Why is it that most African-Americans think that they have some connection to Ancient Egyptians...

Why is it that most African-Americans think that they have some connection to Ancient Egyptians. When it is in the north of Africa while most of them have origins in central Africa

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such a stupid term
america only bought africans right on the edge of the west coast, and somehow they got the idea that "we wuz egyptians n shieeet" like 2000 miles away

Because they have no link to their actual ancestry, they have attached themselves to the only successful African culture to feel better about themselves. It is quite sad really. Then again, I keep pretending I am white, so who am I to judge.

We don't


>that most
I have never seen any black people do this desu.

It's just a Sup Forums meme that is extremely exaggerated and cancer to be honest because the peoep lwho spam this shit are extremely more prevalent then the so called "We wuzzers" on the site.
You legit can't talk about Anything Black or African related because autists shit post it to death harder then usual with this meme and it fucking spreads to other people who don't know any better because why would they it's not relevant to them like so the may genuinely believe it's 100% true and not a complete meme

On top of that they are decades behind the black community (or anything related to normie shit these days) because they think hoteps are still relevant .

someone's a bit upset

I'll screengrab this, my thoughts exactly.

Because they're "African"-Americans and connect with Ancient Egyptian history on the basis of being descended from people of the African continent.

It's really simple minded but it's technically legit since Egypt is in Africa.

Europeans and Americans who descend from them are far worse when it comes to muh heritage.

Everyone here came from somewhere else.
White people look at their heritage and see first world countries, inventors, scientists, civilization, etc
Arabs look back and see ancient history, empires, etc
Chinese same thing

But blacks look back and see ooga boogas and AIDS. So they go to an actual civilization that is "technically" African and use that to make themselves feel better.
In reality the problem is that blacks in America are mainly descended from West African who were forced onto ships and sold as slaves. They have little connection to their ancestry or their heritage. The only culture blacks have is Afro American culture, which is failing badly in terms of family structure, education, and responsibility. That's why most blacks live in the hood, and most black communities are garbage.

All in all, the "we wuz kangz" mentality comes from a deep sense of insecurity on the part of blacks. They know that sub Saharan Africans have little contributions to humanity, so they subsidize that with Egypt, even when we know Egypt was a Mid-Eastern civilization just like Sumer, Persia, Sheba, and Babylon.

>Why is it that most African-Americans think that they have some connection to Ancient Egyptians
Because they do, they washed their dicks.

Nigs do this all the time Tyrone.

Because they think African=Black.

They're stupid.

Well, the Kongolese Kingdom was in central Africa, and i was quite impressive. Though as they were descended from slaves, their ancestors probably never went beyond vassal tribes or something.
Like, i coud said i'm an Inca, but in reality, i'm probably descended from the tribes that lived on our coast. Some of those tribes did some impressive things, tho

Worst part is they actually have an ok example in the Mali empire but most of them are too stupid and ignorant regarding history to even know about it

Kushites who conquered Egypt were black yet niggers wewuz as Egyptians lmao

how do you deal with the lack of sunlight in canada?

all the tribes over here (Antioquia) where almost exterminated, they where brave, only the ones who where faggots and surrendered survived.

Yeah I don't get that either. Some Nubians kangz took over Egypt but they never LARP as them.

actually Nubians conquered Egypt during the period called "Third Intermediate Period"
from c. 1069 BC to c. 664 BC
so very late in the history of the egyptian civilization, and after them came the Persians.

Found it for you

Mali,Kingdom of dahomey,Kingdom of Ghana.but NooOOoo let's claim egyptian civilization

>nigger logic

ayoo hol up
so you tellin me?

we wuznt kangz n shiet?

raciss whitey keep opressin muh black folk

American blacks are worse in terms of culture and sense of community even compared to Caribbean blacks tbqh. Idk what made them that way compared to Caribbean

It didn't last long and Egypt was in decay at that point.

