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soup Sup Forums

how do I get consistent access to amphetamines? mostly i've bought thru weedman and they're spotty with supply/meeting up.

From the toilet store.

buy ice or meth. name depending on location
its everywhere in U.S , AUS , ENG south east asia and i'm sure everywhere else

you meet the right dealer numbnuts. surf clubs, meet people, ask around. make friends with chemistry majors from your local college, those fuckers are always brewing shit in their bath tubs.

or go get diagnosed with ADD but good fucking luck m8

try something else. ive heard alot of people compare modafinil to adderall and you can buy it online relatively cheaply

your advice for sketchy dealers is to double down and source from tweakers?

you're right. it's hard to tell who might be a source

get diagnosed with ADD which isn't that hard

u asked i answered.
you'll be a twerker soon enough if your looking for "consistent access to amphetamines"

Study chemistry and synthesize it yourself. It is the only way.

>mfw found a 30 mg adderal at walmart after this geeked out dude speed walked past me the other day

the chemistry needed to make amphetamine is no chemistry degree chemistry, books and the right books and knowledge and you'll be able

I am not native speaker. Word "study" applies only to getting degree?

tell your doctor you are depressed

most people of my land say study as a slang for university

my mistake, just an expansion of the original

Independent research

thats a better way to put it my friend

to answer your next question, no i dont want to buy any meth from you

And for the safety of everyone around you, study in your native language

how bout i answer your question with another question


wasn't looking to sell or give you sources

College kids always have good connects but mine is a fukn 15yr old lol

He'll just give you boner killer pills

just use phenibut

Just eat benzedrex cottons

now we're talkin

Fuuuuuuuck these things give me horrible vasoconstriction.
To the point where my legs fall asleep from just sitting still