Any doctorfag can tell me what is this fucking thing on my hand?

Any doctorfag can tell me what is this fucking thing on my hand?

>it doesn't hurt
>it is soft to the touch harder than regular skin tho
>it can be cut with a nail clipped
>it grows the fuck back
>doesn't matter how deep I cut it, it always fucking grows back

Not a medfag but maybe a benign tumor


Am a PA.

That is a malignant cancer. You are prob going to die.

Looks like a finger to me. Not a doctor, but just an educated guess.

Do you own a dog? And has this been present for more 1 week? If affirmative on both you may want to head to the ER now.


Got same shit on all my fingers, but mine are hard, punch my desk a lot while raging.

Synovial fluid leaking out? A ganglion cyst?

I was going to say, quit picking at your ass
well your hand isnt shit stained, so you cant be an indian.

is it hard or soft? if its soft, pop that bitch.
if its hard, get your ass into the doctor.

looks like a wart.
just go to a pharmacy and explain them what you have. they will tell you if you have to make a doctors appointment or not. (be sure to visit multiple pharmacies so they dont jew you out of your money)


It's a wart..this is one of the places you get them

It's a broken bone from masturbating too much.

I have 3 of those.


I hate dogs hence I don't have one, been present for months tho

No leaks

Done that, the cream didn't work

The fuck

Warts are fucking hard and painful, nothing to do with that.

OP do you have a lot of headaches and/or diarrhea?

Headaches from time to time but not that often.
I shit hard as fuck most of the time.

looks like a basal cell carcinoma, see a doctor asap. Can be removed with local anesthesia, don't let it grow though

It looks like a cyst to me. Go to a surgeon and have it checked out.

It could be anything. Allergies, viral infection, skin disorders. You need to see a doctor

Looks like a callus. Good job, you did manual labor.

that looks like a keloiding scar. Thats when your scars grow back bigger and bigger and never stop growing. did you have a would there a long time ago?

It's because you bite your skin faggot, if you stop it, it will go away in a months time, just don't touch it, and the scar tissue will lessen.

It's just a boil, dude. It's pretty harmless, but if you really want to get rid of it you can get it burned off by a doctor.


You chew that spot, source: I do it too. It's a bad habit.

It makes sense since I cut it occasionally

That's just impossible, I have one finger on my foot aswell, how the guck am I going to bite my foot

did you burn yourself? looks like a friction burn almost

You bite your knuckle.

I used to play arcades with a weird grip

I do not do that, I'm not retarded.

i'll second this. your body keeps growing extra shit there because you keep damaging it,. assuming it needs extra protection. i've had a couple and if you just leave them alone generally they'll stop growing but they'll stay big

I had this in the exact same place, same finger and everything. fucking interested in this.

myfinger was cut on broken metal from an umbrella my brother threw at me. i always thought it was a bit of metal in there and scar tissue whent around it

after many years of picking its pretty much gone and im pretty sure its just scar tissue. Was there a cut there in the past?

Don't remember, and since I have the same shit on 3 fingers 2 on my left hand and 1 on my left foot, I'm right fucking handed tho, I thinks it's not likely

nicht good my friend, nicht good,
sounds fungal or its lupus

its not a tummor I can tell you that much