Stop! Its Loli Time!

Stop! Its Loli Time!


doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki























after 8 posts captcha throws a left fielder










more Marui?






more rape








Am I the only one dumping?






clearly not

is all me





we might be the only ones in here.



sorry about that

thats how it usually is. one or two people post the majority of the content

i just want to put them all out at once







did someone say spiderman???





actually it's late here I'm not going to spend the rest of the night spamming spiderman


peace out spidey
thanks for the bumps

amongst my cancerous group chat i was known as the loli king... i see that i have been dethroned..

i dont think i should be proud of that...


now that i think of it that still means we both go to hell

if you believe in that sort of thing

poor ol folder v1 was lost after my pc grenaded itself from overclocking. couldnt open the old drive even on the new computer.



you played with fire my friend


post lolidom faggots

you know you have sunk into the darkness when after 3000+ photos you instantly recognize whether you have the one you are looking at or not.

yeah, i judge a loli thread by how many unique pics i can find in it. Unique being ones i don't already have.

im color blind, is this it?

what is your conclusion your magesty




