Is Climate Change caused by humans?

Is Climate Change caused by humans?

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It's been happening for billions of years before us.

Drop in the bucket.

unless you are a science illeterate con field farming backwards hick yes, it it caused by humans. only the most retarted people deny this fact. the same people who deny climate change caused by humans beleive the earth was made 300 years ago and that humans walked the earth with dinosaurs.


No, by jews.

not completely

but I think is better to adjust to it rather than try to stop the inevitable

No, in the same way the man in the funny hat does not make the sun rise when he shakes his magic stick.

Define "climate change".

Also, would contributing .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% to something being causing be considered causing, does it have to be 100%, or can it be something in between those?

Fuckin' Strayans I tell ya

"worst paris flood since 1910"
>muh global warming

apparently there was more global warming 100 years ago than today


yea. the best scientists the earth has to offer are all fucking morons who have no idea what they are talking about. No, let's listen to the science illeterate hicks that have never set foot in a school their whole lives give their """""expert"""" opinion on a subject they have zero knowledge in.

I bet you brain dead retards believe caccines give children autism and that the moon landings were faked.

Why is this even considered an acceptable topic on a political discussion board? Fuck, I hate American politics.

It's caused by the Sun. The whole "Climate Change" as a political movement is meant to make daily life a guilt trip and force us to pay carbon taxes to people who fly around in private jets and are completely exempt from those taxes.

Great example is holier than tho DiCaprio who lectures everyone about the issue while flying to that same event in a private jet, then flying across the word on a daily basis.

Lmao confirmed for illiterate. That's a New Zealand flag

>yea. the best scientists the earth has to offer

[citation needed]

A piece of paper with your name on it does not suddenly render you infallible.

M8, climate change has been one of the biggest things driving politics for over a decade.

fake and gay.. that's what the climate does... it changes.

Yes and no.

We're currently exiting a warm period, but excess carbon is having an effect on how cold it gets. My opinion is that regardless, we need to be carbon conservative just so earth can progress naturally the way it should. Ultimately, this is one of my "don't debate me" subjects because I know I don't have enough rationality or reasoned beliefs on this subject, it's pretty much shut up and accept it.

Actually the eccentricity of earth's orbit combined with albedo or the reflectiveness of earth's surface, along with changes to the axial tilt.

Even greenies object to the carbon tax because there's no way of proving it's helping.

i doubt you can read but here's a start you illiterate fuck.

Shhhhh you're going to hurt them.
They don't even know what represents 32 billions of tons of CO2 per year released in atmosphere (around 611,000 Titanic boats mass equivalent)

On fact the CO2 rate is very light, around 0.05% of the atmosphere.

Only a moron could say that releasing this high quantity of CO2 isn't relevant.

You mean the scientists who are paid to fudge the numbers and who are bought out to shill for whoever pays them? As if "higher education" is the end all be all when it comes to knowledge? Universities are read and repeat shill factories m8.

No doubt there is a major pollution both air, land and see problem throughout the world, but Climate Change is politicized as a way of stifling the advancement of the human species. We definitely need a make changes so we stop shitting where we eat, but paying carbon taxes to the UN and other global organizations will never solve anything, and that is what the notion of a climate that has been changing for millions of years is man made.

pollution is caused by humans... completely different.

pic related, it's my lunch on friday. it didnt fit.

Guess what? I can cite sources too.

>You mean the scientists who are paid to fudge the numbers and who are bought out to shill for whoever pays them?

Hoooo okay, so it was a deal since 1930 then. You don't have any excuse if you don't improve yourself and your intelligence to understand the models and how it works.

Here you look like a retard.

you are an illiterate southern hick that has zero knowledge of science let alone grown up matters like climate change. I'd rather trust an individual with credentials from a top university than some backwards hick spewing his garbage on a cartoon forum.

>Actually the eccentricity of earth's orbit combined with albedo or the reflectiveness of earth's surface, along with changes to the axial tilt.

sure, sure, but all of that is in relation to the sun.

>forbes, using fucking forbes as a reliable source for science reports.
jesus please tell me you are just pretending to be a fucking retard. please tell me you are not actually this stupid and illiterate.

>criticising the evidence not because it's false, but because it's from a source you don't like

Here, I can describe to you exactly why the methodology is false.

Instead of presenting the survey in a factual manner, they completely ignored the majority of responders who said that they were unsure and only counted those which said they were definitely sure or definitely not sure.

Now believe in anthropogenic climate change or not, that's pretty fucking dishonest.

