


I try to be a bro to smaller spiders, but if they look like that, sorry they gotta die.

aren't all spiders venomous ?

Another shot

Easy way to find out. Irritate it immensely and push it's face close up against your eyeball.

Best not to risk it, go full mighty boot on it.

no but all venoms are spiders

they fucking are

Oh fuck off, don't be 'that guy'. You know what the silly bastard means.

Loxosceles probably

Yeah. And apparently all snakes are venomous too, even the ones without fangs

looks like a brown recluse, run for the hills nibba

It was fast

If it has any resemblance with anything in the movie alien, then yes. That looks like a facehugger, get the flamethrower.

huntsman spider?

Where is OP from?

Yeah it is, but it's good to eat those. You inherit their power. Throw it in a shake if you don't like the taste or texture.

thats what i want to know, but I dont see the violin pattern on its back

throw a shoe at it you big wuss

Awesome. Barbed, irritating ass hairs in your throat for all eternity. Guess at least he got extra edgepoints, surely worth it

not really that big, its body was pobably around an inch

i can lend you my battle fly to kill it?

its on the spiders pantheon by now

urethra burrowing spider, they're harmless

It's either a brown recluse or a southern house spider. If it had 8 eyes nothing to worry about, if less than 8 it's a brown recluse.

But don't worry, they aren't very aggressive anyway.

Probably something like a wolf spider if it was fast, their size can vary based on where you live. Theyre venomous but not lethal. Probably have an unpleasant bite, too.

fucking kek

yes thank you, i believe it was the later. no violin shape, no recluse

>*Male southern house spiders sometimes appear aggressive, but they do not bite unless trapped, and their mouthparts are too small to easily penetrate human skin. They do, however, have an unnerving tendency to crawl across anything in their path regardless of whether it is alive. *

still Im not really at peace