what kind of video s did she make
Agatha, the autistic Jewess contender for queen of Sup Forums.
Standard youtube shit. Mukbang, ASMR, ukulele covers. The content isn't what matters, it's her glowing personality and innocence.
Too many of us became obsessed, and it scared her away. She was too pure for the internet.
We all have to see what we've taken away, to help us better understand what's wrong with us.
its ok creepy user will upload her vids
I hate when faggy ass artsy niggers talk like this when they end something
Its so fucking gay and stuck up
Her content sounds terrible
>ukulele covers
That is the most generic and cancerous type of shit imaginable
Doing asmr on top of that? I legitimately hope she kills herself
>being this angry about the purest qt on the internet
Is this the Zoe Kimball of 2018?
no this is the Agatha is 2016 you faggot