>"skeptical" science
>A website that's sole purpose is to promote and protect anthropogenic global warming from all attack
>This is an example of a legit, unbiased and objective source while Forbes are a rag staffed by hacks.
>Attacking the source and not their argument (genetic fallacy)
>Expressing snark in place of an argument (argument from incredulity)

You are not mentally equipped to have this argument.

>paid to fudge the numbers and who are bought out to shill for whoever pays them?

Sweet sweet science money, so corrupting! My university salary got me my third Ferrari!

You do realize that a geophysicist or Earth scientist will make, without exaggeration, 3 to 10 times more working for fossil fuel companies. So if money corrupts data interpretation so significantly then the number of Earth scientists denying AGW should be much much much higher.

no you retard. anyone who has ever set foot in a university and managed to pass a paper knows that the prof will never ever accept a source from a bullshit source like forbes or daily mail. There is a reason why universities have their own libraries of scholar articles and peer reviewd research you brain damaged abo fucker. I provided source from a well respected well website that gathers scientific data and he provided some bullshit american gossip magazine with zero scientific credibility.

>The won't accept a respected newspaper
>They will however accept a fucking blog...

Oh really?

Accelerated by humans.
Naturally, it'd occur much less... Apocalyptically. Of course, it's a problem exacerbated by the use of HAARP to influence weather conditions in certain areas of the world.

Yes it is. You can read IPCC report (AR5) to learn more on how Human anthropogenic forcing accelerate global warming.

Are you fucking with me?

Of course you wouldn't site fucking Forbes, you site the original study, as Forbes did.

Is posting on Sup Forums akin to writing an academic paper?

yes im a fucking electrical engineer fag and none, none of my profs would ever touch a paper with a source from your bullshit blogs. we are dealing with facts here link to me a paper, from a well known website in the scientific community, written by a scientist formal well known university saying climate change is not caused by humans then we can talk.

>Is Climate Change caused by humans

No, it's caused by Americans and the Chinese.

that's funny... i dont have to take a scientists word for it. you dont get to have an opinion unless you can read and interpret data and graphs with proper historic context... i get an opinion and you dont... regurgitating a fraudulent claim doesnt mean you have an opinion.

What's the difference?

>yes im a fucking electrical engineer fag and none, none of my profs would ever touch a paper with a source from your bullshit blogs

But I'm not the one citing blogs m8, you are. That is what "skeptical" is.

Now are you going to argue seriously or do I have to start linking to you to the wiki articles of the various logical fallacies you are committing so that you understand what you are doing?

>the best scientists the world has to offer
Now that's a quality shitpost.

that's ok. stay illiterate and stupid. fine with me and the literate, educated majority who accept the fact that human behavior has accelerated the effects of climate change.
here's your (you)

It's caused by the giant ball of burning gas that makes up 99.9% of the mass in the solar system.

Strange that so very many paid-for scientists could continually miss this in their "models".

Thx, qt.

Humans have contributed net emissions into Earth's atmosphere. Rising CO2 from 280 ppm per-industrial to ~405 ppm at the moment. Greenhouse gases including CO2 and methane which is a more powerful greenhouse gas trap the infrared radiation being emitted by the earth back into space. This increase in greenhouse gases can account for the ~0.9 C increase in global temperatures. It may not be the only contributor but it was one of the primary reasons for the rise.

Greenhouse gases will continue to increase and the Earth is expected to warm ~3 C by 2100 if current levels continue.

So yes we are a very significant contributor and the rate which we are adding CO2 is the fastest it is known to occur for at least the last 60 million years. (Ten times faster rate then the Paleocene Eocene thermal maximum in which the earth saw a temp. rise of ~5 C over 1000 years)

Some of the biggest threats from AGW will be sea-level rise and ocean acidification over the coming century. As well as potential extinctions and habitat die off for habitats that are more temperature sensitive.

Humans may be a contributing factor but they are definitely not the instigator or major cause, the Earth's climate regularly changes.

Either way things like Carbon Taxes and Emissions Trading Schemes aren't the way to go If you want to combat climate change, because cutting Carbon emissions isn't going to stop it. The Earth's Climate WILL continue to change even If all the Humans went back to stone age technology. If people actually cared about mitigating Climate change instead of just using It as a "scientifically backed" façade to push leftist garbage, they'd funnel funds into waterwork projects to deal with rising sea levels and R&D into new farming techniques to combat hotter climates and altered rain patterns.

How does CO2 leave the atmosphere?

>that's ok. stay illiterate and stupid. fine with me and the literate, educated majority who accept the fact that human behavior has accelerated the effects of climate change.

I'll take that as a yes.


The fact that you won't even read the article shows how afraid you are of even considering something that may differ from your opinion.