While impressive IIRC Mali made a lot of wealth from selling black tribesmen (from their south) to the Arabs.

Pretty sure that's what them pinky crackas say about them, not themselves.

Black people claim a lot of crazy things Spiro

They made money from mining and the salt trade user.

That's the equivalent of using alt-righters as representative pool dumbl eaf

Same reason European Americans think that all civilizations were created by a blonde blue eyed race that traveled here from outside planet earth.

I mean, for every post similar to that from a black guy, you can find a hundred from white Sup Forumstards.

>kingdom of da homie

Not really they had a lot of gold and salt mines,they weren't slave trade based country like dahomey

They did and most wealth came from gold mines but slaves as part of the Arab trade was a major trade good for them.


Ich hab das bis heute gar nicht mal bemerkt lmao.

>Saudi Flagge
>Spricht deutsch

Except they do this a lot

Long story
Bin eigentlich Ägypter und hab 11 Jahre in Deutschland gelebt,danach have ich ein Job Angebot hier bekommen und bin jetzt in dem Kaff das sich saudi Arabien nennt

Are those chairs or something else?

I know a black we wuz kings (she's a friend of a friend (he's also black) and we think she's fucking insane). I have seen black Israelites spewing bullshit but I've only ever heard/seen American whites tell you that they had a great-grandfather grandfather who was Cherokee (and that's usually only whites with Appalachian ancestory).

Mein Beileid.

Just like everyone else on the internet with the platform to post whatever they want. Why are black Americans they cases people here obsess over it to the point they ruin threads and sometimes boards?

Hätte den Job nicht annehmen sollen.
Ägypten oder Deutschland wäre mit viel besser

Eh, whites do it at least as much, if not moreso.

I could write a book on the number of white nationalist talking points I've seen that have been demolished by genetic evidence.

Leftists, Marxists in particular. They lower standards and encourage reaching for bottom instead of the top. The black community would not be as bad if people actually expect something of them and held them to actual standards. Whites and certain opportunists have babied and spoiled this generation and the past few generations of blacks into this fine mess.

You post makes no sense.

>Blacks go on about Kangz
>Whites go on about >Muh Heritage

Because negroes go above and beyond Tyrone.

What part of it doesn't make sense?

It has to be like this

but point is Egyptians have no connection to Black Americans, I have even seen some people claiming Kleopatra was black like what the fuck

>Kleopatra was black like what the fuck
Kek she was mostly Greek. I think they said she was maybe 25% Egyptian. The Greek part alone should he their warning sign.

Well they definitely have a connection, but no they weren't the basis of the civilization by any means.

it actually is amazing that she wasn't as disabled as that one spanish king

and an entire people claim that their nation (Macedonia) where thewir eintire identiy revovles around a historical lie.

Many people have stupid sophistical beliefs. Why are blacks held against a minorities vs the countless of others with similar and many cases worse beliefs. Do you know what a hotep is?

Sorry messed up that post. Macedonia's identity is based around a complete meme of a lie fomr it's Iron curtain days.

FYROM gets constantly shit for that, they cant even join EU because of their goddamn name, and even then, they have some connection to Macedon Kingdom, but they overexaggerated it

Because blacks are the most ridiculous so it's easy to enjoy Tyrone.

redpill me on macedonia, what's the issue here?

it's not a meme, and it's not something recent
pic related is an album from 1999, of one of the biggest rappers there have ever been

that album was shit though

Macedonia is region in Greece, previously was kingdom. Most famous king being Alexander (yes that one). Republic of Macedonia=Bulgarians we wuzing as Macedonians. Its obvious why Greeks are assblasted about it

yeah but that's not the subject matter

>it's even the singular version of "we wuz"

Macedonia (the country) claims to be the successor of ancient Macedonia (the kingdom, think Alexander the Great etc.)

The real Macedonia in current year is a northern province in modern day Greece.



hol up

looka how dark this pharoah's skin is n shiet nigga

we wuz kangz whiteboi