Got some bad news, if you do not reply to this post you will become a sissy faggot and become addicted to taking cocks in your smooth boipucci.
Got some bad news...
Phew... Now I'm safe.
Too late. I'm already a sissy faggot.
Kys fags
What do I do if I WANT to be a sissy faggot?
Ahh phew
It is too late for me save yourselves !
It's been forever since I've had a good ass fucking.
Nice try you dumb commies.
hot, more?
it's already too late for me :(
A few.
Dont care
boipussy thread
I like my boipussy glazed.
bitch ass nigga
you should not have replied
How is this?
Na too.hairy to be sissy
op gay
shut up
Herers an replayyyyyy
already got that image saved #blessed
piss off
got some bad news, op still sucking nigger cock with no end in sight
Doesn't sound that bad but might as well respond. Free will etc etc etc
this stuff isn't gay right?
Yes pls. Lemmie get that huge footlong tranny cock deep in my ass
Nasty fuck. I didn't have to see this, thanks for putting be back into reality I hope someone kills you on the street when they see what you are
ayyyy my problem is now solved