Did you get a flu shot?

Did you get a flu shot?
>Thriving high school football star commits suicide after taking Tamiflu - and his family blames the medication

if true, his family are fucking idiots. Not googling because I've wasted enough of my life posting this reply

Nope. Still plan on becoming an hero in a few weeks tho

I'm sure you have stuff to live for...and flu shots don't hurt

>blaming Tamiflu in order to sue a big pharma
>whn it could probably be CTE

yeah just like 100 million other Americans

I hadn't thought about the family making a case to sure the pharmaceutical company. You may be on to something

>Thriving high school football star commits suicide after taking Tamiflu - and his family blames the medication

Why doesn't anyone ask what he ate for breakfast? It could have easily been Frosted Flakes. They're great.

Haven't had a flu shot in over a decade. All close family members who got the shot now have the flu except me.

Life's a bitch. Maybe he should have sucked it up instead of using bullshit meds that only make you feel better a day sooner anyways.