Treaty of trianon

Just or unjust?

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Mostly unjust. Some just.

Unjust on the romanian part

Unjust, slavs do not deserve anything.


HIDF Detected

Polish visiting germanistan.
Our brothers deserve this land. Give it back to them.

t. magyar magyarovaru

Do Romanians actually believe there's a fucking Hungarian Internet Defense Force?

Serious question, you fucking sewer gypsy.


HIDF proxyshill detected hang yourself because the day of our revenge will come and the descendant of daco romans know no mercy

I think it was just if those people felt as different nations from Hungary. Most of the territory was not inhabitated by the Hungarians

No, he's just that one same angry Gypsy that's butt hurt about Hungary being a better country.
Pic related, it's him weeks ago

why tho?
why tho?


Unjust. Let the Humgarian to remove the gypsy. Give me two thousand Magyars with rifles and I will rid Europe from gypsies in a month. And my military experience limited by 6 years in Internal Troops.

you kill one gypsy
5 more are born
you can’t win

They deserve it for being hungarian


Szekely detected, good thing you are concentrated in the hearth of Romania and it will be easy to genocide you.
That's not me, just another descendant of daco romans who hates the eternal Bozgor and HIDF
Wew HIDF is in full force today

Slovakia is rightful Hungarian clay which is in turn rightful Austrian clay which is in turn rightful Bohemian clay which is in turn rightful Grand Moravian clay to which Slovakia also was a rightful clay.

Imagine. Go to sleep in a beautiful, big country, and wake up in a thirld world shithole. That`s Trianon.

ponies have to ruin everything

Atleast Hungarians dont act like they're white you fucking turkish gypsy.

try again

moravian = modern czech moravian + slovaks

There is no such thing as justice in international affairs.



You really are fucking paranoid. No wonder everybody hates Romanians.

>I wonder who could be behind this post....

unjust,but greater hungary was unfair aswell to slovaks, croats and some romanians.




>not even 13cm

>implying this was not rigged by HIDF
nice try but the descendants of daco romans have the biggest penises on the planet.

hungarian kingdom was sweet
it only began to suck dick in the last years
i think it was just because of the treatment of minorities

It's all the asian immigrants fault, t-trust me, they bring down the average.

i knew a romanian will get triggered



romanian beggars detected



well if slovaks or croats want self determination and their own country its their right. also hungarians acted shitty sometimes with the magyarization attempts and things like that. if it was an equal alliance between those countries, cooperating together that would have been nice.

this guy is szekler in disguise

Ofcourse it was just from all points of view, hsitorically , demographically.



>Multiculturalism is bad because it leads to oppression! Every people should have their own nation state!

>Hey Hungary why aren't you multicultural yet? Stop being so backwards!

T-thanks, western europe

somewhat yes somewhat no

Gib Pecs.
Giv Temesvar.

I'm 1/8 Romanian so muh heritage.
Bozgor genocide best day of my life.

>is a gypsy

it's like pottery


fuck you romanians are not gypsys we are DACO-ROMANS.

writing was invented in romania

Study WW1. Austro-Hungarian Empire was half brain-dead. They lost the first year of the war to little Serbia. Their military sucked and could not even handle logistics. They were never suppose to be an Empire. A mishmash of races only united under treaty. They sucked and deserved what they got.

>multiculturalism in Hungarian kingdom

lmao it was forced hungarian.


This.A:H was doomed from start.It was like a way worse yugoslavia due to linguistical and cultural differences.


You do realize this has nothing to do with Austro-Hungary, right? You dumb fuck?

Except it does, dumb fuck.

Are you retarded? Are you trolling or do you seriously not know what your are talking about?
Example: :he lack of centralization/standardization. The military had to move shipments from track to track because the tracks were all different.


i hate it when forgeiners (usually americans) who have no idea what they are talking about say unjust just because muh european kingdoms

I hate it when dumb slavshits (usually slovakians) who need to be gassed whinge about other more successful countries to feel better about their own one

>1 084 000 magyar
Ok nut how many slovaks were there?

literally what i’m talking about
abbo pls

its bs i think
from what i’ve heard only about 30% were magyar
most of them living in the south

bump with bratislava, pressburg, pozsony

You untolerant cunt, how dare you not post the best place in your land!
Lunik IX is the best place for open minds!
Praise diversity!

why do gyppos have to exist?

Hungarians are behind all the ills of Europe.

The vast majority of hungarians(except for inbred village types) are mixed with romanians

There is not one hungarian here that doesn't have romanian blood or someone mixed in his family
We're all the same blood anyway,just different culture and catlick religion

It could have been much worse.


>those god tier borders
muh dik

Just. Those were separate nations. There would be war otherwise.

Murican education clap clap clap....

second bump with budapest