You're a classic example of someone that's not interested in intellectual debate at all and just wants to shill their (fake) appeal to authority opinion.

not sure what you're asking but the carbon cycle m8.

Some of it weathers rocks, some is scrubbed by rainfall to form carbonic acid. Most of this carbonic acid will go into the oceans. Some of the CO2 is also taken up in the oceans as a dissolved gas. There is more dissolved Co2 at greater ocean depth due to lower temperatures.

And yet you conveniently omit the Net CO2 figures? Which show that the more we add to the atmosphere the quicker it is stripped out again, mostly by plankton.

In total, we have net added a ping pong ball's worth of additional CO2 to the atmosphere, if the atmosphere was as big as the Royal Albert Hall.

It's nothing. Well, no, not quite: it's a multi billion dollar sham industry allowing corrupt people to justify paying themselves six figure sinecures of tax money.

like a typical global warming alarmist... you failed to mention the greatest and most obvious reason CO2 isnt an issue... plant life

Here are some posts from the scientists themselves that were sampled claiming the sampling error and that their papers were deliberately misinterpreted.

It's a political issue because our government chooses to fund issues based on importance. The left decided a long time ago that the environment and climate change were big enough issues to warrant bankrolling and if you don't agree then you're a backwards unscientific partisan redneck Scrooge McDuck capitalist pig fucking businessman.

what are you talking about.
If there was no net CO2 emissions from humans then what has caused a 70% increase of total CO2 in the atmosphere.

It wasn't volcanism. Was it the magic sky daddy?

Biosphere also absorb carbon

If those with credentials actually gave a fuck, we wouldn't be using the same ICE in vehicles for over 100 years. All other promising methods of creating usable energy for vehicles has been shut down. Those in power don't want humanity to progress, they want us poor and to live in squaller.

any you deny the existence of our lord and savior?

what a text book communist brainwashing you've received lad... you wont be able to pull the wool from over your eyes for years.

i really feel sorry for you thinking about the years of misery that lay ahead.

One more post until I go to bed.

I don't have someone to reply to because my Kiwi friend conveniently stopped posting.;

As you can see from the original study, the 97% statistic was formulated by completely ignoring the 66.4% of papers that had no stance.

nothing I said was alarmist nor even pro AGW. The biosphere is a separate entity and is not large enough to remove all the CO2, that's why there are Giga tonnes being put into the atmosphere each year. Methane is stronger greenhouse gas anyway and that has nothing to do with plant life or their life cycles.

70% of less than 1%, literally nothing.
Wew lad

Good scientific papers are neutral as they should be. But the 97% stat comes from individual scientists and their personal views not from an analysis of the literature, that's a non sequitur.

Regardless of causation only the solution is truly important;
what we need is nuclear power and to remove co2 from atmosphere by cutting down trees and planting replacements

>buying into bullshit

This is why these cunt government initiatives manage to swindle more and more money from the average person and/or company each year. Way to suck the sheep's dick, faggot.

what is the beer lambert law

in part yes.
heres a series that cuts through the bullshit.
it might trigger your pol jimmies though.

Probably, but it doesn't matter since there is nothing that can ne done

Assume that AGW is real

How do you solve it?

so much truth, they do it with haarps and chemtrails

Nuclear power, carbon storing/artificial weathering (filtering or aquiring carbon and then pumping it under ground where it gets absorbed by stone). plankton biology, engineering.

But the biggest one nobody is talking about is having less children.

either reduce emissions
nuclear is the best for the moment, renewables like solar, geothermal, hydrothermal, tides show promise.

In countries where geothermal can be implemented like Iceland it is cheap and effective with no net emissions.

The other option which isn't talked about is to come up with a physical or chemical means of removing large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere without putting other unwanted chemicals into the environment with other side effects.

Reducing reliance on energy is an option too.

>But the biggest one nobody is talking about is having less children*.

*In the developing world i.e Africa, India and China. But that's an even bigger can of worms than simply not having children personally.

no dumbass, just becase they have a lot more than us doesn't mean we don't have too many.
we use more resources and carbon than almost any of those countries per capita to begin with.

Our population is declining m8. That's why we are importing the turd world...

You are objectively wrong.

As for carbon, my country could we wiped off the map entirely tomorrow and our emission gap would be filled by China alone by the end of the year.

and all that billions of subhumans wanting to live like us is a even bigger problem, they are on permanent gibsmedat and dont want to work

Boy, talk about an inflated sense of self-importance...

>trust scientists, goyim
>scientists that we pay say that global warming is caused by the goyim
>believe them, goyim
scientists always tell the truth, because science
>remember, goyim, science is above God so it is always moral